Alchemy Primer — Alchemists (incomplete list)

  1. En-Ki/Ea — (as early as 276,000 BC) Ancient Sumerian
  2. Ningišzida/Ningishzida/Nin-Giz-Zid-A — (shortly after 276,000 BC) Ancient Sumerian
  3. ꜣst/Ⲏⲥⲉ (Ēse)/Ἶσις/𐦥𐦣𐦯‎ (Wos[a] or Wusa)/𐤀𐤎/Ast/Isis — (as early as 12,500 BC) Ancient Egyptian
  4. Dhwty/Djehuti/Djehuty/Jehuti/Tahuti/(Taautus)/Zehuti/Teḥuti/Techu/Tetu/Theyt/Thoth — (as early as 12,000 BC) Ancient Egyptian
  5. Banb(h)a/(Ces(s)air/Ceasair/Kesair) — c 3065 BC Sumerian
  6. Tohil/Tezcatlipoca — c 2000 BC Mayan/Aztec
  7. Suyolak — 8th Century BC Roman/Gypsy
  8. Kanada — 6th century BC Indian
  9. Heraclitus — 6th/5th Century BC Greek
  10. Hermes (Trismegistos/Trismegistus) — 6th/4th Century BC Greek/Hellenistic Egyptian
  11. Ostanes (Όστάνης)/(Hostanes)/(Osthanes)/(Αύστάνης of Paraetakene)/Άρτόστης/Artostes — 4th Century BC Persian
  12. Mercurius/Mercury — 4th Century BC Græco-Roman
  13. Maria/Mary the Jewess — 1st Century AD Græco-Roman Egyptian
  14. Simon Magus — 1st Century AD Samaritan
  15. Wei Boyang — c AD 142 Chinese
  16. Paphnutia the Virgin — early 4th Century AD (c AD 300) Græco-Roman Egyptian
  17. Zosimos of Panopolis — early 4th Century AD (c AD 300) Græco-Roman Egyptian
  18. Olympiodorus of Thebes — early 5th Century AD (c AD 400) Græco-Roman Egyptian
  19. Myrddin/Merlin — 5th/6th Century AD Briton
  20. Zhang Guo the Elder — early 7th Century AD (c AD 600) Chinese
  21. Khalid ibn Yazid (Calid) — late 7th/early 8th Century AD (d AD 704) Saracen
  22. Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) — c AD 721 to AD 815 Saracen
  23. Dhul-Nun al-Misri — late 8th/early 9th Century AD (b AD 796) Saracen
  24. Al-Kindi (Alkindus) — AD 801 to AD 873 Saracen
  25. Muhammad ibn Zakariya Razi (Rhazes) — AD 864 to AD 930 Saracen
  26. Al-Farabi (Alfarabi) — AD 870 to AD 950/951 Saracen
  27. Muhammed ibn Umail al-Tamimi (Senior Zadith) — c AD 900 to AD 960 Saracen
  28. Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina (Avicenna) — AD 980 to AD 1037 Saracen/Muslim
  29. Al-Tughrai — AD 1061 to AD 1121 Saracen/Muslim
  30. Artephius — c AD 1150 Muslim
  31. Alain de Lille — AD 1115/1128 to AD 1202/1203 French
  32. Albertus Magnus — AD 1193 to AD 1280 German
  33. Roger Bacon — AD 1214 to AD 1292/1294 English
  34. pseudo-Geber — 13th Century AD Spanish
  35. Ramon Llull (Raymond Lulli) — AD 1232/1235 to AD 1315 Catalonian
  36. Jean de Meun(g) (Jean Clopinel/Chopinel) — c AD 1240/1250 to c AD 1305 French
  37. Arnaldus de Villa Nova (Arnaldus Villanovanus)/(Arnaldo de Villanueva)/(Arnaud de Ville-Neuve)/(Arnau de Vilanova) — c AD 1240/1245 to AD 1311 Valencian
  38. Pope John XXII — AD 1249 to AD 1334 French
  39. Hortulanus (Lortholain)/(Ortolanus)/(Martin Ortolan)/(Jakob Ortlein of Nördlingen) — c AD 1275 to c AD 1325 Bavarian (Dominican monk)
  40. Jean de Roquetaillade (Johannes de Rupescissa) — c AD 1310 to c AD 1336/1366/1370 French Franciscan Auvergnat
  41. Petrus Bonus (Peter the Good)/(Pietro Antonio Boni) — c AD 1330/1339 Ferraran/Lombard
  42. John Dastin — c AD 1293 to c AD 1386 English
  43. Nicolas Flamel — c AD 1340 to 22 Mar AD 1418 French (his wife, Perenelle Flamel, died AD 1397 French)
  44. Baron Gilles de Rais (Gilles de Retz)/(Gilles de Montmorency-Laval) — c Sep AD 1401/1405 to 26 Oct AD 1440 French
  45. Johann of Laz (Johannes von Laaz)/(Joannes de Lasnioro) — the first half of the 15th Century AD Bohemian
  46. Bernard(us) Trevisan(us)/(of Treves/Treviso) — AD 1406 to AD 1490 Italian
  47. Arunagirinathar — 15th Century AD Tamil
  48. Sir George Ripley — c AD 1415 to AD 1490 English
  49. Thomas Norton — c AD 1433 to c AD 1513 English
  50. Johannes Trithemius (Johann Heidenberg) — 1 Feb AD 1462 to 13 Dec AD 1516 German (Benedictine abbot)
  51. Johann Georg Faust (John Faustus) — c AD 1466/1480 to c AD 1540/1541 German
  52. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim — 14 Sep AD 1486 to 18 Feb AD 1535 German
  53. Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim) — AD 1493 to AD 1541 Swiss
  54. Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)/(Johann Thölde) — 15th/16th/17th Century AD (AD 1565 to AD 1624) German Canon of the Benedictine Priory of Saint Peter
  55. Thomas Charnock — AD 1516/1524/1526 to AD 1581 English
  56. François Hot(t)(o)man(n)(us) — 23 Aug AD 1524 to 12 Feb AD 1590 French
  57. Gerhard Dorn — c AD 1530 to AD 1584 Belgian
  58. Martin Ruland the Elder (Martinus Rulandus)/(Martin Rulandt) — AD 1532 to 3 Feb AD 1602 German
  59. John Dee — 13 Jul AD 1527 to AD 1608/1609 English
  60. Tycho Brahe (Tyge Ottesen Brahe) — 14 Dec AD 1546 to 24 Oct 1601 Danish
  61. Sir Edward Kell(e)y (Edward Talbot) — 1 Aug AD 1555 to 1 Nov AD 1597 English
  62. Richard Stanyhurst — AD 1547 to AD 1618 Irish
  63. Johann Isaac Hollandus — 16th/17th Centuries AD (flourished AD 1560/1572) Flemish
  64. Samuel Norton — AD 1548 to AD 1621 English
  65. Andreas (Andrew) Libavius — c AD 1555 to 25 Jul AD 1616 German
  66. Stefan Michelspacher — AD 1615 Bavarian
  67. Sir Isaac Newton — 25 Dec AD 1642 to 20 Mar AD 1726/27 English
  68. Le Comte de Saint Germain (Marquis de Montferrat)/(Comte Bellamarre)/(Chevalier Schoening)/(Count Weldon) — AD1691/1712 to 27 Feb 1784 Transylvanian
  69. Vallalar — 18th Century AD Tamil

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