Alchemy Primer — Goals

  1. Quintessence — Active Principle of All Things
  2. Superior Class — Elixir of Life (Elimination of Death)
    1. Immortality and Longevity
    2. Homunculi — Cloning of Living Beings
    3. Palingenesis — Resurrection of Dead Plants and Animals
  3. Universal Solvent — Alcahest/Alkahest/Azoth
  4. Middle Class — Panacea/Magisterium Medicine/Azoth/Vegetable Stone and Health (Elimination of Illness, Disease, Aging, and Infirmity)
  5. Spiritus Mundi — Dissolving of Gold
  6. Inferior Class — Philosopher᾿s Stone and Wealth (Elimination of Poverty)
    1. Transmutation
      1. Base Metals into Silver and Gold
      2. Common Crystals into Precious Stones
    2. Flexible and Malleable Glass
    3. Perpetually Burning Lamps
  7. Aurum Potabile — Liquid Gold

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