Alchemy Primer — Numbers

One — Undifferentiated Source

Two — Fundamental Dualism

  1. Celestial Niter
  2. Celestial Salt

Three — Three Primes (Tria Prima) [Paracelsus - AD 1493 to AD 1591]

  1. Alchemical Sulphur/Sulfur — omnipresent spirit of life
  2. Alchemical Mercury — fluid connection between the High and the Low
  3. Alchemical Salt — base matter

Four — Four Basic Elements — Witchcraft/Wiccecraft/Wichuhcraft — Divination

  1. Fire — Gnosticism — Supernaturalism — Spiritualism — Michael — Seraph — Aetneans/Aethnici/Rolamandri/Salamanders/Vulcans
  2. Air (Wood) — Cabala — Astronomy (Natural Astrology) — Alchemy — Raphael — Cherub — Nenuphas/Silvestres/Sylphs
  3. Water — Satanism — Supernaturalism — Spiritualism — Gabriel — Tharsis — Nymphs/Undines
  4. Earth (Metal) — Sufism — Astrology (Judicial Astrology) — Augury/Conjecture/Forecasting — (E)uriel(le)/Auriel — Ariel — Gnomes/Pygmies

Five — Five Basic Elements — Magic Skills & Talents — Wizardry

  1. Fire — White Magic — Talisman — Enchantments/Charms — Light Magic — Heat/Summer/South — Triangle/South — Red Dragon
  2. Water — Black Magic — Summoning — Sorcery — Dark Magic — Cold/Winter/Darkness/North — Black Dragon
  3. Earth (Spirit/Quintessence/Ether) — Grey Magic — Conjuring — Illusions — Middle Magic — Yellow/Centre — Square/Middle (Jewel of the Lotus/West) — Yellow and Gold Dragons
  4. Wood (Air) — Art Magic — Invocation — Shamanism — High Magic — Spring/East — Crescent/East — Blue and Green Dragons
  5. Metal (Earth) — Natural Magic — Evocation — Prophecy — Low Magic — Autumn/West — Jewel of the Lotus/West (Square/Middle) — White Dragon

Six — Six Parts of Existence

  1. As Above
    1. Spirit — Gold
    2. Mind — Copper
    3. Body — Tin
  2. So Below
    1. Soul — Silver
    2. Heart — Iron
    3. Flesh — Lead

Seven — Seven Planetary Metals

  1. Gold, dominated by Sol/Sun — Sunday — Och — Michael — Nak(h)iel/Nachiel/Sorath
  2. Silver, dominated by Luna/Moon — Monday — Phul — Gabriel — Hasmodai/Chasashmodai/(Malka Betharshesim)/(Malkah be-Tarshishim ve-ad Ruachoth Shechalim)/(Shedbarshemoth Sharthathan)
  3. Copper, dominated by Venus — Tuesday — Hag(g)it(h) — (H)aniel/Hana(n)el/Anael — Hagiel/Kedemel
  4. Mercury/Quicksilver, dominated by Mercury/Mercurius — Wednesday — Ophiel — Raphael — Tiriel/Taphthartharath
  5. Iron, dominated by Mars — Thursday — Phaleg/Phalec/Pharos — Samael — Graphiel/Bartzabel
  6. Tin, dominated by Jupiter/Iupiter — Friday — Bethor — Zadkiel/Hesediel/Sachiel/Zedekiel/Zadakiel/Tzadkiel/Zedekul — Iophiel/Yophiel/Hismael
  7. Lead, dominated by Saturn(us) — Saturday — Arat(h)ron — Cassiel — Agiel/Zazel

Eight — Eight Suns

  1. First Planting
  2. Second Planting — Vernal Equinox
  3. Third Planting
  4. Summer Solstice
  5. First Harvest
  6. Second Harvest — Autumnal Equinox
  7. Third Harvest
  8. Winter Solstice

Nine — Nine Worlds

  1. Sulphur of Sulphur — Asgard
  2. Mercury of Sulphur — Vanaheim
  3. Salt of Sulphur — (Lioss)Al(f)heim/Alvheim
  4. Sulphur of Mercury — Svartal(f)heim or Nidavellir or Muspel(l)(s)heim
  5. Mercury of Mercury — Midgard
  6. Salt of Mercury — Muspel(l)(s)heim or Iötunheim/Jötunheim
  7. Sulphur of Salt — Niflheim/Nivlheim or Svartal(f)heim
  8. Mercury of Salt — Iötunheim/Jötunheim or Hel(heim)
  9. Salt of Salt — Hel(heim) or Muspel(l)(s)heim

Ten — Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot of Tree of Life

  1. Ket(h)er — Undifferentiated Source — Crown
  2. Cho(c)kmah/Chochmah — Constellations/Zodiac — Wisdom
  3. Binah — Saturn — Understanding
  4. Chesed — Jupiter — Mercy
  5. Geburah/Gevurah — Mars — Justice/Fear
  6. Tiphareth/Tiphereth/Tiferet — Sun — Beauty
  7. Netzach — Venus — Victory
  8. Hod — Mercury — Glory/Honour
  9. Yesod — Moon — Foundation
  10. Malkuth/Malchut — Earth as a mixture of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth — Queendom

Eleven — Eleven Pairs of Major Arcana

  1. The Fool (Alchemical Sulphur) — Judgement (Alchemical Salt)
  2. Magician (Mercury) — The Sun (Sun)
  3. High Priestess (Pisces) — Moon (Moon)
  4. Empress (Venus) — Star (Aquarius)
  5. Emperor (Aries) — Tower (Mars)
  6. Hierophant (Taurus) — Horned One (Capricorn)
  7. Lovers (Gemini) — Temperance (Sagittarius)
  8. Chariot (Cancer) — Death (Scorpio)
  9. Strength (Leo) — Hanged Man (Alchemical Mercury)
  10. Hermit (Virgo) — Justice (Libra)
  11. Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) — Universe (Saturn)

Twelve — Twelve Basic Zodiacal Signs

  1. Sagittarius — Guardian — Fire — Jupiter+ — Orange — Sizajasel
  2. Capricorn(us) — Sage — Earth (Metal) — Saturn- — Yellow-Green — Casujoiah
  3. Aquarius — Supreme Guardian — Air (Wood) — Saturn+ — Indigo — Ausuil
  4. Pisces — Prophet — Water — Jupiter- — Cyan-Blue — Pasiel
  5. Aries — General — Fire — Mars+ — Magenta — A(r)iel
  6. Taurus — Chief Executive — Earth (Metal) — Venus- — Green-Cyan — Tual
  7. Gemini — Twin — Air (Wood) — Mercury+ — Cyan — Giel
  8. Cancer — Holy Mother — Water — Moon-/+ (Lunar Monad) — Blue — Cael
  9. Leo — Holy Leader — Fire — Sun+/- (Solar Monad) — Yellow — Ol
  10. Virgo — Empress — Earth (Metal) — Mercury- — Red — Voil
  11. Libra — Lord — Air (Wood) — Venus+ — Violet — Jael
  12. Scorpio/Scorpius — Chieftain — Water — Mars- — Green — Sosal

Thirteen — Thirteen Moons and Epochs (Complete Zodiacal Signs)

  1. Sagittarius — 17 Dec to 20 Jan — AD 6323 to AD 8695
  2. Capricorn(us) — 20 Jan to 16 Feb — AD 4305 to AD 6323
  3. Aquarius — 16 Feb to 11 Mar — AD 2608 to AD 4305
  4. Pisces — 11 Mar to 18 Apr — 79 BC to AD 2608
  5. Aries — 18 Apr to 13 May — 1,825 BC to 79 BC — True Age of Alchemy
  6. Taurus — 13 May to 21 Jun — 4,473 BC to 1,825 BC
  7. Gemini — 21 Jun to 20 Jul — 6,646 BC to 4,473 BC
  8. Cancer — 20 Jul to 10 Aug — 7,894 BC to 6,646 BC
  9. Leo — 10 Aug to 16 Sep — 10,471 BC to 7,894 BC
  10. Virgo — 16 Sep to 30 Oct — 13,598 BC to 10,471 BC
  11. Libra — 30 Oct to 23 Nov — 15,269 BC to 13,598 BC
  12. Scorpius/Scorpio — 23 Nov to 29 Nov — 15,763 BC to 15,269 BC
  13. Ophiuchus — 29 Nov to 17 Dec — Master — Spirit (Earth) — Hieroglyphic Monad — 17,093 BC to 15,763 BC

Fourteen — Fourteen “As Above, So Below” Days of Week

  1. As Above
    1. Sun+ — Leo
    2. Moon+ — Cancer
    3. Venus+ — Libra
    4. Mercury+ — Gemini
    5. Mars+ — Aries
    6. Jupiter+ — Sagittarius
    7. Saturn+ — Aquarius
  2. So Below
    1. Sun- — Leo
    2. Moon- — Cancer
    3. Venus- — Taurus
    4. Mercury- — Virgo
    5. Mars- — Scorpio
    6. Jupiter- — Pisces
    7. Saturn- — Capricorn

Fifteen — Nine Worlds of Esoteric and Six Parts of Exoteric

  1. Nine Worlds
    1. Sulphur of Sulphur — Asgard
    2. Mercury of Sulphur — Vanaheim
    3. Salt of Sulphur — (Lioss)Al(f)heim/Alvheim
    4. Sulphur of Mercury — Svartal(f)heim or Nidavellir or Muspel(l)(s)heim
    5. Mercury of Mercury — Midgard
    6. Salt of Mercury — Muspel(l)(s)heim or Iötunheim/Jötunheim
    7. Sulphur of Salt — Niflheim/Nivlheim or Svartal(f)heim
    8. Mercury of Salt — Iötunheim/Jötunheim or Hel(heim)
    9. Salt of Salt — Hel(heim) or Muspel(l)(s)heim
  2. Six Parts
    1. Spirit — Gold — Sun
    2. Soul — Silver — Moon
    3. Mind — Copper — Venus
    4. Heart — Iron — Mars
    5. Body — Tin — Juipter
    6. Flesh — Lead — Saturn

Sixteen — Sixteen Court Cards

  1. Fire of Fire — King of Swords
  2. Air of Fire — Knight of Swords
  3. Water of Fire — Damosel of Swords
  4. Earth of Fire — Queen of Swords
  5. Fire of Air — King of Spears
  6. Air of Air — Knight of Spears
  7. Water of Air — Damosel of Spears
  8. Earth of Air — Queen of Spears
  9. Fire of Water — King of Cups
  10. Air of Water — Knight of Cups
  11. Water of Water — Damosel of Cups
  12. Earth of Water — Queen of Cups
  13. Fire of Earth — King of Platters
  14. Air of Earth — Knight of Platters
  15. Water of Earth — Damosel of Platters
  16. Earth of Earth — Queen of Platters

Seventeen — Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot of Tree of Life and Seven Planetary Metals

  1. Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot
    1. Ket(h)er — Undifferentiated Source — Crown
    2. Cho(c)kmah/Chochmah — Constellations/Zodiac — Wisdom
    3. Binah — Saturn — Understanding
    4. Chesed — Jupiter — Mercy
    5. Geburah/Gevurah — Mars — Justice/Fear
    6. Tiphareth/Tiphereth/Tiferet — Sun — Beauty
    7. Netzach — Venus — Victory
    8. Hod — Mercury — Glory/Honour
    9. Yesod — Moon — Foundation
    10. Malkuth/Malchut — Earth as a mixture of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth — Queendom
  2. Seven Planetary Metals
    1. Gold, dominated by Sol/Sun — Sunday
    2. Silver, dominated by Luna/Moon — Monday
    3. Copper, dominated by Venus — Tuesday
    4. Mercury/Quicksilver, dominated by Mercury/Mercurius — Wednesday
    5. Iron, dominated by Mars — Thursday
    6. Tin, dominated by Jupiter/Iupiter — Friday
    7. Lead, dominated by Saturn(us) — Saturday

Eighteen — Twelve Basic Zodiacal Signs and Six Parts of Existence

  1. Twelve Basic Zodiacal Signs
    1. Sagittarius — Guardian — Fire — Jupiter+
    2. Capricorn(us) — Sage — Earth (Metal) — Saturn-
    3. Aquarius — Supreme Guardian — Air (Wood) — Saturn+
    4. Pisces — Prophet — Water — Jupiter-
    5. Aries — General — Fire — Mars+
    6. Taurus — Chief Executive — Earth (Metal) — Venus-
    7. Gemini — Twin — Air (Wood) — Mercury+
    8. Cancer — Holy Mother — Water — Moon-/+ (Lunar Monad)
    9. Leo — Holy Leader — Fire — Sun+/- (Solar Monad)
    10. Virgo — Empress — Earth (Metal) — Mercury-
    11. Libra — Lord — Air (Wood) — Venus+
    12. Scorpio/Scorpius — Chieftain — Water — Mars-
  2. Six Parts
    1. Spirit — Gold — Sun
    2. Soul — Silver — Moon
    3. Mind — Copper — Venus
    4. Heart — Iron — Mars
    5. Body — Tin — Juipter
    6. Flesh — Lead — Saturn

Nineteen — Nineteen Gates/Keys for the Greater Path from an “Unknown” Source
                      possibly Della Tramutatione Metallica Sogni Tre by Di Gio Battista Nazari Bresciano — AD 1599

  1. Calcination
  2. Congealation
  3. Fixation
  4. Dissolution
  5. Digestion
  6. Distillation
  7. Sublimation
  8. Separation
  9. Conjunction
  10. Putrefaction
  11. Congealation
  12. Cibation
  13. Sublimation
  14. Separation
  15. Incineration
  16. Fermentation
  17. Exaltation
  18. Multiplication
  19. Projection

Twenty — Four Basic Elements and Sixteen Court Cards

  1. Four Basic Elements — Witchcraft/Wiccecraft/Wichuhcraft — Divination
    1. Fire — Gnosticism — Supernaturalism — Spiritualism
    2. Air (Wood) — Cabala — Astronomy (Natural Astrology) — Alchemy
    3. Water — Satanism — Supernaturalism — Spiritualism
    4. Earth (Metal) — Sufism — Astrology (Judicial Astrology) — Augury/Conjecture/Forecasting
  2. Sixteen Court Cards
    1. Fire of Fire — King of Swords
    2. Air of Fire — Knight of Swords
    3. Water of Fire — Damosel of Swords
    4. Earth of Fire — Queen of Swords
    5. Fire of Air — King of Spears
    6. Air of Air — Knight of Spears
    7. Water of Air — Damosel of Spears
    8. Earth of Air — Queen of Spears
    9. Fire of Water — King of Cups
    10. Air of Water — Knight of Cups
    11. Water of Water — Damosel of Cups
    12. Earth of Water — Queen of Cups
    13. Fire of Earth — King of Platters
    14. Air of Earth — Knight of Platters
    15. Water of Earth — Damosel of Platters
    16. Earth of Earth — Queen of Platters

Twenty-One — Twenty-One Gates/Keys for the Greater Path from an “Unknown” Source
                            possibly Book of Abraham the Mage, purchased by Nicholas Flamel c AD 1378

  1. Calcination
  2. Dissolution
  3. Separation
  4. Conjunction
  5. Putrefaction
  6. Congealation
  7. Fixation
  8. Dissolution
  9. Digestion
  10. Distillation
  11. Sublimation
  12. Cibation
  13. Congealation
  14. Putrefaction
  15. Conjunction
  16. Separation
  17. Incineration
  18. Fermentation
  19. Exaltation
  20. Multiplication
  21. Projection

Twenty-Two — Twenty-Two Letters of Hebrew Alphabet

  1. א — Alef/Aleph
  2. ב — Be(i)t(h)
  3. ג — Gimel
  4. ד — Dalet(h)
  5. ה — He(i)(h)
  6. ו — Vav/Vau/Vaw
  7. ז — Zayen/Zayin
  8. ח — (C)he(i)t(h)
  9. ט — T(i)et(h)
  10. י — Yod
  11. כ — Kaf/Kaph
  12. ל — Lamed(h)
  13. מ — Mem
  14. נ — Nun
  15. ס — Samekh/Samech
  16. ע — Ayin
  17. פ — P(h)e(i)
  18. צ — Tzad(d)(e)i/Tsadhe
  19. ק — Qof/Qoph/Koph
  20. ר — Re(i)sh/Reysh
  21. ש — S(h)in
  22. ת — Tau/Tav

Twenty-Three — Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot of Tree of Life, and Thirteen Moons and Epochs (Complete Zodiacal Signs)

  1. Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot
    1. Ket(h)er — Undifferentiated Source — Crown
    2. Cho(c)kmah/Chochmah — Constellations/Zodiac — Wisdom
    3. Binah — Saturn — Understanding
    4. Chesed — Jupiter — Mercy
    5. Geburah/Gevurah — Mars — Justice/Fear
    6. Tiphareth/Tiphereth/Tiferet — Sun — Beauty
    7. Netzach — Venus — Victory
    8. Hod — Mercury — Glory/Honour
    9. Yesod — Moon — Foundation
    10. Malkuth/Malchut — Earth as a mixture of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth — Queendom
  2. Thirteen Moons and Epochs (Complete Zodiacal Signs)
    1. Sagittarius — 17 Dec to 20 Jan — AD 6323 to AD 8695
    2. Capricorn(us) — 20 Jan to 16 Feb — AD 4305 to AD 6323
    3. Aquarius — 16 Feb to 11 Mar — AD 2608 to AD 4305
    4. Pisces — 11 Mar to 18 Apr — 79 BC to AD 2608
    5. Aries — 18 Apr to 13 May — 1,825 BC to 79 BC — True Age of Alchemy
    6. Taurus — 13 May to 21 Jun — 4,473 BC to 1,825 BC
    7. Gemini — 21 Jun to 20 Jul — 6,646 BC to 4,473 BC
    8. Cancer — 20 Jul to 10 Aug — 7,894 BC to 6,646 BC
    9. Leo — 10 Aug to 16 Sep — 10,471 BC to 7,894 BC
    10. Virgo — 16 Sep to 30 Oct — 13,598 BC to 10,471 BC
    11. Libra — 30 Oct to 23 Nov — 15,269 BC to 13,598 BC
    12. Scorpius/Scorpio — 23 Nov to 29 Nov — 15,763 BC to 15,269 BC
    13. Ophiuchus — 29 Nov to 17 Dec — Master — Spirit (Earth) — Hieroglyphic Monad — 17,093 BC to 15,763 BC

Twenty-Four — Twenty-Four Letters of Greek Alphabet

  1. α — Alpha
  2. β — Beta
  3. γ — Gamma
  4. δ — Delta
  5. ε — Epsilon
  6. ζ — Zeta
  7. η — Eta
  8. θ — Theta
  9. ι — Iota
  10. κ — Kappa
  11. λ — Lambda
  12. μ — Mu
  13. ν — Nu
  14. ξ — Xi
  15. ο — Omikron
  16. π — Pi
  17. ρ — Rho
  18. σ — Sigma
  19. τ — Tau
  20. υ — Upsilon
  21. φ — Phi
  22. χ — Chi
  23. ψ — Psi
  24. ω — Omega

Twenty-Five — Eleven Pairs of Major Arcana and Fourteen “As Above, So Below” Days of Week

  1. Eleven Pairs of Major Arcana
    1. The Fool (Alchemical Sulphur) — Judgement (Alchemical Salt)
    2. Magician (Mercury) — The Sun (Sun)
    3. High Priestess (Pisces) — Moon (Moon)
    4. Empress (Venus) — Star (Aquarius)
    5. Emperor (Aries) — Tower (Mars)
    6. Hierophant (Taurus) — Horned One (Capricorn)
    7. Lovers (Gemini) — Temperance (Sagittarius)
    8. Chariot (Cancer) — Death (Scorpio)
    9. Strength (Leo) — Hanged Man (Alchemical Mercury)
    10. Hermit (Virgo) — Justice (Libra)
    11. Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) — Universe (Saturn)
  2. Fourteen “As Above, So Below” Days of Week
    1. Sun+ — Leo
    2. Moon+ — Cancer
    3. Venus+ — Libra
    4. Mercury+ — Gemini
    5. Mars+ — Aries
    6. Jupiter+ — Sagittarius
    7. Saturn+ — Aquarius
    8. Sun- — Leo
    9. Moon- — Cancer
    10. Venus- — Taurus
    11. Mercury- — Virgo
    12. Mars- — Scorpio
    13. Jupiter- — Pisces
    14. Saturn- — Capricorn

Twenty-Six — Twenty-Six Letters of English Alphabet

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z

Twenty-Seven — Eleven Pairs of Major Arcana and Sixteen Court Cards

  1. Eleven Pairs of Major Arcana
    1. The Fool (Alchemical Sulphur) — Judgement (Alchemical Salt)
    2. Magician (Mercury) — The Sun (Sun)
    3. High Priestess (Pisces) — Moon (Moon)
    4. Empress (Venus) — Star (Aquarius)
    5. Emperor (Aries) — Tower (Mars)
    6. Hierophant (Taurus) — Horned One (Capricorn)
    7. Lovers (Gemini) — Temperance (Sagittarius)
    8. Chariot (Cancer) — Death (Scorpio)
    9. Strength (Leo) — Hanged Man (Alchemical Mercury)
    10. Hermit (Virgo) — Justice (Libra)
    11. Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) — Universe (Saturn)
  2. Sixteen Court Cards
    1. Fire of Fire — King of Swords
    2. Air of Fire — Knight of Swords
    3. Water of Fire — Damosel of Swords
    4. Earth of Fire — Queen of Swords
    5. Fire of Air — King of Spears
    6. Air of Air — Knight of Spears
    7. Water of Air — Damosel of Spears
    8. Earth of Air — Queen of Spears
    9. Fire of Water — King of Cups
    10. Air of Water — Knight of Cups
    11. Water of Water — Damosel of Cups
    12. Earth of Water — Queen of Cups
    13. Fire of Earth — King of Platters
    14. Air of Earth — Knight of Platters
    15. Water of Earth — Damosel of Platters
    16. Earth of Earth — Queen of Platters

Twenty-Eight — Twenty-Eight Mansions of Moon/Luna

  1. Alnath
  2. Allothaim/Albochan
  3. Achaomazon/Athoray
  4. Aldebaram/Aldelamen
  5. Alchatay/Albachay
  6. Alhanna/Alchaya
  7. Aldimiach/Alarzach
  8. Alnaza/Anatrachya
  9. Archaam/Arcaph
  10. Algelioche/Albgebh
  11. Azobra/Ardaf
  12. Alzarpha/Azarpha
  13. Alhaire
  14. Achureth/Arimet/Azimeth/Alhumech/Alcheymech
  15. Agrapha/Algarpha
  16. Azubene/Ahubene
  17. Alchil
  18. Alchas/Altob
  19. Allatha/Achala
  20. Abnahaya
  21. Abeda/Albeldach
  22. Sadahacha/Zodeboluch/Zandeldena
  23. Zabadola/Zobrach
  24. Sadabath/Chadezoad
  25. Sadalabra/Sadalachia
  26. Alpharg/(Phragal Mocaden)
  27. Alcharya/Alhalgalmoad
  28. Albotham/Alchalcy

Twenty-Nine — Thirteen Moons and Epochs (Complete Zodiacal Signs), and Sixteen Court Cards

  1. Thirteen Moons and Epochs (Complete Zodiacal Signs)
    1. Sagittarius — 17 Dec to 20 Jan — AD 6323 to AD 8695
    2. Capricorn(us) — 20 Jan to 16 Feb — AD 4305 to AD 6323
    3. Aquarius — 16 Feb to 11 Mar — AD 2608 to AD 4305
    4. Pisces — 11 Mar to 18 Apr — 79 BC to AD 2608
    5. Aries — 18 Apr to 13 May — 1,825 BC to 79 BC — True Age of Alchemy
    6. Taurus — 13 May to 21 Jun — 4,473 BC to 1,825 BC
    7. Gemini — 21 Jun to 20 Jul — 6,646 BC to 4,473 BC
    8. Cancer — 20 Jul to 10 Aug — 7,894 BC to 6,646 BC
    9. Leo — 10 Aug to 16 Sep — 10,471 BC to 7,894 BC
    10. Virgo — 16 Sep to 30 Oct — 13,598 BC to 10,471 BC
    11. Libra — 30 Oct to 23 Nov — 15,269 BC to 13,598 BC
    12. Scorpius/Scorpio — 23 Nov to 29 Nov — 15,763 BC to 15,269 BC
    13. Ophiuchus — 29 Nov to 17 Dec — Master — Spirit (Earth) — Hieroglyphic Monad — 17,093 BC to 15,763 BC
  2. Sixteen Court Cards
    1. Fire of Fire — King of Swords
    2. Air of Fire — Knight of Swords
    3. Water of Fire — Damosel of Swords
    4. Earth of Fire — Queen of Swords
    5. Fire of Air — King of Spears
    6. Air of Air — Knight of Spears
    7. Water of Air — Damosel of Spears
    8. Earth of Air — Queen of Spears
    9. Fire of Water — King of Cups
    10. Air of Water — Knight of Cups
    11. Water of Water — Damosel of Cups
    12. Earth of Water — Queen of Cups
    13. Fire of Earth — King of Platters
    14. Air of Earth — Knight of Platters
    15. Water of Earth — Damosel of Platters
    16. Earth of Earth — Queen of Platters

Thirty — Three Primes, Seven Planetary Metals, Eight Suns, and Twelve Basic Zodiacal Signs

  1. Three Primes (Tria Prima) [Paracelsus - AD 1493 to AD 1591]
    1. Alchemical Sulphur/Sulfur — omnipresent spirit of life
    2. Alchemical Mercury — fluid connection between the High and the Low
    3. Alchemical Salt — base matter
  2. Seven Planetary Metals
    1. Gold, dominated by Sol/Sun — Sunday
    2. Silver, dominated by Luna/Moon — Monday
    3. Copper, dominated by Venus — Tuesday
    4. Mercury/Quicksilver, dominated by Mercury/Mercurius — Wednesday
    5. Iron, dominated by Mars — Thursday
    6. Tin, dominated by Jupiter/Iupiter — Friday
    7. Lead, dominated by Saturn(us) — Saturday
  3. Eight Suns
    1. First Planting
    2. Second Planting — Vernal Equinox
    3. Third Planting
    4. Summer Solstice
    5. First Harvest
    6. Second Harvest — Autumnal Equinox
    7. Third Harvest
    8. Winter Solstice
  4. Twelve Basic Zodiacal Signs
    1. Sagittarius — Guardian — Fire — Jupiter+
    2. Capricorn(us) — Sage — Earth (Metal) — Saturn-
    3. Aquarius — Supreme Guardian — Air (Wood) — Saturn+
    4. Pisces — Prophet — Water — Jupiter-
    5. Aries — General — Fire — Mars+
    6. Taurus — Chief Executive — Earth (Metal) — Venus-
    7. Gemini — Twin — Air (Wood) — Mercury+
    8. Cancer — Holy Mother — Water — Moon-/+ (Lunar Monad)
    9. Leo — Holy Leader — Fire — Sun+/- (Solar Monad)
    10. Virgo — Empress — Earth (Metal) — Mercury-
    11. Libra — Lord — Air (Wood) — Venus+
    12. Scorpio/Scorpius — Chieftain — Water — Mars-

Thirty-One — Seven Planetary Metals and Twenty-Four Letters of Greek Alphabet

  1. Seven Planetary Metals
    1. Gold, dominated by Sol/Sun — Sunday
    2. Silver, dominated by Luna/Moon — Monday
    3. Copper, dominated by Venus — Tuesday
    4. Mercury/Quicksilver, dominated by Mercury/Mercurius — Wednesday
    5. Iron, dominated by Mars — Thursday
    6. Tin, dominated by Jupiter/Iupiter — Friday
    7. Lead, dominated by Saturn(us) — Saturday
  2. Twenty-Four Letters of Greek Alphabet
    1. α — Alpha
    2. β — Beta
    3. γ — Gamma
    4. δ — Delta
    5. ε — Epsilon
    6. ζ — Zeta
    7. η — Eta
    8. θ — Theta
    9. ι — Iota
    10. κ — Kappa
    11. λ — Lambda
    12. μ — Mu
    13. ν — Nu
    14. ξ — Xi
    15. ο — Omikron
    16. π — Pi
    17. ρ — Rho
    18. σ — Sigma
    19. τ — Tau
    20. υ — Upsilon
    21. φ — Phi
    22. χ — Chi
    23. ψ — Psi
    24. ω — Omega

Thirty-Two — Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot and Twenty-Two Paths of Tree of Life

  1. Ten Sephirot(h)/Sefirot
    1. Ket(h)er — Undifferentiated Source — Crown
    2. Cho(c)kmah/Chochmah — Constellations/Zodiac — Wisdom
    3. Binah — Saturn — Understanding
    4. Chesed — Jupiter — Mercy
    5. Geburah/Gevurah — Mars — Justice/Fear
    6. Tiphareth/Tiphereth/Tiferet — Sun — Beauty
    7. Netzach — Venus — Victory
    8. Hod — Mercury — Glory/Honour
    9. Yesod — Moon — Foundation
    10. Malkuth/Malchut — Earth as a mixture of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth — Queendom
  2. Twenty-Two Paths
    1. א — Alef/Aleph
    2. ב — Be(i)t(h)
    3. ג — Gimel
    4. ד — Dalet(h)
    5. ה — He(i)(h)
    6. ו — Vav/Vau/Vaw
    7. ז — Zayen/Zayin
    8. ח — (C)he(i)t(h)
    9. ט — T(i)et(h)
    10. י — Yod
    11. כ — Kaf/Kaph
    12. ל — Lamed(h)
    13. מ — Mem
    14. נ — Nun
    15. ס — Samekh/Samech
    16. ע — Ayin
    17. פ — P(h)e(i)
    18. צ — Tzad(d)(e)i/Tsadhe
    19. ק — Qof/Qoph/Koph
    20. ר — Re(i)sh/Reysh
    21. ש — S(h)in
    22. ת — Tau/Tav

Thirty-Three — Thirty-Three Runes of Northumbrian FuÞorc (ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ)

  1. ᚠ — Feoh — F — Wealth — (Taurus)
  2. ᚢ — Ur — U — Aurochs — (Aries)
  3. ᚦ — Thorn/ᚦorn — Th — Thorn — (Pisces)
  4. ᚩ — Os/Ós — O/Ō — Mouth — (Aquarius)
  5. ᚱ — Rad — R — Riding — (Capricorn)
  6. ᚳ — Cen — Kʲ — Torch — (Sagittarius)
  7. ᚷ — Gyfu — G — Giving — (Scorpio)
  8. ᚹ — Wyn(n) — W — Joy — (Libra)
  9. ᚻ — Haegl — H — Hail — (Virgo)
  10. ᚾ — Nyd — N — Need — (Leo)
  11. ᛁ — Is — I — Ice — (Cancer)
  12. ᛄ — Ger — J — Season — (Gemini)
  13. ᛇ — Eoh — E(o) — Yew Tree — (Moon)
  14. ᛈ — Peordh/Peorth/Peorð — P — A Lively Tune — (Mercury)
  15. ᛉ — Eolh(-Secg) — Z — Eel-grass — (Saturn)
  16. ᛋ — Sigil/Sigel — S — Sun — (Sun)
  17. ᛏ — Tir/Tiw — T — The Guiding Star — (Mars)
  18. ᛒ — Beorc — B — Birch Tree — (Jupiter)
  19. ᛖ — Eh — E(h) — Horse — (Venus)
  20. ᛗ — Man(n) — M — Human Being — (Earth)
  21. ᛚ — Lagu — L — Flowing — (Moon)
  22. ᛝ — Ing — Ng — Ing — (Mercury)
  23. ᛟ — Ethel/Eðel — O(e) — Home — (Venus)
  24. ᛞ — Daeg — D — Day — (Sun)
  25. ᚪ — Ac — A(i) — Oak Tree — (Mars)
  26. ᚫ — Aesc — Ae/Ā — Ash Tree — (Jupiter)
  27. ᚣ — Yr — Y(e) — Yew Bow — (Saturn)
  28. ᛡ — Ior — Io — Water Beast — (Constellations/Zodiac)
  29. ᛠ — Ear — Ea — Dust — (Undifferentiated Source)
  30. ᛢ — Cweorp/Cweorth/Cweorð — Q — (Flames of a) Ritual Fire — Alchemical Sulphur (Fire)
  31. ᛣ — Calc — K — ((Offering) Cup)/Chalice — Alchemical Mercury (Water)
  32. ᛥ — Stan — St — Stone — Alchemical Salt (Earth/Metal)
  33. ᚸ — Gar — G(h) — Spear (specifically Gungnir — Odin’s Spear) — Master Rune (Air/Wood)

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