Trismegistos/Trismegistus, Hermēs. Corpus Hermeticum (Hermetic Body of Writings, or Body of Hermes, or Signpost Body). Second/Third Century AD:

Everard, John, tr. “Corpus Hermeticum” in The Divine Pymander (in XVII books). London 1650.

Mead, G R S. The Corpus Hermeticum. Oxford: Andesite Press Publisher, 8 August 2015. 978-1-2964-9239-7, 1-2964-9239-7.

Scott, Walter, ed and tr. Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, volumes I-IV. London (Oxford): Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), 1924-1927.
   Scott, Walter, ed and tr. Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, Volume I (Introduction, Texts, and Translation). London (Oxford): Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), 1924.
   Scott, Walter, ed and tr. Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, Volume II (Notes on the Corpus Hermeticum). London (Oxford): Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), 1925.
   Scott, Walter, ed and tr. Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, Volume III (Notes on the Latin Asclepius and the Hermetic Excerpts of Stobæus). London (Oxford): Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), 1926.
   Scott, Walter, ed and tr. Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, Volume IV (Testimonia, Appendices, and Indices). London (Oxford): Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), 1927.
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