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Lord King of Logres

None of the line items that are included in the following outline are meant to be links.
The outline itself represents the material that is to be covered in the upcoming book known by the above title (available after December 2025).

Foreword by Christopher Gidlow

  1. Introduction to Arthur, Lord King of Logres
  2. Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Arthur’s Name, Multiple Arthurs, Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities, and Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
    1. Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Arthur’s Name, Multiple Arthurs, Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities, and Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
    2. Meaning and Origin of the Name Arthur
      1. Introduction to the Meaning and Origin of the Name Arthur
      2. Great Bear
        1. Ursa Maior/Major
          1. Arktos/Arctos/Kallisto/Callisto/(Artemis Kalliste)/Έλίκη/Helike/Helice, daughter of Lycaon (son of Pelasgus and Meliboea)
          2. Greek Goddess
          3. 12th/11th/5th Centuries BC
        2. Arth Fawr
          1. From Yr (“the”) +‎ Arth (“bear”) +‎ Fawr (“big, great”)
          2. From Middle Welsh: Arth Mawr
          3. From Old Welsh: Arth Maur
          4. From Proto-Brythonic: Arθ Mọr
          5. [From Proto-Celtic: Artos Māros]
          6. From Proto-Indo-European: Hŕ̥tḱos Mohros
      3. Bear
        1. -Man (arth(g)wr)
          1. From Middle Welsh: Arth Gwr
          2. From Old Welsh: Arth Gur
          3. From Proto-Brythonic: Arθ Gwur
          4. [From Proto-Celtic: Artos Wiros]
          5. From Proto-Indo-European: Hŕ̥tḱos WiHrós
        2. -Warden
        3. -Guard(ian)/Watcher (arktos ouros)
          1. Arkas/Arcas/Arcturus/Arktouros/Arctophylax
          2. Son of Zeos/Zeus/Iup(p)iter/Jupiter and Arktos/Arctos/Kallisto/Callisto/(Artemis Kalliste)/Ἑλίκη/Helike/Helice
          3. Greek King of Arcadia
          4. Flourished 8th century BC
          5. Became constellation by 460 BC
        4. -Keeper
          1. (Mercurius/Mercurio) Ar(t)aius/Artiaus/Artaios
          2. Agricultural Sun/Bear God of the Allobroges of Gaul
          3. 3rd Century BC and earlier (possibly c 1875/1874 BC)
          4. Son of Iupiter (son of Saturn and Ops) and Maia (daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid)
        5. -Tail (arktos oura)
          1. Ursa Minor; or Boötes (Arkas/Arcas/Arcturus/Arktouros/Ar(i)ture/Arthurus/Arturis/Arctophylax)
          2. Son of Zeos/Zeus/Iup(p)iter/Jupiter and Arktos/Arctos/Kallisto/Callisto/(Artemis Kalliste)/Ἑλίκη/Helike/Helice
        6. -King/Prince/Noble/Lord
        7. -like/Ursine
        8. -God
        9. -knowing
      4. Stone
      5. High King
        1. (Ard Ri(gh))/(Major Warlord)/Emperor
        2. Last Roman emperor of Britain
        3. Flourished AD 470s/480s
        4. Died AD 510/515
      6. Lofty and Wise; or High Wisdom
      7. Good Hound/Dog
      8. Very Black
      9. Authoritative Body
      10. Green Man
        1. Arddhu/Arrdhu/Atho
        2. Brittonic Raven God
        3. 5th/6th Centuries AD
      11. Fosterer
    3. Existence of Multiple Arthurs
      1. Introduction to the Existence of Multiple Arthurs
      2. “Proto-Arthur” — c 276,000 BC to AD 129
        1. Introduction to “Proto-Arthur”
          1. Αρκτούρος/Arktouros/Ursa Maior/Ar(c)tūrus/Arthūrus/Arkas/Arctos/Arctophylax/Arctofylax/Boötes/Ikarios/Icarius/Ardus/Artus
            • Αρκτούρος/Arktouros/Ursa Maior/Ar(c)tūrus (the “bear star”, “Guardian of the Bears”)
            • Arthūrus (Latin)/Arkas/Arctos/Arctophylax (“Bear Watcher”, “Bear Keeper”)
            • Arctofylax/Boötes (“The Herdsman”, “The Ploughman”)
            • Ikarios/Icarius/Ardus/Artus
            • Ancient Greco-Roman cosmological and mythical figure (mythical or historicised myth/legend/folklore)
          2. Artōrius/Artūrius/Artur/Arthur/Artúr
            • Artōrius
            • Artūrius (Vulgar Insular Latin)
            • Artur/Arthur (Old Welsh)
            • Artúr (Gaelic/Old Irish)
            • Artōrii of the gens Artōria
        2. “Arthur of the Bronze Age”
          1. Between 2520 BC and 1220 BC (2300 BC to 2010 BC to 1870 BC)
          2. Late 3rd/early 2nd Millennium BC — 2300 BC, as presented by John Darrah
        3. “Arthur of the Muintir Nemid”
          1. Artur/Artūr/Artoat/Iarbonel
          2. Son of Nemed/Nimeth and Macha
          3. Born 2244/2124/1625/1505 BC
          4. (Clann Nemid)/Nemedians
          5. Battle of Cnamros/(Cramh Ros)
            • Fought against the Fomorii
            • Killed by Conand, son of Febar
        4. “Arthur as a Sun/Bear God”
          1. Agricultural Sun/Bear God of the Allobroges of Gaul
          2. 3rd Century BC and earlier, possibly c 1875/1874 BC
          3. Son of Iupiter (son of Saturn and Ops) and Maia (daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceanid)
          4. [Son of Zeos (son of Kronos and Rhea)]
          5. (Mercurius/Mercurio) Ar(t)aius/Artiaus/Artaios (Bear Keeper)/Artaois/Arteois/Artios/Ardeche/Art(h)e/Art(h)ois/Artus
            • (Mercurius/Mercurio) Ar(t)aius/Artiaus/Artaios (Bear Keeper)/Artaois/Arteois/Artios
              • (Mercurius/Mercurio) Ar(t)aius/Artiaus/Artaios (Bear Keeper)
              • Artaois/Arteois/Artios
            • Ardeche
            • Art(h)e
            • Art(h)ois/Artus
        5. “Arthur of the Iron Age”
          1. Early — 1200 BC to 700 BC
          2. Middle — 700 BC to 500 BC
          3. Late — 500 BC to 54 BC/AD 43
        6. “Arthur as the Great Bear”
          1. Arktos/Arctos/(Ursa Maior)/(the Great Bear)/Kallisto/Callisto/(Artemis Kalliste)/Ἑλίκη/Helike/Helice, daughter of Lycaon (son of Pelasgus)
          2. Greek Goddess
          3. 12th/11th/5th Centuries BC
        7. “King Arthur of Arcadia”
          1. Arkas/Arcas/Arcturus/Arktouros/Ar(i)ture/Arthurus/Arturis/Arctophylax/(Ursa Minor)/Boötes
          2. Son of Zeos/Zeus/Iup(p)iter/Jupiter and Arktos/Arctos/Ursa Maior/ (the Great Bear)/Kallisto/Callisto/(Artemis Kalliste)/Ἑλίκη/Helike/Helice
          3. Greek King of Arcadia
          4. Flourished 8th century BC
          5. Became constellation by 460 BC
          6. Name related to arktos ourabear tail
        8. “King Arthur of Lydia”
          1. Ardys(us) (II)/Ardus/Artus II
          2. Son of Gyges (son of Dascylus) and Tudo (daughter of King Amossus of Mysia)
          3. King of Lydia
          4. Born 696/636 BC
          5. Flourished 678/668/651/644 BC to 665/629/625/615 BC
          6. Reigned 652/644 BC to 625/603 BC
          7. Died 624 BC
        9. “King Arthur, the Druid”
          1. Arthfael/Arthvael/Archmail ap Seiss(y)l(l)(t)(t) ap Owain ap Caph ap Blaiddyd ap Meiriawn
          2. Druid King of Wales
          3. Born c 530 BC
        10. “Arthur as a Goddess” — Artio(/Cer(r)idwen)/A(nd)(a)rta(s)/Art(i)os/Artionis/Artemis
          1. Artio(/Cer(r)idwen)
            • Artio of Muri
              • Bernese Bear Goddess
              • 3rd Century BC, possibly before
            • Cer(r)idwen
          2. A(nd)(a)rta(s)
          3. Art(i)os/Artionis
          4. Artemis, daughter of Zeos/Zeus and Leto
        11. “King Arthur of the Trinovantes*”
          1. (Aedd Mawr)/(Addedo the Great)/Addedomaros/Addedomarus/Αθθε-Domaros/Αθθε-Domarus/Aththe(-)domaros
          2. ((L(l)ud(d) (Llaw))/Nudd/((Nudd Llaw)/(Addedomaros) (Ereint/Erient))/Nod(ens)/(Nuada Airgetlám))
          3. King of the *Trinobantes/Trinovantes of Camulo(-)dunum/Camulodunon (named for the War God Camulus)
          4. Born before c 40/35 BC
          5. Flourished c 20/15 BC to c 10/5 BC
          6. Died c 10/5 BC
      3. “Proto- to Badon (Transitional) Arthur” — AD 129 to AD 470
        1. Introduction to “Proto- to Badon (Transitional) Arthur”
          1. Artorīg(i)os/[*Arto-rigos] (Proto-Brythonic)
            • “Bear”
            • “Bear(-like) King”
            • “Warrior”
            • “Bear/Warrior-King”
            • “King of Bears”
            • “King Bear/Warrior”
            • “Prince”
            • [“Stone-King”]
          2. Erthir/Arthir/Arthric/Arthrix/Artorīχs/Artorix/[*Arto-rix — “Stone-King”] (Archaic/Old Welsh)
          3. Artrímaglos (Old Irish)
          4. Artōrius (Classical Latin)
          5. Artūrius (Vulgar Insular Latin)
          6. Artur/Artūr/Arthur/Erthur (Old Welsh)
          7. Artúr (Gaelic/Old Irish)
            • “Bear”-/“Stone”-/
            • /-“of Nobility”/-“of generosity”/-“of fairness”/-“of activity”/-“of the earth”/-“of evil”
          8. Proto-Brythonic/British folk hero/deity (historicised myth/legend/folklore or re-historicised legendary history)
        2. Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”¹
          1. Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum
          2. As Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria
          3. 2nd Century AD
        3. Arthur, the Roman Praefectus (Commander)”¹
          1. Lucius Artori(u)s (Castus) (Venedos)
          2. Son of Lucius Artorius (Castus), son of Marcus Arturius/Artorius, son of Marcus Palatina Priscillus Vicasius Sabidianus
          3. Roman Praefectus (Commander) of Legio VI Victrix in Britannia
          4. Born AD 140/142 at Eboracum (present-day York) in Britannia
          5. Flourished mid/late 2nd Century AD — AD 166/167/184/185 (AD 175/176)
          6. AD 158/159 Legio III Gallica (Centurion of the Equestrian Class) in Syria Palaestina
          7. AD 163 Legio VI Ferrata (Centurion) at Judea in Syria Palaestina [before AD 142 - duplicated from his father?]
          8. AD 167 Legio II Adiutrix (Centurion) at Danube Lower Pannonia in Aquincum [before AD 142 - duplicated from his father?]
          9. AD 171 Legio V Macedonica (Centurion) at Potaissa in Dacia (Moesia Inferior) [before AD 142 - duplicated from his father?]
          10. AD 172/175 Primus Pilus (Primipilus) of Legio V Macedonica (during the battle of Iazyges in Danubia)
          11. AD 176 Escorts Dacians and Sarmatians to Britannia
          12. AD 177 Classis Misenatium as Praeprositus
          13. AD 175/181 Praefectus Cohortis of the Dacio-Sarmatian Contingency Legio VI Victrix in Britannia
          14. AD 181 Praefectus Alae of Legio VI Victrix at Bremetennacum Veteranorum on Murus Hadrianus in Britannia
            • Legio VI Victrix manned Hadrian’s Wall from its headquarters at Eboracum (present-day York) in Britannia
            • That portion of the Wall supplied with troops by Bremetennacum Veteranorum included Camboglanna and Avallana in Britannia
          15. AD 185 Military Expedition to Armorica
          16. AD 187 Dux of the three legions in Britannia (Legio II Augusta, Legio VI Victrix, and Legio XX Valeria Victrix)
          17. AD 191 Procurator Centenarius of Liburnia in Dalmatia [before AD 142 - duplicated from his father?]
          18. AD 196 Master Strategist of the Severine Forces in Britannia
          19. Died after AD 196 (AD 197)
            • At/Following the Battle of Lyon/Lugdunum on 19 February AD 197
            • Taken to Epetium (present-day Stobreč) in Dalmatia (a week’s joruney), where he either died and was buried or was simply buried (by 1 March AD 197)
        4. “King Arthur, the Speckled Champion”
          1. Artú(i)r/Artorius Béine/Benne/(champion/(famous hero)) Brit/(speckled/spotted)
          2. [Possible son of Lucius Artori(u)s (Castus) (Venedos)]
          3. [may or may not be identical with Aeturnus Artorius Venedos]
          4. King of Britain
          5. Born AD 161/191 [AD 176 at Bremetennacum Veteranorum in Brittania]
          6. [Possibly flourished AD 203/204]
        5. “Arthur as a War God”
          1. (Mars) Alator/Aladur/Aladwr/Arthur (Huntsman/Cherisher)
          2. Son of Iupiter/Jupiter and Iuno/Juno
          3. Romano-Briton God
          4. Flourished AD 226/227
        6. “Prince Arthur in Ireland”
          1. Artú(i)r/Artorius
          2. Son of Artú(i)r/Artorius Béine/Benne/(champion/(famous hero)) Brit/(speckled/spotted)
          3. Briton Prince in Ireland
          4. [Born AD 201/241 (AD 216)]
          5. Flourished after AD 203/204 (mid 3rd Century AD — AD 232/234)
        7. “Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”
          1. Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum
          2. As Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria
          3. 3rd Century AD
        8. “King Arthur of the Silures”
          1. Arthfael(l)/Arthvael ap/ab Einydd/Eunydd/Einudd ap Gwrddwf(y)n ap Cwrrig Goruc Mawr ap Meirchion Fawr Filwr ap Owain ap Cyllin
          2. Eastern Welsh King of the Silures, Ewyas/Ewias (Gwent — House of Fendigaid)
          3. Born c AD 230/285/288/290/310
        9. Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”¹
          1. Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum
          2. As Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria
          3. 4th Century AD
        10. Arthur of Demetia”²
          1. Arthun/Anthun/Anwn/Anyn/Antoni(ni)us Dynod/Dimet/Donatus Gregorius ap Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxim(us)/Maxianus/Macsen Augustus
          2. May or may not be the same as Andragativs/Andragathius (known alternately as “King Arthur I”)
            • Son of Eucherius and Flavia
            • Or (less likely) ab Uthyr Pendragon ap Macsen Wledig ap Constantine the Great
            • Born c AD 345 in Spain
            • Brother of Malvius and Marcellinus
            • Husband of Unbekannt
            • Father of Flavius Theodosiolus
            • Died AD 388 in Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France
          3. Southern Welsh, Demetia/Dyfed
          4. Born c AD (302/325)/350/355
          5. Flourished AD 320/382 to AD 350/382
          6. Died c AD 400
        11. King Arthur of the Dobunni”²
          1. Lower Midlands, Petty King of Dobunni* Civitas
          2. Born AD 364/365/381/382/453/460
          3. Least likely floruit between 7th century/300/129/128/97/96/65 BC and AD 43
          4. Most likely floruit AD 419/420/426/427/437/438/441/447/448/471/472/479/480/495/521/522/529/530
          5. Died c AD 434/435/451/452/530/537
          6. *[or Bodunni]
        12. Arthur of the Northern Britons”²
          1. Artorii as descendants of Sarmatian/Alan Conscripts
          2. Northern Briton
          3. Living in AD 428 in Bremetennacum Veteranorum near present-day Ribchester in Lancashire
        13. King Arthur of the Alans”²
          1. Eothar/Eochar/Euchar/Go(ch)ar/Gother/Gobar
          2. King of the Alans
          3. Born before AD 390 or AD 406
          4. Reigned before AD 406 to late AD 440s
          5. Flourished AD 446
          6. Died AD 446/450
        14. King Arthur of Dumnonia (and Domnonia)”¹
          1. Arth
          2. (Constantine III/II)/(Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin* as grandfather
          3. Breton Ancestry, Domnonia
          4. Flourished c AD 441/443
          5. West/Southwestern Briton King of Dumnonia
          6. Died c AD 449
          7. *[the above (Constantine III/II)/(Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin may be a conflated personage]
        15. Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”⁴
          1. Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum
          2. As Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria
          3. 5th Century AD
        16. Arthur of Brittany”³
          1. Arzur
          2. Breton
          3. Died AD 500
        17. Arthur as Uther”²
          1. Uverian/Uthyr/(Uther (Pendragon))/(Uter Pandragon)/Utherpendragon/(Ythr ben dragwn)/(crudelisque tyrannus), son of Kusten(n)in/Mustennin*
          2. Born AD 410/450s (Domnonia or Dumnonia)
          3. *[the above Kusten(n)in/Mustennin may be a conflated personage]
      4. “Arthur of Badon” — AD 470 to AD 530
        1. Introduction to “Arthur of Badon”
          1. (Arthur of Fame)/Arthurus/Arcturus
          2. An Historical Gaelo-Briton/Cambro-Irish/(Gaelo-Britannian — a Gael of Britain)
          3. A Mythical/Legendary/Folkloric Historical Figure — Mythologised Historical Personage
          4. An Historicised British/Welsh Mythical/Legendary/Folkloric Character
          5. “dux erat bellorum” — “Leader in Battle”
        2. Arthur, the Crippled/Healed”⁴
          1. Arthur/Artorius/Art(h)ri
          2. Born c AD 436/437
          3. Flourished AD 471/472
        3. Arthur, the High King”²
          1. (Ard Ri(gh))/(High King)/(Major Warlord)/Emperor
          2. Last Roman emperor of Britain
          3. Flourished AD 470s/480s
          4. Died AD 510/515
        4. King Arthur of the Artenses”⁶
          1. Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion ap/(m)ab Mor/Mar Maeswig ap Ceneu ap Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan/Teuh(v)ant
          2. North Briton King of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines
          3. Born c AD 450/455/460
          4. Died c AD 520
        5. Arthur, the Shadow”⁶
          1. Artad
          2. ExtraTerrestrial Shadow
          3. Airlia
          4. Died AD 528
        6. Arthur, the Romano-Briton”⁵
          1. Son of Flavius Momyllus Romulus August(ul)us (son of Flavius/Flavio Orestes and a daughter of Romulus) and Ygraine (daughter of Kustennin - Flavius Constantinus Marcellus)
          2. Born last quarter 5th Century/first quarter 6th Century AD
        7. Arthur of Brycheiniog”⁵
          1. Arthen
          2. Son of Brychan Pendragon (ap Anl(l)ach ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Owein/Ewein ui Dessi) and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig
          3. Southern Welsh, Brycheiniog
          4. Born AD 460
          5. Died AD 530
        8. Arthur as Custennin*”⁵
          1. Arthur/Artorius ap Anblaud/Amlawd(d)/Amlawt/Anlawd(d)/Amlodd/Amlwyd/Aflawdd/Amalg(h)aid/Amolgaid/Amlethus/Amlóði
          2. Born AD 460/468
          3. Flourished AD 495
          4. *[the above Custennin may be a conflated personage]
        9. Arthur, War Chief”⁵
          1. Artorius (Dux Bellorum)/Soldier/Warlord
          2. Briton, possibly Northern Welsh
          3. Late 5th/early 6th Centuries AD
            • Born c AD 471
            • Died c AD 524
        10. Prince Arthur of the Silures”⁵
          1. Southeastern Welsh Prince, Silures (Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Finddu)
          2. Flourished c AD 500
        11. Arthur, Warlord of Gwynedd”⁵
          1. Northern Welsh Warlord, Gwynedd
          2. Late 5th/early 6th Centuries AD
        12. Arthur as a Raven God”⁵
          1. Arddhu/Arrdhu/Atho/(The Green Man)
          2. Brittonic Raven God
          3. 5th/6th Centuries AD
        13. King Arthur of Rheged”⁴
          1. Art(h)ur ic Uther/Uibar/Iubur/Iubar/I(o)bhar/Ambros(ius)/Emrys/Embreis ic Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I)*
          2. Alternately, Arthur, son of Uther/Iubhar, son of Ambrose, son of Constantine
          3. North Briton King, Cumbrian, Rheged
          4. Born c AD 475
          5. Died c AD 515/542
          6. *[the above Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I) may be a conflated personage]
        14. Arthur, Chief of the Picts and the Interior of Britain”⁵
          1. Art(h)ur Dux Pictorum, interioris Britannia
          2. Pict
          3. Flourished AD 492/493
          4. Died before AD 552
        15. King Arthur of Dumnonia”⁵
          1. Arth(w)yr/Arthur, son of Uverian/Uthyr/(Uther (Pendragon))/(crudelisque tyrannus) (and Eigyr/Igraine), son of Kusten(n)in/Mustennin*
          2. Born c AD 474/475/480
          3. King of Dumnonia, West Wales
          4. Flourished c AD 489/490 to c AD 525/526
          5. Died c AD 525/526/537
          6. *[the above Kusten(n)in/Mustennin may be a conflated personage]
        16. Prince Arthur of Elmet”³
          1. Arthwys/Arthius ap Masgwid Gloff (and Gwenllian verch Brychan) ap Gwrast/Gwrgwst Lledlwm/(The Raggéd) ap Ceneu ap Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen
          2. North Briton Prince of Elmet
          3. Born c AD 479
        17. King Arthur of Gl(y)wys(s)ing and Glamorgan”²
          1. Arthfael ap Einudd
          2. Southeastern Welsh King in Neath, Glamorgan, Gl(y)wys(s)ing (Cernyw — House of Finddu)
          3. Born AD 480
          4. Died AD 550
      5. “Badon to Romance (Transitional) Arthur” — AD 530 to AD 871
        1. Introduction to “Badon to Romance (Transitional) Arthur”
          1. Arto(s)wiros/Art(h)o(g)wur (Proto-Celtic/Proto-Brythonic)
            • “Bear-Man”
            • “Warrior-Man”
            • “Prince-Man”
            • “King-Man”
          2. Artgur/Art(u)ur (Archaic Welsh)
          3. Art(h)ur (Archaic/Old Welsh)
          4. Arth(g)u(i)r (Old Welsh)
          5. Arth(g)wr (Old/Middle Welsh)
        2. Arthur of Demed”¹
          1. Artúir/Art(h)u(i)r m(a)(i)c Re(i)th(e)oir/Ratheoir mac/m(a)ic Congair mic Go(i)rtiben/Gartbuir m(a)ic/map Agricola/Aergul/Alchoil/Alcon
          2. Southern Welsh, Demed/Dyfed/Demetia
          3. Late 4th/early 5th Centuries AD
            • Born c AD 515
            • Flourished c AD 537/538
            • Died c AD 560/561
        3. Warrior-Saint Arthur of Gl(y)wys(s)ing”¹
          1. Arthfael/Ar(th)m(a)el/Arthmail/Ar(t)mag(i)lus/Arzor, son of Hywel/Hoel(us)/Hovelus Mawr/(The Great) ap (Budig/Budic(k) II)/(Emyr Llydaw)
          2. Mid/Southern/Southeastern Welsh Warrior-Saint, (Gl(y)wys(s)ing (Cernyw — House of Finddu)
          3. Born AD 482/538/540
          4. Flourished AD 540/550
          5. Died AD 552/562/570/600
        4. Arthur of Cornwall”²
          1. Artognou/(Art’s descendant)/ARTORGNOV/(Artor Gnou)/(Artor renowned)
          2. or Artognou/Arto-Gnāwo/(bear to know)/(bear knowing)/Arthnou/Arthneu
          3. or ARTOGNOUS/Artogenous/(of the gens/family of Arto)
          4. Son of Coll (descendant of Paternus Colus)
          5. West/Southwest Briton, Cornish
          6. 6th Century AD
        5. Arthur of the Eastern Welsh”²
          1. Son of Illtud/Illtyd/Eltut/Hildutus Farchog, son of Bicanus/Bec(c)anus/Bychan/Fechan
          2. Eastern Welsh
          3. Flourished 6th Century AD
        6. Arthur as a Female Saint”¹
          1. Arddun/Arddyn Penuchel/Penasgell/Benasgel(l)/(Ben Uchel)/(High Head)/Wing-Headed/Arrogant
          2. Daughter of Pabo (Post Prydyn)/(Pillar of Britain), son of Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
          3. (ap Mor/Mar Maeswig ap Ceneu ap Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c)
          4. Born c AD 510/512 (in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
          5. Flourished AD 557/558/580
        7. Prince Arthur of Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)”¹
          1. Artúr/Artuir/Arturius mac Áedá(i)n/Aiden/Aidan(us) mac Gabrain/Gabrán/Goran(us) mac Domanga(i)rt/Dongard(us) Reti mac Fergus Mór
          2. North Briton Prince, Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)
          3. Born AD 559/560/570s
          4. Becomes (Supreme Commander)/Wledig AD 581
          5. Died AD 590/596/603
        8. Arthur of Ceredigion(Art the Lucky)¹
          1. Arthfoddw ap Boddw ap Serwyl ap Uffa ou Keredigyawn/Ceredig ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          2. Northern Welsh, Ceredigion
          3. Born AD 540/550/600
          4. Flourished AD 560 to AD 600
          5. Died AD 610/620
        9. “King Arthur of the Welsh”
          1. Arthwys ab Yvor ap Cunedda ap Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          2. Welsh King, possibly Northern
          3. Born c AD 561
        10. King Arthur of Dyfed”¹
          1. Artúir/Art(h)(ur)/Arth(en)/Arthw(y)r/Awthyr/Artorius Castus (m)ap Ped(y)r/Peder/Pet(e)r(us)/Petroc/Petuir/Pierre (m)ap Kyngar/Cyngar/Cincar
          2. Mid/Southern/Southwestern Welsh King, Dyfed
          3. Late 6th/early 7th Centuries AD
            • Born AD 540/550/555/560/563/570/573/575/580/585/600/620
            • Flourished AD 570/595 to AD 600/610/615
            • Died AD 610/615/620/625
        11. “Arthur of Ceredigion”
          1. Arthlwys ap Arthfoddw ap Boddw ap Serwyl ap Uffa ou Keredigyawn/Ceredig ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
          2. Northern Welsh, Ceredigion
          3. Born AD 570/630
          4. Flourished AD 590 to AD 630
          5. Died AD 640
        12. “King Arthur of Kintyre”
          1. Airthir/Artúir/(h-)Art(h)u(i)r filio/mac/(m)ap Bico(i)r/Bicair/Becuir/Bechaire/Beccurus (do Bretnaibh)/(the Briton)/Pritene Kintyre/(Cind Tyre)
          2. Early of Kintyre/(Cind Tyre — once part of Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)), late of Gwynedd
          3. North Briton King
          4. Born AD 550/590
          5. Flourished AD 620/625
          6. Died AD 620/660
        13. “King Arthur of Ergyng (Gwent and Gl(y)wys(s)(ing)); and in the Mabinogi
          1. Arthruis/Arthwys/Athrwys ap Meurig (and Onbrawst ferch Gwrgant) ap Tewdrig ap Llywarch ap Nynniaw ap Erb ap Erbig ap Meurig ap Caradoc
          2. Southern Welsh King, Ergyng (Gwent and Gl(y)wys(s)(ing))
          3. Born AD 605/610/618/631/655
          4. Reigned AD 645/655 (AD 586+/-150 - based on the floruit of his father, Meurig)
          5. Died AD 655/680/700
        14. “Arthur of the Irish”
          1. Art(h)u(i)r
          2. Grandfather of Feradach the cleric
          3. Irish
          4. Born c AD 600
        15. “Arthur of the Irish”
          1. Artúr mac Muiredaig(h)
          2. Irish
          3. Died AD 847
        16. “Arthur of Alba”
          1. Artur mac Bruide
          2. Son of Dungal, son of the King of Alba
          3. Gael
          4. Flourished 8th/9th/early 10th Century AD
        17. “Arthur as Uther as a God”
          1. Wthyr/U(i)thyr/Uthir/Uthar/Uth(e)r/Ythr/(crudelisque) Pendraeg/Pen-Draig/Pendragon/Ben(dragon)/(ben dragwn)/(tyrannus)
          2. Son of Constantine II of Strathclyde
          3. Welsh God
          4. Flourished 9th Century AD — Born before AD 859
      6. “Arthur of Romance” — AD 871 to AD 1635
        1. Introduction to “Arthur of Romance”
          1. As a Superhuman/Giant/(Giant Killer)
            • Purely British (Welsh/Cornish)
            • A Mythical/Legendary/Folkloric Historical Personage
          2. As Protector of Britain
            • Purely British (Welsh/Cornish)
            • A Mythical/Legendary/Folkloric Character
            • A (Fantastical Witch)/(Giant Cat)/(King-turned-Wild Boar)/Giant/(Giant Killer)/(Own Son Killer)
            • Legendary/Mythologised Historical Personage
            • “y pen teyrnedd” — “The Head of Tyranny”
          3. King of the Otherworld
            • Breton
            • The Messianic Man
          4. King in the Britons’/Bretons’/Welsh Saints’ Lives
            • In Pseudo-history, Romances, and onward
            • A Legendary/Folkloric Historical Figure, Literary Figure, or Re-historicised Legendary Historical Personage
          5. Serpent-killing Warrior
          6. King
            • As Rex Illustrissimi Brittannia
            • As Tyranni
            • Of the Britons
        2. “Arthur of the Irish”
          1. Artúr/Artur
          2. ua/hÓa/(grandson of) Tuathail
          3. Irish
          4. Died AD 936
        3. “Arthur of the Irish”
          1. Artúr mac Bráen
          2. Irish
          3. Flourished mid/late 10th century AD
        4. “Arthur of the Irish”
          1. Artúr mac Muiredach/Artúr Clérech
          2. Irish
          3. Flourish early 11th Century AD
          4. Died AD 1052
        5. “Arthur near York”
          1. Artor
          2. Near York
          3. Flourished 11th Century AD
        6. “Arthur from Essex”
          1. Arthur from Boxted, Essex, England
          2. Breton
          3. Flourished late 11th Century AD
        7. “Arthur of Monmouth”
          1. Arthur of Monmouth, Monmouthshire
          2. Breton
          3. Flourished late 11th/early 12th Century AD
          4. Father of (Galfridus Arturus)/(Galfridus Monemutensis)/(Galfridus Artur)/(Gruffudd ap Arthur)/(Sieffre o Fynwy)/(Geoffrey of Monmouth)
            • Breton
            • Flourished early to mid 12th Century AD (c AD 1100 to AD 1155)
        8. “Arthur in the Register Italiae
          1. Ardus/Artus/Artusius/Arthur who signed his name in the Register Italiae
          2. Latinised-Norman
          3. AD 1122
        9. “Arthur of Paduan”
          1. Ardus/Artus/Artusius/Arthur
          2. Brother of an Uda of Paduan
          3. Latinised-Norman
          4. Flourished AD 1114/1125
        10. “Arthur, the benefactor of Modena Cathedral”
          1. Ardus/Artus/Artusius/Arthur
          2. Benefactor of Modena Cathedral
          3. Latinised-Norman
          4. AD 1125
        11. “Arthur of Hampshire”
          1. Ærturus/Erturus of Hampshire
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Flourished AD 1130
        12. “Arthur in Speculum Caritatis
          1. Arcturus
          2. In Speculum Caritatis
          3. c AD 1131
        13. “Arthur of Glasgow”
          1. Artur(us) of Glasgow
          2. Gael
          3. Born AD 1147
          4. Died AD 1151
        14. “Arthur of Cumberland”
          1. Artuir of Cumberland
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Flourished c AD 1152
          4. Father of Henricus (Henry), who flourished AD 1187
        15. “Arthur (Robert) of Limerick”
          1. Robert Arthur of Limerick
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Born AD 1128
          4. Died AD 1178
        16. “Arthur of Cumberland”
          1. Arcturi of Cumberland
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Flourished c AD 1161
          4. Father of Normanus (Norman), who flourished AD 1196
        17. “Arthur (Thomas) of Limerick”
          1. Thomas Arthur of Limerick
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Born AD 1128
          4. Died AD 1202
        18. “Bishop Arthur of Wales”
          1. Bishop Arthur of Bardsey Island, Wales
          2. Welsh/Breton/Irish
          3. Flourished late 12th Century AD
        19. “Priest Arthur of Yorkshire”
          1. Priest Ærturus of Yorkshire
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Flourished AD 1192
        20. “Duke Arthur of Brittany”
          1. Duke Arthur I of Brittany
          2. Breton
          3. Born AD 1187
          4. Died AD 1203
        21. “Arthur (Robert) of Herefordshire”
          1. Robertus Arcturi of Herefordshire
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Flourished AD 1197
        22. “Arthur (Nicholas) of Limerick”
          1. Nicholas Arthur of Limerick
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Born AD 1174
          4. Died AD 1246
        23. “Arthur of Dreux”
          1. Arthur of Dreux
          2. Son of Peter I of Dreux
          3. Breton
          4. Born AD 1220
          5. Died AD 1224
        24. “Arthur (Adam) of Lancashire”
          1. Adam Arthur of Lancashire
          2. Anglo-Breton/Norman
          3. Flourished AD 1246
    4. Comparison of Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities to Arthur
      1. Introduction to Comparison of Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities to Arthur
      2. Prehistoric/Mythic era Heroes/Deities — c 276,000 BC to AD 43
        1. Enlil/Ellil
          1. Son of Anu(m) and Ki/Urash/Nin-Hursag/Nin-Mah (both offspring of Anshar and Kishar)
          2. (Anshar, son of Lahmu and Lahamu, both of which offspring of Apsu and Tiamat; Kishar, daughter of Apsu and Tiamat)
          3. Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian, Storm/Father God
          4. Originated before 275,848 BC
        2. Adad/Had(d)a(d)/Haddu/Iškur
          1. Son of Enlil/Ellil
          2. Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian, Storm/Fertility God
          3. 170,223/2500 BC
        3. Dumu-Zi/Tammuz
          1. Son of Adad/Iškur and Nin-Sûna/Shala/Duttur/Gubarra
          2. Sumerian/Mesopotamian (Fertility God)/(Shepard King) — Beloved of Enlil
          3. Dumu-Zi of Badtibira — reigned 139,048 BC to 103,048 BC
          4. Dumu-Zi of Kua in Eanna — reigned 8,194 BC to 8,094 BC
        4. A(u)s(a)r/Ser/Osiris
          1. Son of Geb/Keb and Nut (both offspring of Shu and Tefnut; in turn, offspring of Ra/Re/Atum/(A)tem and Iusaaset/Iusaas/Ausaas/Saosis)
          2. (Ra, son of N(e)(i)t(h)); Atum, son of (Ne)nu/Nun(u)(t)/N(a)unet/Nuit/Nent)
          3. Egyptian God
          4. Reigned 12,539 to 12,089 BC
          5. Worshipped 30th/26th/24th Centuries BC
        5. Sut/Sothis/(Dog-Star)/(seed/corn)
          1. Son of Hes-Taurt/Ta-Rert/Ta-Ur(t)/Trrt/(Khebt)/(Bosh-Kauf)/(Great Bear)/(Great Mother)/(spark-holder)/(mother of fire and time)/(corn-bearer)
          2. Husband of Hes-Taurt/Ta-Rert/Ta-Ur(t)/Trrt/(Khebt)/(Bosh-Kauf)/(Great Bear)/(Great Mother)/(spark-holder)/(mother of fire and time)
          3. Egyptian Star God
          4. The Great Warrior-God
          5. The Dog of Battles
          6. Contemporary of Heru/Hor(us)
        6. Heru/Hor(us)
          1. Son of A(u)s(a)r/Ser/Osiris and Ast/Isis
          2. (Both offspring of Geb/Keb and Nut)
          3. Egyptian Sun God
          4. Reigned 11,739 to 11,439 BC
          5. Worshipped c 3000 BC
        7. Bilgamesh/Gilgamesh
          1. Son of King Lugal(-)banda of Uruk and Nin(-)sun of Uruk
          2. Born before 1548 BC
          3. King of E-Anna (House of Heavens) in Uruk from 8094/8093 BC to 7968/7967 BC
          4. King of Uruk c 2860 BC, or between 2800 BC and 2500 BC (c 2600 BC)
        8. Batra(d)z/Pataraz
          1. Son of Xæmyc (son of Ahsnart/Horčesha) and a fairy (the daughter of Btsen)
          2. Hero Nart in Sagas/Legends, Indo-Iranian in origin
          3. Before 7th Century BC, as early as 7200/6000 BC
        9. Krishna
          1. Son of Vasudeva and Devaki (daughter of Devaka)
          2. Hindu God as the eighth Avatar of Vishnu
          3. Born 21 Jul 3227 BC (Mathura, Surasena — present-day Uttar Pradesh, India)
          4. Died 18 Feb 3102 BC
        10. Viracocha/Wiracocha/Wiraqucha/(fat/foam of the sea)/(Wila Quta)/(blood lake)/(Apu Qun Tiqsi Wiraqutra)/Con-Tici/Kon-Tiki
          1. Pre-Inca Creator God
          2. c 3000 BC
        11. Iškur/Pid(a)r(ay)/Rapiu/Rapha
          1. Son of Enlil/Yahweh (son of Anu)
          2. Babylonian/Semitic/Ugaritic/Assyrian/Aramean God
          3. c 2500 BC
        12. Ὄγμιος/Ogmios/Og(i)mius/Og(h)ma
          1. Son of Elatha and Ethniu/Ethliu/Étain
          2. Gaulish/Irish God
          3. Flourished c 2089 BC
        13. Lugos/Lugus/(Lug(h)/(lug - oath, pledge)/(leuk - light) (Lámhf(h)ada/Lonbemnech (of the Long Arm)))/(Lleu/Llew Llaw Gyffes (Lleu of the Skillful Hand))
          1. Son of:
            • Cian and Ethniu/Ethliu/Étain
            • Or Gwydion and Arianrhod
          2. Gaulish/Irish/Welsh Solar God
          3. Warrior, King, Master Craftsman, and Saviour
          4. Associated with Skill and Mastery in Multiple Disciplines, including the Arts; also has associations with Oaths, Truth and the Law (and with Rightful Kingship)
          5. Flourished 2089/2053 BC
        14. A(e)ngus/Óengus/Oíngus(s)(ius)/Maccan/Macán/Mac Óg/(the Young(er))/(ind) Óc
          1. Son of The Dagda (son of Elatha and Ethniu) and Boann
          2. Originally an Irish God associated with Youth, Love, and Poetic Inspiration
          3. Flourished c 2053 BC
        15. (Eochu/Eocho/E(o)chaid(h)) Ollathair the Dagda
          1. Son of Elatha/Elada/Ealadha (son of Dalbaech)
          2. Irish High-King
          3. 19th/18th Centuries BC
          4. Wounded in the 1869 BC — Battle of Moytura
          5. Began reign in 1828 BC
          6. Died 1749 BC
        16. Αστεριος/Asterios/Asterius/(Starry)/Zeos/Zeus/Iup(p)iter/(Iupiter Latinus)/Jupiter
          1. Son of Αναξ/Anax/(Ruler)/Kronos/Cronus/Saturn and Rhea/Ops
          2. (Both offspring of Ouranos/Uranus/Caelus and Gaia/Gaea/Terra)
          3. Cretan/Hellenic/Roman God
          4. Flourished c 1447 BC
        17. Akagamunas/Agamemnon
          1. Son of Atreus (son of Pelops and Hippodam(e)ia) and Aerope (daughter of Catreus)
          2. Achaean/Mycenaean/Greek King
          3. Flourished in 14th Century BC at Ahhiyawa/Argos
        18. Il/El(kunirsa)/Yahweh/Kumarbi
          1. Son of Anu, Son of Anshar and Kishar
          2. (Anshar, son of Lahmu and Lahamu, both offspring of Apsu and Tiamat; Kishar, daughter of Apsu and Tiamat)
          3. Hittite/Hurrian/Hebrew/Aryan God
          4. Flourished 15th/14th/13th Centuries BC
        19. Ba’al/Ba’al-Zephon/Ba’al-Sidon/Saphon
          1. Son of Dagan (son of El and At(h)irat-/Asherah-of-the-Sea)
          2. Canaanite Fertility God
          3. Flourished 1450 BC to 1180 BC
        20. Ικαριος/Ikarios/Icar(i)us of Athens/Sparta
          1. Son of Oibalos/Oebalus (son of Kynortas/Cynortas) and Bat(e)ia/Gorgophone (daughter of Eurotas)
          2. (Kynortas/Cynortas, son of Amyclas and Diomede; Eurotas, son of Myles)
          3. Greek
          4. Athenian flourished 1437 BC to 1396 BC
          5. Spartan flourished 1260/1194 BC to 1184/1180 BC
        21. Moshe/Moses
          1. Son of Amran (son of Kohath/Kehath) and Jochebed (daughter of Levi/Jezah)
          2. Egyptian/Canaanite, Mythic/Legendary Prophet
          3. Born c 1400 BC/late 14th Century BC
          4. Died c 1201 BC
        22. Ἡρακλής/Hēraklēs/Heracles/Hercules/Ἀλκαϊος/Alkaios/Alcaeus/Ἀλκείδης/Alkeidēs/Alcides
          1. Son of Zeus and Alcmene
          2. Græco-Roman Hero/Demigod
          3. Died c 1226 BC
        23. Michael/میکائیل/مایکل/(mikâ'il)/(mâykel)/(who is like strength/power)
          1. Persian/Israelite God/Messenger/Archangel
          2. Originated 1500/1000 BC
        24. Atunis/Attis
          1. Son of Agdistis (son/daughter of Zeos/Zeus and Gaia) and Nana (daughter of Sangarius)
          2. (Gaia/Gaea/Terra, daughter of Chaos/Aether/Aither and Hemera; Sangarius, son of Oceanus and Tethys)
          3. Etruscan/Greek/Phrygian/Roman Fertility God
          4. Flourished c 1250/1200 BC
        25. Achilles/Achilleus/Ἀχιλλεύς
          1. Son of King Peleus of the Myrmidons/Myrmidans of Phthia and Thetis (Nereid — Sea Nymph)
          2. Born c 1200 BC in Phthia
          3. Died at Troy
        26. Apollo(s)/Apulu
          1. Son of Zeos/Zeus (son of Anax/Kronos/Saturn and Rhea/Ops) and Leto/Latona (daughter of Coeus and Phoebe)
          2. Greek/Roman, Mythic Solar, God
          3. Flourished 2000 BC to 3rd century BC
        27. Dionysos/Diṓnusos/Διόνυσος/Dionysus
          1. Son of Zeos/Ζεός/Zeus/Ζεύς and Semele (daughter of Cadmus) or Persephone (daughter of Ζεός/Ζεύς and Dēmḗtēr/Δημήτηρ/Dāmā́tēr/Δαμάτηρ)
          2. Greek God
          3. Flourished/worshipped 1500/1100/500 BC
        28. David/Dawud/Hamelech
          1. Ben Jesse ben Obed ben Boaz/Booz ben Salma(n)/Salmon
          2. Jewish/Israelite, Mythic/Legendary, Prophet and King of Judah and Israel
          3. Born c 1085/1040/1035/1030 BC
          4. Died c 970/961 BC
        29. Solomon/Shlomoh/Jedidiah/Yədidya
          1. Ben David/Dawud/Hamelech ben Jesse ben Obed ben Boaz/Booz ben Salma(n)/Salmon
          2. Jewish/Israelite, Mythic/Legendary, King of Israel
          3. Born c 990 BC
          4. Reigned c 970 BC to 931 BC
          5. Died c 931 BC
        30. Adon(is)/Adonai
          1. Son of Cinyras/Theias/Phoenix and Myrrha/Smyrna/Metharme/Alphesiboea
          2. Canaanite/Phoenician/Greek/Roman, Fertility God
          3. Flourished 14th Century BC to 6th Century BC
        31. Pwyll Pen Annwn (Wise Head of the Otherworld/(land of fairies))
          1. Pendefig Dyfed (Prince/Noble of Dyfed)
          2. Lord/King of Dyfed
          3. Husband of Rhiannon
          4. Father of the hero Pryderi
        32. Pryderi fab Pwyll
          1. Son of Pwyll and Rhiannon
          2. King of Dyfed
          3. Husband of Cigfa ferch Gwyn Glohoyw
        33. Brenn(i)us
          1. Son of King Dunvallo/Dunwallo Molmutius/Moduncius
          2. King of the North of Britain
          3. British God of Darkness
          4. Reigned 433/380 BC to 407/374 BC
        34. Brennus/Brennos
          1. Chieftain of the Senones
          2. Defeated the Romans at the Battle of the Allia, c 390 BC
          3. Led an army of Cisalpine Gauls in their attack on Rome and captured most of the city, holding it for several months, c 390 BC
        35. Alexander the Great
          1. Son of Philip II (son of Amyntas III and Eurydice I) and Olympias (daughter of Neoptolemus I of Epirus)
          2. Macedonian King
          3. Born 20/21 July 356 BC
          4. Reigned 336 BC to 323 BC
          5. Died 10/11 Jun 323 BC
        36. Brennus/Brennos
          1. One of the Gaulish leaders of the army of the Gallic invasion of the Balkans
          2. Died 279 BC (Delphi, Ancient Greece)
        37. Betis de Feson (Perceforest)
          1. Son of Gadifer du Lairis
          2. Brother of Gadifer
          3. Husband of Ydorus
          4. King of Britain
          5. Born 350/349 BC
          6. Reigned 328/327 BC to 312/311 BC
          7. Died 312/311 BC
        38. Aśoka/Ashoka the Great
          1. Son of Bindusara (son of Chandragupta Maurya and Durdhara) and Subhadrangi/Dharma/Janapadakalyani (daughter of a Brahmin from Champa)
          2. 3rd Mauryan, Emperor/King
          3. Pradesh, India
          4. Born 304 BC
          5. Reigned 268 BC to 232 BC
          6. Died 232 BC
        39. Belenos/Bel(in)(us)/(Beli Mawr)/Dolobellus
          1. Son of Manogan/Monnogan (and Anna) [ap Eneid Capuir/Capoir ne Pabo enn Arall ap Cerwyd/Pyr] ap Saw(y)l Benisel/Benuchel ap Rhydderch
          2. (ap Rhodawr/Rhydiow ap Eidiol/Eidal ap Arthfael/Arthvael/Arthmael/Archmail ap Seis(s)(y)l(l)(t)(t) ap Owain/Caf(fo))
          3. Born c 140/132/130/125/110/101/99/65 BC
          4. Reigned 433/380 BC to 407/374 BC, as son of King Dunvallo/Dunwallo Molmutius/Moduncius
          5. Died c 72 BC
          6. Southeastern Welsh, Silures (Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Finddu)
          7. Gaulish/Cambrian Mythic/Legendary Solar God, and Druid King of (the South of) Britain
        40. Hippolytus/Virbius/(Rex Nemorensis)
          1. Son of Theseus (son of Poseidon/Neptune and Aethra) and Atiope/Hippolyte/Hippolyta (daughter of Ares/Mars)
          2. Græco-Roman Hero/God – King of the Forest
          3. c 5th Century BC/AD 8
        41. (Eochu/Eocho/E(o)chaid(h)) Airem
          1. Son of Finn, son of Rogen Ruad, son of Essamain Emna, son of Blathnachta, son of Labraid Lorc, son of Enna Aignech
          2. Irish agricultural plough(ing)-God
          3. 2nd/1st Century BC — 131 BC to 116 BC; or 82 BC to 70 BC; or 48 BC to 44 BC, story is much older
        42. Mit(h)ra(s)/(Shamash/Apollo)
          1. Son of Enlil/Zeos/Zeus/Iupiter/Jupiter
          2. Persian/Græco-Roman Solar God
          3. Flourished 600 BC to 4th century AD
        43. Cassibilian/Cassivellaunus/Cassivellaunos/Cas(s)wal(l)a(w)n/Caswal(l)on
          1. Son of Beli Mawr (and Dôn verch/ferch Mathonwy), son of Manogan/Monnogan (and Anna)
          2. Born 108 BC
          3. Flourished 54 BC
          4. Died 48 BC
        44. Fergus mac Roich/Roy/Róig/Rossa
          1. Irish God
          2. Flourished 2nd Century/1st Century BC — 159 BC to 143 BC, or 110 BC to 94 BC, or 51 BC to 30 BC, or 49 BC
          3. Died 1st Century BC/1st Century AD — 27 BC to AD 14
        45. Guidgen/Gwydion/Fidgen/(born of trees) fab/(son of) Beli Mawr (and Dôn verch/ferch Mathonwy), son of Manogan/Monnogan (and Anna)
          1. Welsh Magician, Hero, and Trickster God (with some solar aspects)
          2. Born c 95/37 BC
        46. (Cú Chulainn)/(Cú Chulaind)/Cúchulain(n)/Cuhullin
          1. Son of Lugh (son of Cian and Ethniu/Eithne) and Deichtine (wife of Sualtam mac Róich)
          2. (Cian, son of Dian Cécht and Danu; Ethniu, daughter of Balor)
          3. Irish Hero
          4. Died AD 2/12
        47. Manawydan/Manannán/Mandubracios/Mandubracius/Mandubratius/Mannuētiagnos/(Son of Mannuētios)
          1. Mac/(m)ap/fab/(son of) Imanuentius/Inianuvetitius/Inianuvetutus/Imannuetitius/Mannuētios/Allód/Le(a)r/Lir/Llŷr and Penardim/Penard(d)un
          2. Sea God in Manx, Irish, and Welsh
          3. Originally a king of the Trinovantes
          4. Flourished c 55 BC/AD 12
        48. Cadwallon/Katuwellaunos/Katu-welnā-mnos/(in battle (katu-), leads (welnā-), the one who (-mnos))
          1. one of the Catuvellauni who lived in what is now Hertfordshire
          2. Led the resistance against the Romans in AD 43
          3. possibly against Caesar in 55 BC and 54 BC as well
        49. Conchobar mac Nessa
          1. Son of Ness(a) (daughter of Eochaid Sálbuide)
          2. Father was either the Druid Cathbad or High King Fachtna Fáthach
          3. King of Ulster
          4. Born c 56/06 BC
          5. Died AD 33/34/40/46
        50. Gwyn(n)(was)
          1. (Son of)/ap (L(l)ud(d) (Llaw))/Nudd/((Nudd Llaw)/(Addedomaros) (Ereint/Erient))/Nod(ens)/(Nuada Airgetlám)
          2. ((Aedd Mawr)/(Addedo the Great)/Addedomarus/Addedomaros/Αθθε-Domaros/Αθθε-Domarus/Aththe(-)domaros)
          3. Welsh Wild Huntsman God
          4. Born c 75/70/49/45/40/35/23 BC/AD 52/53
        51. Gwythyr ap/(son of) Gwreidawl/Greidawl Galldonyd
          1. Rival of Gwyn(n)(was) ap Nudd
          2. Every Calan Mai, the two would fight until a battle on Judgment Day
        52. Brân/Bran/Bron/Bendigeidfran/(Brân Fendigaidd)/(Brân the Blessed)/(Blessed Crow)
          1. (Son of)/mac/(m)ap/fab Imanuentius/Inianuvetitius/Inianuvetutus/Imannuetitius/Mannuētios/Allód/Le(a)r/Lir/Llŷr and Penardim/Penard(d)un
          2. (Imanuentius/Inianuvetitius/Inianuvetutus/Imannuetitius/Mannuētios/Allód/Le(a)r/Lir/Llŷr, son of Cassibilian/Cassivellaunus/Cassivellaunos)
          3. (Penardim/Penard(d)un verch (L(l)ud(d) (Llaw))/Nudd/((Nudd Llaw)/(Addedomaros) (Ereint/Erient))/Nod(ens)/(Nuada Airgetlám) ap Beli Mawr)
          4. Southeastern Welsh, Silures (Gl(y)wys(s)ing – House of Finddu)
          5. Born c 20 BC/AD 10/12
          6. Died c AD 36/40/65
        53. Yeshu(a)/Iēsoûs/Ἰησοῦς/Iesus/Jesus
          1. Ben Pant(h)era/Pandera/Pandira and Miryam/Maryam
          2. Judeo-Roman Prophet
          3. Born c 6/5 BC
          4. Flourished 1st century AD
          5. Died c AD 29/40
        54. Caratācos/Καράτακος/Caratacus/Car(a)tacas/Καρτάκης/Cama(a)lis/Caratawc/Caradog/Karadeg
          1. Ap Cynfelyn/Cymbeline/Cunobelin(us) ap Tasciovanus ap (L(l)ud(d) (Llaw))/Nudd/((Nudd Llaw)/(Addedomaros) (Ereint/Erient))/Nod(ens)
          2. Born AD 10/15
          3. Chieftain of the Catuvellauni
          4. King of the Britons
          5. Reigned AD 43 to AD 50
          6. Died after AD 50 (AD 54)
      3. Roman Britain era Heroes/Deities — AD 43 to AD 410
        1. Beli(m)/Heli
          1. Son of Brân/Bron/Bendigeidfran/(Brân Fendigaidd)/(Blessed Crow) and Anna/Enygeus
          2. Flourished c AD 58/59
        2. Agrestes/Argestes/A(r)vi(r)agus of Gwenivyth/Gweirydd
          1. Ap Cynfelyn/Cymbeline/Cunobelin(us) ap Tasciovanus ap (L(l)ud(d) (Llaw))/Nudd/((Nudd Llaw)/(Addedomaros) (Ereint/Erient))/Nod(ens)
          2. Southeastern Welsh King, Silures (Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Finddu)
          3. Born c AD 10/41/54/105
          4. Died c AD 54/60/74/81/96
        3. Brinno
          1. Leader of the Canninefates when they joined in the Batavian rebellion at the mouth of the Rhine in AD 70
          2. Attacked Roman winter camps by sea with the help of the Frisii
          3. Threatened to advance on the Roman forts in the region, leading the Romans to burn these forts down with the fear of being unable to defend them
        4. Yamato Takeru (ヤマトタケルノミコト, Yamato Takeru no Mikoto), originally Prince Ousu (小碓命, Ousu no Mikoto)
          1. Japanese semi-legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty
          2. Son of Emperor Keikō, who is traditionally counted as the 12th Emperor of Japan
          3. Born c AD 72
          4. Died AD 114
        5. (Coel(us) I)/Coilus
          1. Ap Marius/Meric/Cyllin (ap Agrestes/Argestes/A(r)vi(r)agus of Gwenivyth/Gweirydd, and Genuissa) and Venus/Victoria Julia
          2. (Venus/Victoria Julia verch Prasutagus/Prasutugu and Boadicea)
          3. (Boudica/Boadicea/Bodicea/Victoria, daughter of Antideos Mandubratius)
          4. (Antideos Mandubratius ap (L(l)ud(d) (Llaw))/Nudd/((Nudd Llaw)/(Addedomaros) (Ereint/Erient))/Nod(ens)/(Nuada Airgetlám) ap Beli Mawr)
          5. Roman
          6. Born c AD 60/80/104/120/125
          7. Died c AD 170
        6. (Fionn Mac Cumhail(l))/(Find Mac Coul)/(Finn Mac Cool)¹
          1. Son of Cumhail(l)/Coul/Cool and Muirne (daughter of Tadg mac Nuadat/(Nuadu Necht)/(Nuada Airgetlám))
          2. Irish Hero King
          3. Born AD 106/140
          4. Flourished AD 123/157/(Third Century AD)
          5. Died AD 284
        7. (Mars) Belatucader, son of Iupiter and Iuno
          1. Romano-British God of War
          2. Worshipped in his own right as a Warrior God
          3. His name is said to be from Irish and Welsh meaning ‘the fair shining one’
          4. Appears on many altar stones along Hadrian’s Wall and in northern Britain
            • Particularly within the lands of the Carveti(i)
            • Where he may have been worshipped as a Tribal Patron God
          5. To the Trinovantes/Trinobantes, and the Catuvellauni, he was known as (Mars) Camulus — lending his name to Camulo(-)dunum/Camulodunon
          6. In the Brigantes tribe, he was Belatucadrus
          7. To the Corielta(u)vi/Coritani, he was known as (Mars) Braciaca
        8. (Coel II)/Coilus
          1. Son of Cadwan/Cadvan de Bretagne (and Gladys verch Lleiffer Mawr), son of Fiachu Straiptine Srabhteine and Aoife Gall Gaedal
          2. King
          3. Born AD 202/218/225/232/240
          4. Died AD 262/275/285
        9. Wo(u)tan/(V)odin(n)/(W)oden/(V)othin(n)
          1. Son of Bor/Frithuwald/Fiarlef/Frialafr/Firthleif/Friallaf/Fríallaf and Beltsa
          2. Norse/Germanic God
          3. Born c AD 200/215
          4. King
          5. Died c AD 306
        10. Þórr/Donar/Thun(o)r/Tror/T(h)or Odinsson
          1. Son of Wo(u)tan/(V)odin(n)/(W)oden/(V)othin(n) and Jörð/Jord/Jorth/Jarð/Fjörgyn/Hlóðyn
          2. (Wo(u)tan/(V)odin(n)/(W)oden/(V)othin(n), son of Bor/Frithuwald/Fiarlef/Frialafr/Firthleif/Friallaf/Fríallaf and Beltsa)
          3. Norse/Germanic God
          4. Born c AD 214/215/243
        11. Bald(e)r/Baldur/B(a)eld(a)eg/Beldex/Beig Odinsson av Āsgard de Saxony
          1. Son of Wo(u)tan/(V)odin(n)/(W)oden/(V)othin(n) and Frígídá/Frigida/Frigg(a)/Friege/Frija/Friia/Frea
          2. (Wo(u)tan/(V)odin(n)/(W)oden/(V)othin(n), son of Bor/Frithuwald/Fiarlef/Frialafr/Firthleif/Friallaf/Fríallaf and Beltsa)
          3. (Frígídá/Frigida/Frigg(a)/Friege/Frija/Friia/Frea, daughter of Fjorgvin/Cadwalladr/Jord, son of Lleiffer/Llewfer/Lleuver/Lucius Mawr ap Coellyn)
          4. Norse/Germanic God
          5. King of West Saxons
          6. Born c AD 242/243/256/258
          7. Died c AD 272/292/325/330/333
        12. (Constantine the Great)/(Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantin(i)us)
          1. Son of Constantius I Chlorus (son of Eutropius) and Helena
          2. Roman Emperor
          3. Born 27 Feb AD 265/272 or after 280
          4. Reigned 25 Jul AD 306 to 22 May AD 337
          5. Died 22 May AD 337
        13. Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c¹
          1. Ap Tegfan/Teuhvant/Techvant/Techmant/Teuchnant ap Urban/Erb ap Grat/Gradd ap Remetel/Jumutel ap Ritgurinum/Retigirn/Rutegyrn
          2. Romano-Briton
          3. Born AD 336/338/340/343/344
          4. Flourished after AD 358
          5. Died after AD 370/374
        14. Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxim(us)/Maxianus/Macsen Augustus (II) Wledig/Gulecic/Guletic¹
          1. Son of Maximianus Constans, son of Flavia Maxima Fausta (illegitimate)
          2. Born c AD 290/322(/335/340)
          3. Flourished late 4th Century AD — AD 383 to 28 Aug AD 388/390
          4. Died 28 Aug AD 388/390(/406)
          5. North Briton, Manau Gododdin, Votadini
          6. Southern Welsh (Gwent and Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Dynod)
        15. Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen²
          1. Ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan/Teuhvant/Techvant/Techmant/Teuchnant ap Urban/Erb ap Grat/Gradd ap Remetel/Jumutel
          2. North Briton High-King, Dux Brittaniarum
          3. Romano-Briton
          4. Born AD 350/355/360/369/370/380
          5. Reigned c AD 400 or AD 350 to AD 420
          6. Died 19 Nov AD 420/425
      4. Early Post-Roman Britain era Heroes/Deities — AD 410 to AD 470
        1. Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)²
          1. Ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us) Beisrud/Pesrut/(of the Red Robe)
          2. (North Briton King, Manau Gododdin)/(Northern Welsh King, Gwynedd)
          3. Born c AD 375/380/390/395
          4. Died AD 430/460
        2. (Teyrn(on)/Teirnyon Twr(y)(f)/Túrúf/Tory L(l)iant/Uliant/Fliant/Bliant/Blyaunt)/(Great Lord of the Tumultuous Sea)¹
          1. Eastern/Southern Welsh
          2. Lord of Gwent IsCoed, or Prince of Dyfed
          3. Flourished AD 421/430
        3. Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne/Vitalinus(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav/(The Thin)²
          1. Son of Gwidawl/Gwidol/Vitalis, son of Gwdoloeu/Gwydolin Vitalinus, son of Gloyw Gwallt Hir ap Rhuddfedd Frych ap Cadeyrn ap Gwrtheyrn
          2. Eastern Welsh King, Powys
          3. Born AD 370/390/400
          4. Reigned c AD 411 to c AD 430, or c AD 425 to AD 447/455/466, or c AD 449
          5. Died AD 447/455/459/464
        4. Attila (the Hun)²
          1. Son of Mundzuk/Mundzucus/Mundiucus/Moundiou
          2. Born c AD 406
          3. Died Mar AD 453
        5. Aurelius Ambrosius (Aurelian the Divine) the Elder²
          1. Son of Flavius Constantius III Augustus (and an earlier wife), son of Malvius, son of Eucherius and Flavia
          2. (Eucherius, son of Flavius Honorius and Placidia Flavia)
          3. Duce of Caer Gloui
          4. Midlands, Cornovii
          5. Born c AD 396(/403)
          6. Flourished AD 437
          7. Reigned AD 412/432/435/440 to AD 425/436/442
          8. Died 473
        6. Ceretic/Ceredig²
          1. Ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us) Beisrud/Pesrut/(of the Red Robe)
          2. Northern Welsh King, Ceredigion
          3. Born c AD 420/421/427
          4. Died AD 453
        7. Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coronticus (G)wledig/Guletic³
          1. Ap Cynlo(u)p/Cynloyp/Cynllwyb ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic ap Cluim Clemens ap Cursalem ap Fer ap Confer ap Cunedd ap (Coel II)/Coilus
          2. North Briton King, Al(lt )Clud/Clut, Damnonii
          3. Born c AD 388/390/410/418
          4. Flourished AD 450
          5. Died after AD 459/470
        8. Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamus/Rigadaf [Riatham I]
          1. Ap Deroch I ap Guidol/Guitol/Gwithol/Witholus ap Gradlon/Urbienus Mawr/(The Great) ap Cynan/Conan/Catou(i)us Meriadog
          2. Gaulic/Armorican Prince of the Domnonée
          3. “Arthur” as title
          4. Born AD 430/435/440
          5. Reigned AD 454/460 to AD 470
          6. Flourished AD 458 to AD 460
          7. Died AD 469/470/472/474
        9. Brychan
          1. Ap Anl(l)ach (and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig) ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Owein/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Brosc/Vraisg/Vreiss
          2. Southern Welsh King/Pendragon, Brycheiniog
          3. Born AD 419/430
          4. Flourished AD 450 to AD 480
          5. Died AD 500
        10. Pascent/Pasgen
          1. Son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne/Vitalinus(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav/(The Thin)
          2. Born AD 430
          3. Flourished AD 450 to AD 480
          4. Died AD 500
      5. Middle Post-Roman Britain Era Heroes/Deities — AD 470 to AD 530
        1. Agricola/Aergul/Aergol/Aircol/Aricol/Alchoil/Alcon Lawhir/Llawir/Iawhir/(Long-Hand)
          1. Mic/ap Tresund/Trestin/Triusin mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Owein/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Brosc/Vraisg/Vreiss/Vreise
          2. Mid/Southwestern Welsh King, Dyfed
          3. Born c AD 435/437/440/444/450/460
          4. Flourished AD 460/467/471 to AD 467/473/490
          5. Died c AD 495/500/502/510
        2. Ambrosius/Emrys/Embreis Aurelianus Wledic/(G)wledig/Guletic the Younger
          1. Son of either
            • Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I)* ap Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I, son of Urbienus/Gradlon Mawr/(The Great)
            • or Quintus Aurelius Memmius Symmachus (and a daughter of the King of Demetia), son of Quintus Fabius Memmius Symmachus,
                   [son of Quintus Aurelius Symmachus (and Rusticiana), son of Lucius Aurelius Avianius Symmachus and Acyndinia]
            • *[the above Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I) may be a conflated personage]
          2. High-King/Pendragon of Briton, Breton, Cornouaille/Kerne(v)
          3. “Arthur” as title
          4. Born AD (403/)425/430/446/469/470
          5. Flourished AD 459/460/475/480
          6. Reigned AD 480 to AD 488
          7. Died AD (473/)495/500
        3. Geraint/Gereint Llyngesog/(The Fleet Owner)
          1. Ap Erbin ap (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custen(n)in Cerniw/Cernyw)/Constantinus* ap Cynfa(w)r/Kynuawr/Kynor/Conomar and Gratianna
          2. Domnonian/Cornouaillean ancestry
          3. West/Southwestern Briton King, Dumnonia/Cerniw
          4. Born AD 448
          5. Flourished c AD 480
          6. Died c AD 514
          7. *[this (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custennin/Custenin Cerniw/Cernyw)/Constantinus may be a conflated personage]
        4. Flavius Momyllus Romulus August(ul)us³
          1. Son of Flavius/Flavio Orestes (and a daughter of Romulus), son of Tatulus/Tatulo
          2. Last Western Roman Emperor
          3. Born c AD 460/461/463
          4. Reigned (28 Aug)/(31 Oct) AD 475 to (31 Aug)/(4 Sep) AD 476
          5. Died after AD 510 (AD 527)
        5. Caradoc/Caradog/Carados Vreichvras/Friechfras/Briefbras/(Strong Arm)
          1. Ap Ynyr ap Dyfnwal ap Ednyfed ap Arthun/Anwn/Annun/Anyn/Antoni(ni)us Dynod/Dimet/Donatus Gregorius
          2. (ap Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxim(us)/Maxianus/Macsen Augustus (II) Wledig/Gulecic/Guletic, son of Maximianus Constans)
          3. Southern Welsh King (Gwent and Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Dynod)
          4. Late 5th/early 6th Century AD
            • Born AD 445/470
            • Died AD 515
        6. Dyfnwal Hen
          1. Ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynlo(u)p/Cynloyp/Cynllwyb ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          2. North Briton King/Pendragon, Al(lt )Clud
          3. Born AD 448/450/455
          4. Died AD 525/530
        7. Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt)
          1. Ap Categirn/Catigern/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne
          2. Mid/Eastern Welsh King, Powys
          3. Born AD 430/452/453/460
          4. Flourished AD 480 to AD 510
          5. Died AD 530
        8. Riocatus
          1. Son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne/Vitalinus(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/(The Thin)
          2. Born AD 460
          3. Flourished AD 475/480 to AD 510
          4. Died AD 530
        9. Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth)
          1. Ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us)
          2. “Arthur” as title: The Bear
          3. Breton ancestry
          4. Eastern Welsh King, Viroconium Cornoviorum, Powys
          5. Northern Welsh King, Rhôs, Gwynedd
          6. Born AD 450/460
          7. Flourished/Reigned AD 470/490/496 to AD 510/520
          8. Died AD 517/520/530 (Rhôs, Northern Wales)
        10. Cadwaladr/Catgualart
          1. Ap Me(i)r(ch)ion ap Typipion ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us)
          2. Northern Welsh King, Meirionydd
          3. Born AD 450/460
        11. Iaun/Iuan/John Reith/Riatham/Regula/(The Righteous) [Riatham II]
          1. Ap Budic/Budig I ap Aldrien/Aldroenus ap Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I ap Urbienus/Gradlon Mawr/(The Great) ap Cynan/Conan/Catou(i)us
          2. Breton
          3. Born c AD 454/470
          4. Flourished c AD 500
        12. Ceidio/Ceidiaw/Keidyav
          1. Ap/(m)ab Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines) ap/(m)ab Mor/Mar ap Ceneu ap Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan/Teuh(v)ant/Techvant
          2. Born AD 470/472/488
          3. Flourished AD 488/490
        13. Gwryon/Goryon/Gourles/Gorloïs/Gorla(i)s/Gorlens/Gorlodubnus/Gorloys/Gothlois/(/Hoel)
          1. Flourished c AD (490/)500/510/520/525
          2. Duke of Cornwall
        14. Cunedda Menrudd
          1. Ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us) Beisrud/Pesrut
          2. Northern Welsh King
          3. Born c AD 474
        15. Vortipor(i)(us)/Vortepor(ix)/Guortepir/Gw(o)rthyfyr/Gw(e)rthefyr/Gordeber/Gartbuir
          1. Ap Erbin/Aergol L(l)aw(h)ir (m)ap Triphun/Tryphun/T(r)yffin Farfog/(The Bearded) map Clotri(us) (m)ap Gloitguin/Gloitquin/Kyndeyrn
          2. Mid/Southern/Southwestern Welsh King/Protector of Dyfed
          3. Born AD 470/475/490/498/500
          4. Flourished c 490/495 to 520/540
          5. Died AD 540/580
        16. Cuneglas(s)us/Cyngen/Cynlas Goch/(The Red)
          1. Ap Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          2. Northern Welsh King, Rhôs, Gwynedd
          3. Late 5th/early 6th century AD
            • Born AD 480/490
            • Reigned AD 500/520 to AD 537/540
            • Died AD 550/560
        17. Muircertach mac Erca
          1. Son of Muiredach, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages
          2. First Christian King of Ireland
          3. Victorius in Battles that occured in AD 482, AD 484, AD 487, and AD 500
          4. Reigned AD 510/AD 513 to AD 534/AD 537
        18. Cerdic/Ceretic/Keretic/Ceredig/Careticus/Caraticos²
          1. Son of Elafius/Elasius/Elesa/Esla/Aloc/Alusa/Hyddwn, son of Esla, son of Gewis, son of Wig
          2. Mercenary/Non-Briton, King
          3. Wessex/Gewissei/Gewissae
          4. Born AD 467/480
          5. Reigned AD 549 to AD 554
          6. Died AD 534/550
      6. Late Post-Roman Britain era Heroes/Deities — AD 530 to AD 590
        1. Cunedda¹
          1. Ap Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us)
          2. Northern Welsh King
          3. Born c AD 500
        2. Beowulf/Beow-Wolf/Biewolf/Beado-Wulf/(War Wolf)¹
          1. Son of Ecgþēow/Edgetho/Ecgtheow/Agiþewaz and the daughter of King Hreðel of the Geats/Gēatas/Gautar/Götar/Goths
          2. Flourished c AD 515/530 (6th Century AD)
          3. King of the Geats (Gēatas/Gautar/Götar/Goths) after c AD 530
        3. C(h)anao I¹
          1. Son of Gwereg/Guérech/Waroch I
          2. Breton/Armorican, King of Vannetais
          3. Reigned AD 550 to AD 560
        4. Riatham [III]¹
          1. Ap Deroch II ap Riwal Mawr Merchou ap Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamus/Rigadaf ap Deroch I ap Guitol
          2. Born after AD 520/530
        5. Gwawrddur/Gwaledyr/Gwaredur (Kyruach/Kyrvach)/(Hunchback)/(Wizened)/(Bow-back)¹
          1. Pictish Warrior in Y Gododdin
          2. Died c AD 600
        6. Urien(s)/Urbgen¹
          1. Ap Cynfarch Oer ap Meirchiawngul/(Meirchion Gul) ap Gwrast/Gwrgwst Lledlwm/(the Raggéd) ap Ceneu ap Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen
          2. (North Briton)/(Northern Welsh), King, Rheged/Gwynedd
          3. Late 6th Century AD
            • Born c AD 535
            • Reigned AD 570/579 to AD 590
            • Died AD 570/579/591
        7. Áedá(i)n/Aiden/Aidan(us)¹
          1. Mac Gabrain/Gabrán/Goran(us) mac Domanga(i)rt/Dongard(us) Reti mac Fergus Mór (and Duinseach ingen Dui ingen Duach) mac E(a)rc
          2. North Briton King, Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)
          3. Born c AD 534/535/536
          4. Flourished/Reigned AD 570/574 to c AD 605/606/609
          5. Died AD 603/608
      7. Early Mediæval era Heroes/Deities — AD 590 to AD 871
        1. Mongán mac Fíachnai
          1. (Son of)/mac/(m)ap/fab Manawydan/Manannán/Mandubracius/Mandubratius/Mandubracios/Mandubracius/Mandubratius/Mannuētiagnos (and Cáintigern)
          2. Prince of the Cruthin
          3. King of Ulster, Ireland
          4. Died c AD 625
        2. Cadwaladr Fendigaid/(The Blesséd)
          1. Ap Cadwallon II (and (H)elen/Alefrith/Alcfrith of Mercia, daughter of Pybba of Mercia) ap Cadfan ap Iago ap Beli ap Rhun Hir/(The Tall)
          2. Northern Welsh King, Gwynedd
          3. Born c AD 615
          4. Reigned c AD 630/655 to c AD 664/682
          5. Died c AD 664/681
        3. Sigurðr/Sigurd(r)/Siegfried/Sifrit/(Sivard Snarensven(d))
          1. Son of Sigmund and Hiordis
          2. Norse/Germanic Hero
          3. Popular as early as AD 98, or AD 457/500, or AD 750 to AD 1000/1100/1500
        4. Wulfhere/Wulfar
          1. Son of King Penda of Mercia and Cynewise
          2. King of Mercia
          3. Born c AD 640 in Mercia
          4. Reigned AD 657/658 to AD 675
          5. Died AD 675 in Mercia
        5. Charlemagne/(Charles the Great)/(Karl der Große)/(Carlo Magno)/Carlomagno/(Charles I)
          1. Son of Pepin the Short, and Bertrada of Laon
          2. King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, and Holy Roman Emperor
          3. Born 2 Apr AD 742
          4. Reigned AD 768 to AD 814
          5. Died 28 Jan AD 814
      8. True Mediæval era Heroes/Deities — AD 871 to AD 1485
        1. Alfred/Ælfred the Great
          1. Son of Æthelwulf and Osburh
          2. King of the West Saxons and King of the Anglo-Saxons
          3. Born AD 848/849
          4. Reigned AD April 871 to 26 October AD 899
          5. Died 26 October AD 899
        2. Æthelstan
          1. Son of Edward the Elder (son of Alfred the Great and Ealhswith) and Ecgwynn(a)
          2. King of the Anglo-Saxons and the English
          3. Born AD 894/895
          4. Reigned AD 924 to AD 939
          5. Died 27 Oct AD 939
        3. Alfonso I
          1. Son of King Sancho Ramírez
          2. King of Aragon and Pamplona (later Navarre)
          3. Called the Battler or the Warrior (Spanish: el Batallador)
          4. Born AD 1073/1074
          5. Reigned 28 September AD 1104 to 7/8 September AD 1134
          6. Died 7/8 September AD 1134 (Poleñino, Spain)
        4. Saint Galgano Guidotti
          1. Born AD 1148 (Chiusdino, Siena, Italy)
          2. Died 3 December AD 1181 (Montesiepi, Tuscany, Italy)
        5. Henry the Young King
          1. Son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine
          2. Born 28 February 1155 in London
          3. Reigned 14 June 1170 to 11 June 1183
          4. Died 11 June 1183 at Castle of Martel, Lot, France
        6. (Ilya Muromets)/(Илья Муромец)/(Ilya of Murom)/(Ilya Murometz/Musomyets)/(Ilya Pechersky)
          1. Son of a farmer
          2. Folk hero of ancient Ruś
          3. A ‘bogatyr’ (akin to knight-errant)
          4. A character of many ‘bylinas’ (East Slavic mediæval epic poems)
          5. Flourished AD 980–1015/1205–1255/1405–1453
        7. Marco/Marko/Марко Mrnjavčević/Мрњавчевић
          1. Son of Vukašin Mrnjavčević and Alena
          2. Prince/(Краљевић/Kraljević)/King/(Крали/Крале)
          3. De jure Serbian king, de facto ruler of territory in western Macedonia
          4. Born c AD 1335
          5. Reigned AD 1371 to 1395
          6. Died 17 May AD 1395 in Rovine, Wallachia (now Romania)
      9. Early Modern era Heroes/Deities — AD 1485 to AD 1635
        1. Ar(h)ua(n)(ra)n
          1. Son of Okpame/Ozolua and Ohonmin
          2. Half-brother of Esigie (whose mother was Idia)
          3. Oba/King/Prince/Duke of Udo/Idubor
          4. Flourished AD 1504/1550
        2. Caliban, a savage and deformed Slave
    5. Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
      1. Introduction to Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
      2. Notes: < > = average, { } = number of dated events in sources, ⁿ = total number of dated events per candidate
      3. Reign
        1. AD 175 in the Short Metrical Chronicle
          • {1}“Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)
            • Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum
            • As Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria, in 2nd Century AD
          • {1}“Arthur, the Roman Praefectus (Commander)
            • Lucius Artori(u)s (Castus) (Venedos), Roman Praefectus (Commander) of the VI Legion Victrix in Brittania
            • Lived AD 140/142 to c AD 197 (Flourished AD <199/200?>)
          • {1} (Fionn Mac Cumhail(l))/(Find Mac Coul)/(Finn Mac Cool), son of Cumhail(l)/Coul/Cool and Muirne
            • Irish Hero King
            • Lived AD <123> to AD 284 (Flourished AD <195/196> (Third Century AD))
        2. AD 421 in the Chronicle of Saint Michael’s Mount
          • {1} Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan/Teuhvant/Techvant/Techmant/Teuchnant ap Urban/Erb ap Grat
            • North Briton High-King, Dux Brittaniarum, Romano-Briton
            • Lived AD <364> to 19 Nov AD <422/423> (Reigned AD <400> to AD <420>)
          • {1} Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us) Beisrud/Pesrut
            • North Briton King, Manau Gododdin; and Northern Welsh King, Gwynedd
            • Lived AD <385> to AD <445>
          • {1} (Teyrn(on)/Teirnyon Twr(y)(f)/Túrúf/Tory L(l)iant/Uliant/Fliant/Bliant/Blyaunt)/(Great Lord of the Tumultuous Sea)
            • Eastern/Southern Welsh Lord of Gwent IsCoed; or Prince of Dyfed
            • Flourished AD <425/426>
          • {1}“King Arthur of the Dobunni/Bodunni”
            • Lower Midlands, Petty King of Dobunni/Bodunni Civitas
            • Lived AD <400/401> to AD <473/474> (Most likely floruit AD <466/467>)
          • {1}“Arthur of the Northern Britons”
            • Artorii as descendants of Sarmatian/Alan Conscripts of Northern Briton
            • Living AD 428 in Bremetennacum Veteranorum near present-day Ribchester in Lancashire
          • {1} Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav, son of Gwidawl/Gwidol
            • Eastern Welsh King, Powys
            • Lived AD <386/387> to AD <456/457> (Reigned <428/429> to AD <445>)
          • {1} Attila (the Hun), son of Mundzuk/Mundzucus/Mundiucus/Moundiou
            • Born c AD 406
            • Died Mar AD 453
          • {1}“King Arthur of the Alans”
            • King Eothar/Eochar/Euchar/Go(ch)ar/Gother/Gobar of the Alans
            • Lived AD <397/398> to AD <448> (Reigned to late AD 440s, Flourished AD 446)
          • {1} Aurelius Ambrosius (Aurelian the Divine) the Elder, son of Flavius Constantius III Augustus and an earlier wife
            • Duce of Caer Gloui of the Cornovii in the Midlands
            • Lived AD 399/400 to 473 (Reigned AD <429/430> to AD <434/435>, Flourished AD 437)
        3. AD 440 to AD 460 by pseudo-Nennius
          • {2} Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav
          • {2} Attila (the Hun), son of Mundzuk/Mundzucus/Mundiucus/Moundiou
          • {2} Aurelius Ambrosius (Aurelian the Divine) the Elder, son of Flavius Constantius III Augustus and an earlier wife
          • {1} Ceretic/Ceredig ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus Beisrud/Pesrut
            • Northern Welsh King, Ceredigion
            • Lived AD <422/423> to AD 453
          • {1} Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coronticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynlo(u)p/Cynllwyb ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic ap Cluim Clemens
            • North Briton King of the Damnonii in Al(lt )Clud/Clut
            • Lived AD <401/402> to AD <465/466> (Flourished AD 450)
          • {1}“King Arthur of Dumnonia (and Domnonia)
            • Arth, with (Constantine III/II)/(Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin* as his grandfather
            • Breton Ancestry, Domnonia; West/Southwestern Briton King of Dumnonia
            • Flourished AD <442> (Died c AD 449)
            • *[the above (Constantine III/II)/(Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin may be a conflated personage]
          • {1}“Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”
            • Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum
            • As Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria, in 5th Century AD
          • {1} Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamus/Rigadaf [Riatham I] ap Deroch I ap Guidol/Guitol/Gwithol/Witholus
            • Gaulic/Armorican Prince of the Domnonée, “Arthur” as title
            • Lived AD <435> to AD <472> (Reigned AD <457> to AD 470, Flourished AD 458 to AD 460)
          • {1} Brychan ap Anl(l)ach (and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig) ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Vraisg
            • Southern Welsh King/Pendragon, Brycheiniog
            • Lived AD <424/425> to AD 500 (Flourished AD 450 to AD 480)
          • {1}“Arthur of Brittany”
            • Arzur, a Breton
            • Died AD 500
          • {1} Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav
            • Lived AD 430 to AD 500
            • Flourished AD 450 to AD 480
          • {1} Agricola/Aergul/Aergol/Aircol/Aricol/Alchoil/Alcon Lawhir/Llawir/Iawhir/(Long-Hand) mic/ap Tresund/Trestin/Triusin
            • Mid/Southwestern Welsh King, Dyfed
            • Lived AD <444/445> to AD <501/502> (Flourished AD <466> to AD <476/477>)
          • {1} Ambrosius/Emrys/Embreis Aurelianus Wledic/(G)wledig/Guletic the Younger
            • Son of either
              • Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I)* ap Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I
              • or Quintus Aurelius Memmius Symmachus (and a daughter of the King of Demetia), son of Quintus Fabius Memmius Symmachus,
                     [son of Quintus Aurelius Memmius Symmachus (and Rusticiana), son of Lucius Aurelius Avianius Symmachus and Acyndinia]
              • *[the above Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I) may be a conflated personage]
            • High-King/Pendragon of Briton, Breton, Cornouaille/Kerne(v); “Arthur” as title
            • Lived AD <440/441> to AD <497/498> (Flourished AD <471/472>, Reigned AD 480 to AD 488)
        4. AD 457 to AD 474 by Geoffrey of Monmouth
          • {2} Ceretic/Ceredig ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
          • {2} Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coronticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynlo(u)p/Cynllwyb ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic ap Cluim Clemens
          • {2}“Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”
          • {2} Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamus/Rigadaf [Riatham I] ap Deroch I ap Guidol/Guitol/Gwithol/Witholus
          • {2} Brychan ap Anl(l)ach (and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig) ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Vraisg
          • {2}“Arthur of Brittany”
          • {2} Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav
          • {1}“Arthur as Uther”
            • Uverian/Uthyr/(Uther (Pendragon))/(Uter Pandragon)/Utherpendragon/(Ythr ben dragwn), son of Kusten(n)in/Mustennin*
            • Born AD <432/433> (Domnonia or Dumnonia)
            • *[the above Kusten(n)in/Mustennin may be a conflated personage]
          • {1}“Arthur, the Crippled/Healed”
            • Arthur/Artorius/Art(h)ri
            • Born AD 436/437 (Flourished AD 471/472)
          • {2} Agricola/Aergul/Aergol/Aircol/Aricol/Alchoil/Alcon Lawhir/Llawir/Iawhir/(Long-Hand) mic/ap Tresund/Trestin/Triusin
          • {2} Ambrosius/Emrys/Embreis Aurelianus Wledic/(G)wledig/Guletic the Younger
          • {1} Geraint/Gereint Llyngesog/(The Fleet Owner) ap Erbin ap (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custen(n)in Cerniw)/Constantinus*
            • Domnonian/Cornouaillean ancestry; West/Southwestern Briton King, Dumnonia/Cerniw
            • Lived AD 448 to c AD 514 (Flourished c AD 480)
            • *[this (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custennin/Custenin Cerniw)/Constantinus may be a conflated personage]
        5. AD 460s or AD 470s in Legenda Sancti Goeznovii
          • {3}“Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)”
          • {3} Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamus/Rigadaf [Riatham I] ap Deroch I ap Guidol/Guitol/Gwithol/Witholus
          • {3} Brychan ap Anl(l)ach (and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig) ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Vraisg
          • {3}“Arthur of Brittany
          • {3} Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav
          • {2}“Arthur as Uther
          • {2}“Arthur, the Crippled/Healed”
          • {3} Agricola/Aergul/Aergol/Aircol/Aricol/Alchoil/Alcon Lawhir/Llawir/Iawhir/(Long-Hand) mic/ap Tresund/Trestin/Triusin
          • {3} Ambrosius/Emrys/Embreis Aurelianus Wledic/(G)wledig/Guletic the Younger
        6. AD 490 to AD 512 in The Legend of King Arthur ballad
          • {2} Geraint/Gereint Llyngesog/(The Fleet Owner) ap Erbin ap (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custen(n)in Cerniw)/Constantinus
          • {1} Flavius Momyllus Romulus August(ul)us, son of Flavius/Flavio Orestes (and a daughter of Romulus), son of Tatulus/Tatulo
            • Last Western Roman Emperor
            • Lived c AD 460/461/463 to after AD 510 (AD 527); Reigned (28 Aug)/(31 Oct) AD 475 to (31 Aug)/(4 Sep) AD 476
          • {1} Caradoc/Caradog/Carados Vreichvras/Friechfras/Briefbras/(Strong Arm) ap Ynyr ap Dyfnwal ap Ednyfed ap Arthun Dynod Gregorius
            • Southern Welsh King (Gwent and Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Dynod)
            • Late 5th/early 6th Century AD (Lived AD <457/458> to AD 515)
          • {1}“King Arthur of the Artenses”
            • Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion ap/(m)ab Mor/Mar Maeswig ap Ceneu ap Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan
            • North Briton King of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines (Lived c AD <455> to c AD 520)
          • {1} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
            • North Briton King/Pendragon, Al(lt )Clud
            • Lived AD <451> to AD <527/528>
          • {1} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn
            • Mid/Eastern Welsh King, Powys
            • Lived AD <448/449> to AD 530 (Flourished AD 480 to AD 510)
          • {1}“Arthur, the Shadow”
            • Artad; ExtraTerrestrial Shadow, Airlia
            • Died AD 528
          • {1}“Arthur, the Romano-Briton”
            • Son of Flavius Momyllus Romulus August(ul)us (son of Flavius/Flavio Orestes and a daughter of Romulus) and Ygraine (daughter of Kustennin - Flavius Constantinus Marcellus)
            • Born last quarter 5th Century/first quarter 6th Century AD
          • {1} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
            • Lived AD 460 to AD 530
            • Flourished AD <477/478> to AD 510
          • {1} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
            • “Arthur” as title: The Bear
            • Breton ancestry; Eastern Welsh King, Viroconium Cornoviorum, Powys (Northern Welsh King, Rhôs, Gwynedd)
            • Lived AD <455> to AD <522/523> (Rhôs, Northern Wales); Flourished/Reigned AD <485/486> to AD <515>
          • {1}“Arthur of Brycheiniog”
            • Arthen, son of Brychan Pendragon (ap Anl(l)ach ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic ui Dessi) and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig
            • Southern Welsh, Brycheiniog (Lived AD 460 to AD 530)
          • {1} Cadwaladr/Catgualart ap Me(i)r(ch)ion ap Typipion ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
            • Northern Welsh King, Meirionydd
            • Born AD <455>
          • {1}“Arthur as Custennin*”
            • Arthur/Artorius ap Anblaud/Amlawd(d)/Amlawt/Anlawd(d)/Amlodd/Amlwyd/Aflawdd/Amalg(h)aid/Amolgaid/Amlethus/Amlóði
            • Born AD <464> (Flourished AD 495)
            • *[the above Custennin may be a conflated personage]
          • {1} Iaun/Iuan/John Reith/Riatham/Regula/(The Righteous) [Riatham II] ap Budic/Budig I ap Aldrien/Aldroenus ap Selyf(an)/Solomon I
            • Breton
            • Born c AD <462> (Flourished c AD 500)
          • {1}“Arthur, War Chief”
            • Artorius (Dux Bellorum)/Soldier/Warlord
            • Briton, possibly Northern Welsh; Late 5th/early 6th Centuries AD (Lived c AD 471 to c AD 524)
          • {1}“Prince Arthur of the Silures”
            • Southeastern Welsh Prince, Silures (Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Finddu)
            • Flourished c AD 500
          • {1} Ceidio/Ceidiaw/Keidyav ap/(m)ab Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
            • Born AD <476/477>
            • Flourished AD <489>
          • {1}“Arthur, Warlord of Gwynedd”
            • Northern Welsh Warlord, Gwynedd
            • Late 5th/early 6th Centuries AD
          • {1}“Arthur as a Raven God”
            • Arddhu/Arrdhu/Atho/(The Green Man)
            • Brittonic Raven God; 5th/6th Centuries AD
          • {1}“Arthur, Chief of the Picts and the Interior of Britain”
            • Art(h)ur Dux Pictorum, interioris Britannia
            • Flourished AD 492/493 (Died before AD 552)
          • {1} Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn Beisrud
            • Northern Welsh King
            • Born c AD 474
          • {1} Vortipor(i)(us)/Vortepor(ix)/Guortepir/Gw(o)rthyfyr ap Erbin/Aergol L(l)aw(h)ir (m)ap Triphun/Tryphun Farfog/(The Bearded)
            • Mid/Southern/Southwestern Welsh King/Protector of Dyfed
            • Lived AD <486/487> to AD <560> (Flourished c AD <492/493> to AD <530>)
          • {1} Muircertach mac Erca
            • Son of Muiredach, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages
            • First Christian King of Ireland
            • Reigned AD <511/512> to AD <535/536>
      4. Coronation
        1. AD 560 in the Short Metrical Chronicle
          • {1}“Arthur of Cornwall”
            • Artognou/(Art’s descendant)/ARTORGNOV/(Artor Gnou)/(Artor renowned), son of Coll (descendant of Paternus Colus)
            • or Artognou/Arto-Gnāwo/(bear to know)/(bear knowing)/Arthnou/Arthneu
            • or ARTOGNOUS/Artogenous/(of the gens/family of Arto)
            • West/Southwest Briton, Cornish; 6th Century AD
          • {1}“Arthur of the Eastern Welsh”
            • Son of Illtud/Illtyd/Eltut/Hildutus Farchog, son of Bicanus/Bec(c)anus/Bychan/Fechan
            • Eastern Welsh; Flourished 6th Century AD
          • {1}“Arthur as a Female Saint
            • Arddun/Arddyn Penuchel/Benasgel(l)/(High Head)/Wing-Headed/Arrogant, daughter of Pabo Post Prydyn, son of Athrwys/Einion
            • Born c AD <511> (in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines); Flourished AD <565>
          • {1} C(h)anao I, son of Gwereg/Guérech/Waroch I
            • Breton/Armorican, King of Vannetais
            • Reigned AD 550 to AD 560
          • {1} Riatham [III]
            • Ap Deroch II ap Riwal Mawr Merchou ap Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamusap Deroch I ap Guitol
            • Born after AD <525>
          • {1} Gwawrddur/Gwaledyr/Gwaredur (Kyruach/Kyrvach)/(Hunchback)/(Wizened)/(Bow-back)
            • Pictish Warrior in Y Gododdin
            • Died c AD 600
          • {1} Urien(s)/Urbgen ap Cynfarch Oer ap Meirchiawngul/(Meirchion Gul) ap Gwrast/Gwrgwst Lledlwm/(the Raggéd) ap Ceneu ap Coel
            • (North Briton)/(Northern Welsh), King, Rheged/Gwynedd
            • Late 6th Century AD (Lived c AD 535 to AD <580>; Reigned AD <574/575> to AD 590)
          • {1} Áedá(i)n/Aiden mac Gabrain/Gabrán mac Domanga(i)rt/Dongard(us) Reti mac Fergus Mór (and Duinseach ingen Dui ingen Duach)
            • North Briton King, Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)
            • Lived c AD <535> to AD <605/606> (Flourished/Reigned AD <572> to c AD <606/607>)
          • {1}“Prince Arthur of Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)
            • Artúr/Artuir/Arturius mac Áedá(i)n/Aiden/Aidan(us) mac Gabrain/Gabrán/Goran(us) mac Domanga(i)rt/Dongard(us) Reti
            • North Briton Prince, Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda)
            • Lived AD <564/565> to AD <596/597>; Becomes (Supreme Commander)/Wledig AD 581
          • {1}“Arthur of Ceredigion(Art the Lucky)
            • Arthfoddw ap Boddw ap Serwyl ap Uffa ou Keredigyawn/Ceredig ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
            • Northern Welsh, Ceredigion; Lived AD <563/564> to AD <615> (Flourished AD 560 to AD 600)
          • {1}“King Arthur of Dyfed
            • Artúir/Art(h)(ur)/Arth(en)/Arthw(y)r/Awthyr/Artorius Castus (m)ap Ped(y)r/Peder/Pet(e)r(us)/Petroc/Petuir (m)ap Kyngar/Cyngar
            • Mid/Southern/Southwestern Welsh King, Dyfed
            • Late 6th/early 7th Centuries AD (Lived AD <572/573> to AD <617/618>; Flourished AD <582/583> to AD <608/609>)
      5. Battles
        1. AD 527 to AD 530 by Henry of Huntingdon
          • {2} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          • {2} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn
          • {2}“Arthur, the Romano-Briton”
          • {2} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
          • {2} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
          • {2}“Arthur of Brycheiniog”
          • {2} Cadwaladr/Catgualart ap Me(i)r(ch)ion ap Typipion ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          • {2}“Arthur as Custennin”
          • {2} Iaun/Iuan/John Reith/Riatham/Regula/(The Righteous) [Riatham II] ap Budic/Budig I ap Aldrien/Aldroenus ap Selyf(an)/Solomon I
          • {2}“Arthur, War Chief”
          • {2}“Prince Arthur of the Silures”
          • {2} Ceidio/Ceidiaw/Keidyav ap/(m)ab Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
          • {2}“Arthur, Warlord of Gwynedd”
          • {2}“Arthur as a Raven God”
          • {1}“King Arthur of Rheged”
            • Art(h)ur ic Uther/Uibar/Iubur/Iubar/I(o)bhar/Ambros(ius)/Emrys/Embreis ic Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I)*
            • Alternately, Arthur, son of Uther/Iubhar, son of Ambrose, son of Constantine
            • North Briton King, Cumbrian, Rheged; Lived c AD 475 to c AD <528/529>
            • *[the above Biduz/Custennin/Constantin(e)/(Constantinus I) may be a conflated personage]
          • {2}“Arthur, Chief of the Picts and the Interior of Britain”
          • {1}“King Arthur of Dumnonia”
            • Arth(w)yr/Arthur, son of Uverian/Uthyr/(Uther (Pendragon)) (and Eigyr/Igraine), son of Kusten(n)in/Mustennin*
            • King of Dumnonia, West Wales; Lived c AD <476/477> to c AD <529/530> (Flourished c AD 489/490 to c AD 525/526)
            • *[the above Kusten(n)in/Mustennin may be a conflated personage]
          • {2} Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn Beisrud
          • {1}“Prince Arthur of Elmet”
            • Arthwys/Arthius ap Masgwid Gloff (and Gwenllian verch Brychan) ap Gwrast/Gwrgwst Lledlwm/(The Raggéd) ap Ceneu ap Coel
            • North Briton Prince of Elmet; Born c AD 479
          • {1}“King Arthur of Gl(y)wys(s)ing and Glamorgan”
            • Arthfael ap Einudd
            • Southeastern Welsh King in Neath, Glamorgan, Gl(y)wys(s)ing (Cernyw — House of Finddu); Lived AD 480 to AD 550
          • {2} Vortipor(i)(us)/Vortepor(ix)/Guortepir/Gw(o)rthyfyr ap Erbin/Aergol L(l)aw(h)ir (m)ap Triphun/Tryphun Farfog/(The Bearded)
          • {1} Cuneglas(s)us/Cyngen/Cynlas Goch/(The Red) ap Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous)
            • Northern Welsh King, Rhôs, Gwynedd
            • Late 5th/early 6th century AD (Lived AD <485> to AD <555>, Reigned AD <510> to <538/539>)
          • {2} Muircertach mac Erca
          • {1} Cerdic/Ceretic/Keretic/Ceredig/Careticus/Caraticos, son of Elafius/Elasius/Elesa/Esla/Aloc/Alusa/Hyddwn, son of Esla, son of Gewis
            • Mercenary/Non-Briton, King; Wessex/Gewissei/Gewissae
            • Lived AD <473/474> to AD <542> (Reigned AD 549 to AD 554)
          • {1}“Arthur of Demed
            • Artúir/Art(h)u(i)r m(a)(i)c Re(i)th(e)oir/Ratheoir mac/m(a)ic Congair mic Go(i)rtiben/Gartbuir m(a)ic/map Agricola/Aergul/Alchoil
            • Southern Welsh, Demed/Dyfed/Demetia
            • Late 4th/early 5th Centuries AD (Lived c AD 515 to c AD 560/561; Flourished c AD 537/538)
          • {1}“Warrior-Saint Arthur of Gl(y)wys(s)ing
            • Arthfael/Ar(th)m(a)el/Ar(t)mag(i)lus/Arzor, son of Hywel/Hoel/Hovelus Mawr/(The Great) ap (Budig/Budic(k) II)/(Emyr Llydaw)
            • Mid/Southern/Southeastern Welsh Warrior-Saint, (Gl(y)wys(s)ing (Cernyw — House of Finddu)
            • Lived AD <520> to AD <571> (Flourished AD <545>)
          • {2}“Arthur of Cornwall””
          • {2}“Arthur of the Eastern Welsh
      6. Badon
        1. AD 500 by Gildas, corrected to AD 504/505 for Gildas III
          • {2}Caradoc/Caradog/Carados Vreichvras/Friechfras/Briefbras/(Strong Arm) ap Ynyr ap Dyfnwal ap Ednyfed ap Arthun Dynod Gregorius
          • {2}“King Arthur of the Artenses”
          • {3} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          • {3} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn
          • {2}“Arthur, the Shadow”
          • {3}“Arthur, the Romano-Briton”
          • {3} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
          • {3} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
          • {3}“Arthur of Brycheiniog”
          • {3} Cadwaladr/Catgualart ap Me(i)r(ch)ion ap Typipion ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          • {3}“Arthur as Custennin”
          • {3} Iaun/Iuan/John Reith/Riatham/Regula/(The Righteous) [Riatham II] ap Budic/Budig I ap Aldrien/Aldroenus ap Selyf(an)/Solomon I
          • {3}“Arthur, War Chief”
          • {3}“Prince Arthur of the Silures”
          • {3} Ceidio/Ceidiaw/Keidyav ap/(m)ab Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
          • {3}“Arthur, Warlord of Gwynedd”
          • {3}“Arthur as a Raven God”
          • {2}“King Arthur of Rheged”
          • {3}“Arthur, Chief of the Picts and the Interior of Britain”
          • {2}“King Arthur of Dumnonia”
          • {3} Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn Beisrud
          • {3} Vortipor(i)(us)/Vortepor(ix)/Guortepir/Gw(o)rthyfyr ap Erbin/Aergol L(l)aw(h)ir (m)ap Triphun/Tryphun Farfog (The Bearded)
          • {2} Cuneglas(s)us/Cyngen/Cynlas Goch/(The Red) ap Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous)
          • {3} Muircertach mac Erca
        2. AD 516 in Annales Cambriæ, corrected to AD 507
          • {3} Caradoc/Caradog/Carados Vreichvras/Friechfras/Briefbras/(Strong Arm) ap Ynyr ap Dyfnwal ap Ednyfed ap Arthun Dynod Gregorius
          • {3}“King Arthur of the Artenses”
          • {4} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          • {4} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn
          • {3}“Arthur, the Shadow”
          • {4}“Arthur, the Romano-Briton”
          • {4} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
          • {4} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
          • {4}“Arthur of Brycheiniog”
          • {4} Cadwaladr/Catgualart ap Me(i)r(ch)ion ap Typipion ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          • {4}“Arthur as Custennin”
          • {4} Iaun/Iuan/John Reith/Riatham/Regula/(The Righteous) [Riatham II] ap Budic/Budig I ap Aldrien/Aldroenus ap Selyf(an)/Solomon I
          • {4}“Arthur, War Chief”
          • {4}“Prince Arthur of the Silures”
          • {4} Ceidio/Ceidiaw/Keidyav ap/(m)ab Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
          • {4}“Arthur, Warlord of Gwynedd”
          • {4}“Arthur as a Raven God”
          • {3}“King Arthur of Rheged”
          • {4}“Arthur, Chief of the Picts and the Interior of Britain”
          • {3}“King Arthur of Dumnonia”
          • {4} Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn Beisrud
          • {4} Vortipor(i)(us)/Vortepor(ix)/Guortepir/Gw(o)rthyfyr ap Erbin/Aergol L(l)aw(h)ir (m)ap Triphun/Tryphun Farfog/(The Bearded)
          • {3} Cuneglas(s)us/Cyngen/Cynlas Goch/(The Red) ap Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous)
          • {4} Muircertach mac Erca
      7. Beginning of Grail Quest
        1. c AD 399 in La Tavola Ritonda
          • {1}“Arthur of Demetia”
            • Arthun/Anthun/Anwn/Anyn/Antoni(ni)us Dynod/Dimet Gregorius ap Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxim(us)/Maxianus Augustus
            • May or may not be the same as Andragativs/Andragathius (known alternately as “King Arthur I”)
              • Son of Eucherius and Flavia; or (less likely) ab Uthyr Pendragon ap Macsen Wledig ap Constantine the Great
              • Brother of Malvius and Marcellinus; Husband of Unbekannt; Father of Flavius Theodosiolus
              • Lived c AD 345 (Spain) to AD 388 (Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France)
            • Southern Welsh, Demetia/Dyfed; Lived c AD <339/340> to c AD 400 (Flourished AD <351> to AD <366>)
          • {2} Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen ap Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan/Teuhvant/Techvant/Techmant/Teuchnant ap Urban/Erb ap Grat
          • {2} Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn/Padernus/Patern(us) Beisrud/Pesrut
          • {2}“King Arthur of the Dobunni/Bodunni
          • {2}“Arthur of the Northern Britons
          • {2}“King Arthur of the Alans
        2. c AD 475 in the Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal
          • {4} Brychan ap Anl(l)ach (and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig) ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Vraisg
          • {4} Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav
          • {3}“Arthur, the Crippled/Healed”
          • {4} Agricola/Aergul/Aergol/Aircol/Aricol/Alchoil/Alcon Lawhir/Llawir/Iawhir/(Long-Hand) mic/ap Tresund/Trestin/Triusin
          • {4} Ambrosius/Emrys/Embreis Aurelianus Wledic/(G)wledig/Guletic the Younger
          • {1}“Arthur, the High King”
            • (Ard Ri(gh))/(High King)/(Major Warlord)/Emperor; Last Roman emperor of Britain
            • Flourished AD <479/480>; Died AD <512/513>
          • {3} Geraint/Gereint Llyngesog/(The Fleet Owner) ap Erbin ap (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custen(n)in Cerniw)/Constantinus
          • {2} Flavius Momyllus Romulus August(ul)us, son of Flavius/Flavio Orestes (and a daughter of Romulus), son of Tatulus/Tatulo
          • {4} Caradoc/Caradog/Carados Vreichvras/Friechfras/Briefbras/(Strong Arm) ap Ynyr ap Dyfnwal ap Ednyfed ap Arthun Dynod Gregorius
          • {4}“King Arthur of the Artenses”
          • {5} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          • {5} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn
          • {4}“Arthur, the Shadow”
          • {5} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
          • {5} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
        3. c AD 479 by Malory
          • {5} Brychan ap Anl(l)ach (and Marchel(l) ferch Tewdrig) ap Coronac/Cormac ap Urb mac/mic/ap Æd(a)/Ewein ui Dessi Briscus/Vraisg
          • {5} Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu/Gwrthenav
          • {4}“Arthur, the Crippled/Healed
          • {5} Agricola/Aergul/Aergol/Aircol/Aricol/Alchoil/Alcon Lawhir/Llawir/Iawhir/(Long-Hand) mic/ap Tresund/Trestin/Triusin
          • {5} Ambrosius/Emrys/Embreis Aurelianus Wledic/(G)wledig/Guletic the Younger
          • {2}“Arthur, the High King
          • {4} Geraint/Gereint Llyngesog/(The Fleet Owner) ap Erbin ap (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Custen(n)in Cerniw)/Constantinus
          • {3} Flavius Momyllus Romulus August(ul)us, son of Flavius/Flavio Orestes (and a daughter of Romulus), son of Tatulus/Tatulo
          • {5} Caradoc/Caradog/Carados Vreichvras/Friechfras/Briefbras/(Strong Arm) ap Ynyr ap Dyfnwal ap Ednyfed ap Arthun Dynod
          • {5}“King Arthur of the Artenses”
          • {6} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          • {6} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn
          • {5}“Arthur, the Shadow”
          • {6} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
          • {6} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
      8. Death
        1. AD 399 in La Tavola Ritonda
          • {1}“Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)
            • Artorius Comes/Dux Britanniarum, as Count or Duke, of the gens Artoria
            • 4th Century AD
          • {1} Coel Godebog/Guotepa(u)c ap Tegfan/Teuhvant/Techvant/Techmant/Teuchnant ap Urban/Erb ap Grat/Gradd ap Remetel/Jumutel
            • Romano-Briton
            • Lived AD <340/341> to after AD <372> (Flourished after AD 358)
          • {1} Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxim(us)/Maxianus/Macsen Augustus (II) Wledig/Gulecic/Guletic, son of Maximianus Constans
            • North Briton, Manau Gododdin, Votadini
            • Southern Welsh (Gwent and Gl(y)wys(s)ing — House of Dynod)
            • Lived c AD <316/317> to 28 Aug AD <397/398>; Flourished late 4th Century AD (AD 383 to 28 Aug AD <389>)
          • {2}“Arthur of Demetia
        2. AD 470 by Geoffrey of Monmouth, corrected by “modern scholars”
          • {3} Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coronticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynlo(u)p/Cynllwyb ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic ap Cluim Clemens
          • {4}“Arthur, the Roman Comes/Dux (Count/Duke)
          • {4} Riatham/Riot(h)amus/Riotimus/Riutimus/Rigotamos/Rigotamus/Rigadaf [Riatham I] ap Deroch I ap Guidol/Guitol/Gwithol
        3. AD 537 in Annales Cambriæ, corrected to AD 528
          • {6}“King Arthur of the Artenses
          • {7} Dyfnwal Hen ap Cinuit ap Caradog/Ceredig/Ceretic/Coro(n)ticus (G)wledig/Guletic ap Cynloyp ap Cinhil Quintillus Guletic
          • {7} Catel/Cadell Ddyrnllwg/(Gleaming Hilt) ap Categirn/(Cadeyrn Fendigaid)/(Kentigern the Blessed) ap Vortiger(n)/Vertigen
          • {6}“Arthur, the Shadow
          • {5}“Arthur, the Romano-Briton
          • {7} Riocatus, son of Pascent/Pasgen, son of Vortiger(n)/Vertigen/Gwrtheyrn/Gorthe(g)yrnn/Guorthigirn/Wyrtgeorne(/(great prince)/overking) Vorteneu/Gwertheneu
          • {7} Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous) ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator)
          • {5}“Arthur of Brycheiniog
          • {5} Cadwaladr/Catgualart ap Me(i)r(ch)ion ap Typipion ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us)
          • {5}“Arthur as Custennin
          • {5} Iaun/Iuan/John Reith/Riatham/Regula/(The Righteous) [Riatham II] ap Budic/Budig I ap Aldrien/Aldroenus ap Selyf(an)
          • {5}“Arthur, War Chief
          • {5}“Prince Arthur of the Silures
          • {5} Ceidio/Ceidiaw/Keidyav ap/(m)ab Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines)
          • {5}“Arthur, Warlord of Gwynedd
          • {5}“Arthur as a Raven God
          • {4}“King Arthur of Rheged
          • {5}“Arthur, Chief of the Picts and the Interior of Britain
          • {4}“King Arthur of Dumnonia”
          • {5} Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn Beisrud
          • {2}“Prince Arthur of Elmet”
          • {5} Muircertach mac Erca
        4. AD 542 by Geoffrey of Monmouth, not corrected by “modern scholars”
          • {5}“King Arthur of Dumnonia
          • {3}“Prince Arthur of Elmet
          • {2}“King Arthur of Gl(y)wys(s)ing and Glamorgan
          • {5} Vortipor(i)(us)/Vortepor(ix)/Guortepir/Gw(o)rthyfyr ap Erbin/Aergol L(l)aw(h)ir (m)ap Triphun/Tryphun Farfog (The Bearded)
          • {4} Cuneglas(s)us/Cyngen/Cynlas Goch/(The Red) ap Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn/(White-Tooth) ap Einion Yrth/(The Impetuous)
          • {6} Muircertach mac Erca
          • {2} Cerdic/Ceretic/Keretic/Ceredig/Careticus/Caraticos, son of Elafius/Elasius/Elesa/Esla/Aloc/Alusa/Hyddwn, son of Esla
          • {1} Cunedda ap Cunedda Menrudd ap Coel ap Cunedag/Cuned(d)a/Cunorix Wledig/(The Imperator) ap Edern/Ætern(us) ap Padarn
            • Northern Welsh King
            • Born c AD 500
          • {1} Beowulf/Beow-Wolf/Biewolf/Beado-Wulf/(War Wolf)
            • Son of Ecgþēow/Edgetho/Ecgtheow/Agiþewaz and the daughter of King Hreðel of the Geats/Gēatas/Gautar/Götar/Goths
            • Flourished AD <538/539>
            • King of the Geats (Gēatas/Gautar/Götar/Goths) after c AD 530
  3. Beginnings
    1. Family and Retainers (traditional)
      1. Grandfather (paternal)
        1. King Constans
        2. King Constantine
      2. Father — Uther Pendragon, compare with Manawydan/Manannán/Mandubracius/Mandubratius/Mandubracios/Mandubracius/Mandubratius/Mannuētiagnos
      3. Mother
        1. Igraine/Ygraine/Igerne/Igerna/Ygerna/Eig(y)r
          1. Compare with Cáintigern
          2. Rhiannon
          3. Epona
        2. Arnive
      4. Uncles
        1. Ambrosius/Pendragon/Pandragon
        2. Constans
        3. Ardan
        4. David
        5. Gweir
        6. Gweir False Valor
        7. Gweir Servant of Birds
        8. Gweir White Shaft
        9. Gwrfoddw the Old
        10. Llygadrudd Emys
        11. Maine
        12. Yttra
      5. Aunts
        1. Enfeidas
        2. Goleuddydd
        3. Anna
      6. Foster Father — (H)ector/Antor
      7. Foster Brother — Cei/Kay
      8. Wives and Lovers
        1. Guinevere/Gwenhwyfar
        2. Lisanor/Lyzianor/Lyonors/Lyoners
        3. Margawse
        4. Angellica
        5. Eleirch, daughter of Iaen
        6. Countess of Orofoise’s Sister
        7. Dollallolla
        8. Emmeline
        9. Gamile
        10. Gilaneier
        11. Grey-Hammed Lady
        12. Inogen
        13. Lady of the Blonde Hair
      9. Sons
        1. Gwydre/Gwri(/Pryderi)
        2. Am(ha)r/Anir/Am(h)ir/Amhyr(/Emrys)
          1. As Amros
          2. Son of Arthur and Morgen
        3. Llacheu(/Lant/Lont)/Llachau/(llachee)/(llachar)/Lleu
          1. Lohous/Loho(u)t/Loüt/Loholt/Loholze
          2. Ilinot
          3. Borre/Bohort
        4. Kyduan/Kydvan/Cydfan
        5. Duran
        6. Mordred
        7. Meirbi/Smerbi/Smeirbe
        8. Nou(go)y/Noe
        9. Nennue
        10. Adeluf III
        11. Aristes
        12. Art Aionfhear
        13. Arthur the Less
        14. Garnot
        15. Morgan (le Noir)/(the Black)
        16. Patrick/Patrike the Rous/Red
      10. Daughters
        1. Gyneth
        2. Melora
        3. Huncamunca
        4. Hilde
        5. Bradament/Britomart
        6. Tortolina
      11. Grandchildren
        1. Black Knight
        2. Fairy Knight
        3. Melehan
          1. Killed King Lionel in the battle of Winchester
          2. Was himself slain by Lionel’s brother, Bors
        4. Melou
        5. Tortolina
        6. [?Myrrdin?]
        7. [?Arawn?]
        8. unnamed — was killed by Lancelot
      12. Sisters
        1. Acheflour
        2. Anna/Gwyar
      13. Half-Sisters
        1. Clarine/Blasine/(Elaine of Tintagel)
        2. (M)orc(h)ades/Sangive/(Anthonje/Seife)/Belisent/Albagia/Margawse/Morgause
        3. (Morgan le Fay)/Brimesent/Dioneta
        4. Olimpia/Felice
      14. Brothers
        1. Cador
        2. Gormant
        3. Madawg/Madog/(vulpecula)/Cynwyd
          1. Matoc Ailithir ap Saw(y)l/Sawi(l)/Sa(m)u(i)l/Samuel Benisel/Penuchel/Pennissel/(The High-Headed)
          2. (m)ap Pabo/Pappo (Post Prydyn/Priten)/(Pillar of Britain)
          3. [(m)ap Athrwys/Arthwys/Einion (of the Artenses in the Irthing valley of the North Pennines) ap/(m)ab Mor/Mar Maeswig]
          4. (map Ceneu map Gyl/Coyl/Coel Hen)(-- (ap King Athrwys of the Pennines (and Cywair of Ireland)) --)
          5. Born c AD 510
          6. Possible descendant of Artorii descendants of Sarmatian/Alan Conscripts
          7. Northern Briton (Ribchester)
      15. Cousins
        1. Bagdemagus
        2. Borel
        3. Constantine
        4. Culhwch
        5. Helis
        6. Hoel of Brittany (also an ally)
        7. Illtud
        8. Ither of Gaheveiz
        9. Lady of Cabrion
        10. Laris
        11. Leonce
        12. Lidoine
        13. Mark
        14. Mordred
        15. Richard
      16. Brothers-in-law
        1. King Lot (m Margawse)
        2. King Nentres (m Elaine)
        3. King Uriens (m Morgan)
      17. Nephews
        1. Agravain
        2. Gaheris
        3. Gareth
        4. Gawain
        5. Mordred
        6. Beacurs
        7. Borel
        8. Constantine
        9. Galescalain/Galeshin
        10. Gwidon
        11. Hoel
        12. Lancelot
        13. Meleranz
        14. Perceval
        15. Tristan
        16. Yvain
      18. Nieces
        1. Clarissant
        2. Cundrie
        3. Elaine
        4. Elyabel
        5. Itonje
        6. Lore
        7. Soredamors
      19. Mentor — Merlin
      20. Allies (a sampling)
        1. King Ban
        2. King Bors
        3. Carbarecotins
        4. Archbishop of Canterbury
      21. Lieges (a sampling)
        1. Damsel of the Marches
        2. Lady of Nohaut
      22. Would-be-paramours
        1. Annowre
        2. Camille
    2. The “Constantines”
      1. Name Forms
        1. Constantin(i)us
        2. Constans/Κῶνστας
        3. Constant(i)us
        4. Constantin(e)/Constantín
        5. Custen(n)in/Custennyn
        6. Kusten(n)in/Kusten(h)in/Kustenan/Mustennin
        7. Κωνσταντίνος/Konstantios
        8. Causantín/Còiseam
      2. Individual “Constantines”
        1. Valerius Constantinus Dardanus
          1. Son of Flavius Titus Eutropius and Claudia Crispina
          2. Born AD 235
          3. Died AD 279
        2. Maximianus Constans
          1. Son of Valerius Constantinus Dardanus
          2. Born AD 250
          3. Died AD 280
        3. Constantius I Chlorus/(the Pale)
          1. (Caesar Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantius Augustus)
          2. Son of Flavius Titus Eutropius and Claudia Crispina
          3. Born 31 Mar AD 250
            • (Illyrian; Dardania, Moesia Superior)
            • (Julius Constantius)
          4. Reigned 1 May AD 293 to 25 Jul AD 306
          5. (Roman Emperor Flavius Valerius Constantius Casesar Herculius)
          6. Father of Constantine I the Great
          7. Died 25 Jul AD 306 (Eboracum, Britain)
        4. Constantine I the Great
          1. (Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantin(i)us Augustus)
          2. Son of Constantius I Chlorus and Helena
          3. Born 27 Feb AD 265/272 or after AD 280
            • (Naissus, Moesia Superior)
            • (Gaius Flavius Valerius Constantinus)
          4. Reigned 25 Jul AD 306 to 22 May AD 337
          5. (Roman Emperor Flavius Valerius Constantinus Caesar Heculius)
          6. Died 22 May AD 337
            • (Anyrona, Bithynia)
            • (Imperator Constantinus Maximus Augustus)
        5. Maximianus Constans
          1. Son of Flavia Maxima Fausta (illegitmate)
          2. Born AD 296/297/322 (Atles, Italia)
          3. Father of Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxim(us)/Maxianus/Maxen/Macsen Augustus (II) Wledig/Gulecic/Guletic
          4. Died AD 350 (Aquileia, Italia)
        6. Constantine II
          1. (Caesar Flavius (Claudius/Julius) Constantinus Augustus)
          2. Son of Constantine I the Great and Flavia Maxima Fausta
          3. Born 7 Feb/Aug AD 316/317
            • (Arles/Arelate, Viennensis)
            • (Flavius Claudius Constantinus)
          4. Reigned 1/9/22 May/Sep AD 317 to early Apr AD 340
          5. (Roman Emperor Flavius Claudius Constantinus Augustus)
          6. Died AD 340
        7. Constans I
          1. (Caesar Flavius Julius Constans Augustus)
          2. Son of Constantine I the Great and Flavia Maxima Fausta
          3. Born c AD 320/323 (Flavius Constans)
          4. Reigned 25 Dec AD 333 to 18 Jan/Feb AD 350
          5. (Roman Emperor Flavius Constans Caesar Vicus Helena)
          6. Died 18 Jan/Feb AD 350
            • (Pyrenees, Gaul)
            • (Flavius Claudius Constans Maximus Victor ac Triumphator Augustus)
        8. Constantius II
          1. (Caesar Flavius Julius/Valerius Constantius Augustus)
          2. Son of Constantine I the Great and Flavia Maxima Fausta
          3. Born 7 Aug AD 317
            • (Sirmium/(Sremska Mitrovica), Savia/Sebia, Pannonia Inferior)
            • (Flavius Julius Constantius)
          4. Reigned 8/13 Nov AD 323/324 to 3 Nov AD 361
          5. (Roman Emperor Flavius Julius Constantius Caesar)
          6. Died 3 Nov AD 361 (Tarsus, Mopsucrenae/Mopsuestia, Honorias, Cilicia)
        9. Constantine the Blessed/Great
          1. (Custennin Fendigaid/Fawr)/(Custennyn map Macsen)
          2. Son of Flavius Clemens Magnus Maxianus/Maxim(us)/Maxen Augustus (II) Wledig and Elen/Helena ferch Lwyddog/(of the Host) ab Einudd
          3. Born AD 360
          4. Flourished/Reigned c AD 395 (King of North-West Wales)
          5. Father of Owain and Eiludd
        10. Constantine III/II*
          1. (Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin*
          2. Born c AD 370/375
          3. Son of Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I
          4. Father of Constans II and Julianus
          5. Grandfather of Arth
          6. Reigned AD 407(/409) to Aug/Sep AD (409/)411 (Western Roman Emperor)
          7. Died by/before 18 Sep AD 411 (Arelate, Viennensis)
          8. *[this (Constantine (III/II))/(Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin may be a conflated personage]
        11. Constantius III*
          1. (Flavius Constantius Augustus)*
          2. Son of Malvius
          3. Born AD 360/370 (Dalmatia; Naissus, Dacia, Moesia Superior)
          4. Father of Aurelius Ambrosius the Elder (Duce of Caer Gloui) and Valentinian III (Western Roman Emperor)
          5. Reigned 8 Feb to 2 Sep AD 421 (Western Roman Emperor)
          6. Died 2 Sep AD 421 (Ravenna, Italia Annonaria)
          7. *[this (Constantine III)/(Flavius Constantinus Augustus) may be a conflated personage]
        12. Constans II Augustus
          1. Son of Constantine III/II (Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/(Custennin)*
          2. Reigned AD 408 to AD 411/425 (Western Roman Emperor)
          3. Died AD 411/425
          4. *[the above (Constantine (III/II))/(Flavius Claudius Constantinus)/(Constantius III)/Custennin may be a conflated personage]
        13. Constantin(e)*
          1. (Biduz/Custennin/(Constantinus I))*
          2. Son of Selyf(an)/Salomon/Solomon I
          3. Born AD 375/405/435
          4. Reigned c AD 433 (Prince of the Cornouaille)
          5. Father of Uther/Uibar/Iubur/Iubar/I(o)bhar/Ambros(ius)/Emrys/Embreis
          6. Alternately, father of Ambrose and grandfather of Uther/Iubhar
          7. Grandfather of Art(h)ur
          8. Alternately, great-grandfather of Arthur
          9. Died AD 421/446 /471
          10. *[this Constantin(e)/Biduz/Custennin/(Constantinus I) may be a conflated personage]
        14. Constantine Gorneu/Corneu*
          1. (Constantine (II)/(Custennin/Custenin Cerniw/Cernyw)/Constantinus/Kusten(h)in/Kustenan)*
          2. Son of Conomor/Conomar/Kynor/Kynuawr/Cynfa(w)r ap Tutwal/Tudwal
          3. Born c AD 411
          4. Father of Erbin, Merion, and Uther/Uthyr/Ythr/(crudelisque) Pendragon/(ben dragwn)/(tyrannus)
          5. Reigned c AD 435 to AD 443 (King of Cornwall/or Gywyssing)
          6. Died AD 443
          7. *[this (Constantine (Gorneu/Corneu))/(Constantine (II))/(Custennin/Custenin Cerniw/Cernyw)/Constantinus/... may be a conflated personage]
        15. Kusten(n)in/Kusten(h)in/Custen(n)in/Mustennin*
          1. Son of Anlawdd/Annlawdd/Amlawt/Amlawd(d) Wledeg/(G)wledig/Gwledic/Guletic(us) ap Cynwal ap Frwdwr and Gwen(n) ferch Cunedda
          2. Born AD 410/425 (Isca, Dumnonia, West Wales)
          3. Brother of Yspaddaden/Ysbadadden, Goleuddydd, Rieingulid, Dywana, and Eig(y)r/Ygerna/Ygerne/Ygraine/Igraine
          4. Reigned c AD 452/453 (King of the Britons/Bretons/Domnonée)
          5. Father of Goreu and Uverian/Uthyr/(Uther (Pendragon))/(Uter Pandragon)/Utherpendragon/(Ythr ben dragwn)/(crudelisque tyrannus)
          6. Grandfather and Uncle of Arthyr/Arthur and Anna
          7. Paternal descent of Arthyr/Arthur from Llyr:
            • (Llyr, Brân, Caradoc, Emiled/Eudaf/Evdaf, Cynan/Kynan/Conan,
            • Kadwr/Kadifen/Kadien/Gadeon, Gwarvawr/Giodion, Ffr(e)wdwr, Kynwal, Amlawdd, Kusten(n)in)
          8. Less likely alternate paternal descent from Joseph of Arimathea:
            • (Joseph of Arimathea, Eugen, Bron, Helianus, ..., Jos(s)ue/Joshua, [Aminaddo/Amynadape/Aminadappe,]
            • Carcelois/Carelou/Cartheloys, Manad/Mangel/Manaal/Manael, ..., Lambor/Lanbar, Affawdd Wledeg, Custenin)
          9. Died (Dumnonia, West Wales)
          10. *[this Kusten(n)in/Kusten(h)in/Custen(n)in/Mustennin may be a conflated personage]
        16. Constantine Mor mac Erc
          1. (Constantius I, Constantinus I)
          2. Son of Erc
          3. Born c AD 473/462/513
          4. Reigned c AD 457 to AD 479, or AD 506 (King of Scots Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda))
          5. Died AD 479/506/517
        17. Constantine III/Corneu*
          1. (Custennin III)/Constantinus)*
          2. Son of Cador(ius)/Cadwr, son of Gwryon/Goryon/Gourles/Gorloïs/Gorla(i)s/Gorlens/Gorlodubnus/Gorloys/Gothlois(/Hoel) and Eigr/Ygraine
          3. Born AD (490/)510/520/525
          4. Reigned c AD 530 to AD 560, or AD 530 to AD 540, or AD 537 to AD 538
          5. (King of Dumnonia, or of the Damnonii of the (Hen Ogledd)/(Old North))
          6. Died 9 Mar AD 546/576/589
          7. *[this (Constantine (III/Corneu))/(Custennin III)/Constantinus may be a conflated personage]
        18. Tiberius II Constantine
          1. (Flavius Tiberius Constantinus)
          2. Born c AD 535
          3. Reigned 5 Oct AD 578 to 14 August AD 582 (Eastern Roman Emperor)
        19. Constantine I
          1. (Custennin/Constantinus)
          2. Son of Riderch Hael
          3. Born c AD 570
          4. Reigned AD 612 to shortly after (King of Strathclyde)
          5. Died shortly after AD 636
        20. Constantine III
          1. (Κωνσταντίνος Γʹ, Ἡράκλειος νέος Κωνσταντῖνος)
          2. (Heraclius New Constantine)/(Heraclius Novus Constantinus Augustus)
          3. Son of Heraclius and Fabia Eudokia
          4. Born 3 May AD 612
          5. Reigned 11 Feb to 6/20/24/26 Apr/May AD 641 (Eastern Roman Emperor)
          6. Father of Constans II (Constantus II)
          7. Died 20/24/26 Apr/May AD 641
        21. Constantine Heraclius
          1. (Flavius Constantinus Heracli(an)us Augustus)
          2. (Ἡρακλωνᾶς, Heraklonas, Herclianus)
          3. Son of Heraclius and Martina
          4. Born AD 626
          5. Reigned 11 Feb AD 638/641 to Sep/Oct AD 641 (Eastern Roman Emperor)
          6. Died AD 641
        22. Constantus II
          1. (Κῶνστας Βʹ, Constans II, Pogonatus)
          2. (Κωνσταντίνος ὁ Πωγωνάτος, Constantine the Bearded)
          3. (Heraclius/Flavius Constantinus Augustus)
          4. Son of Constantine III (Heraclius New Constantine) and Georgia
          5. Born 7 Nov AD 630 (Constantinople) (Herkleios)
          6. Reigned Summer/Sep AD 641 to 15 Sep AD 668 (Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine)
          7. Father of Constantine IV the Bearded
          8. Died 15 Sep AD 668 (Syracuse of Sicilly)
        23. Constantine IV the Bearded
          1. (Κωνσταντίνος Δʹ ὁ Πωγωνάτος)
          2. (Flavius Constantinus Augustus)
          3. Son of Constans II (Constantus II) and Fausta
          4. Born c AD 652 (Constantinople)
          5. Reigned 15 Sep AD 668 to 14 Sep AD 685 (Eastern Roman Emperor)
          6. Died 14 Sep AD 685 (Constantinople)
        24. Constantine V the Dung-named
          1. (Κωνσταντίνος Εʹ ὁ Κοπρώνυμος)
          2. Son of Leo III the Isaurian and Maria
          3. Born Jul AD 718 (Constantinople)
          4. Reigned 18 Jun AD 720/741 to 14 Sep AD 775 (Byzantine Emperor)
          5. Died 14 Sep AD 775
        25. Constantine VI
          1. (Κωνσταντίνος Στʹ)
          2. Son of Leo IV and Irene
          3. Born AD 771
          4. Reigned 8 Sep AD 776/780 to Aug AD 797 (Byzantine Emperor)
          5. Died before AD 805
        26. Constantine ap Judon
          1. Son of Judon and a daughter of Meriadoc
          2. Born c AD 750/800 (Cornouaille(s), Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne)
          3. Flourished/Reigned c AD 780/790/792/825
            • (King/Roi of/de Brittany/Bretagne)
            • (Prince/Count/Comte of/de Co(u)rnouaille)
          4. Father of Argant/Arastagne/Aregstan/Arecstan/(d’)Argent(ael)
          5. Died AD 790/830 (Cornouaille, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne/Brittany)
        27. Constantine/Causantín/Constantín mac Fergus(a)
          1. Son of Fergus(a)
          2. Born before AD 775
          3. Reigned AD 781/789 to AD 820 (King of the Picts — Kingdom of Fortriu, Dalriada/(Dál Riata)/(Dæl Reoda) from AD 811)
          4. Father of Domnall/Donald
          5. Died AD 820
        28. Constantine II
          1. Reigned until AD 859 (King of ((Al(lt )Clud/Clut)/Strathclyde))
          2. Father of Wthyr/U(i)thyr/Uthir/Uthar/Uth(e)r/Ythr Pendraeg/Pen-Draig/Pendragon/Ben(dragon)/(ben dragwn)
        29. Constantine I
          1. (Causantín/Constantín/Còiseam mac Cináeda/Choinnich/Kenneth)
          2. Reigned AD 862/863 to AD 877 (King of the Picts — King of Alba)
          3. Father of Domnall/Dòmhnall/Donald
          4. Died AD 877 (Atholl)
    3. Arthur’s Basic Character
      1. Mythological Emperor (spiritual - fire - spades) — “(Mercurius/Mercurio) Ar(t)aius/Artiaus/Artaios the Romano-Brittonic/Gaelic Deity”
        1. Found in Welsh lore
        2. Arthur presides over a kingdom of “Celtic” fantasy
          1. Beast-men
          2. Witches
          3. One-eyed giants
          4. Dwarves
          5. Devils
          6. Fairies
          7. Magicians
        3. Arthur sails to the Otherworld and leads his army into the highlands of “hell”
        4. He rules the known world, from Europe to Africa
        5. Arthur and his warriors are giants among men
          1. They can run lightly across the tops of reeds
          2. Can hit a fly with an arrow from the other side of the realm
          3. They create fire with their bodies
          4. Carry knives as big as bridges
          5. Crush mountains under their feet
          6. They are like the Gods of classical mythology
      2. God-Appointed Sovereign (spiritual/native - fire/earth - spades/diamonds) — “the Romano-Brittonic/Brittonic/Gaelic Divine Sovereign”
        1. Infalliable character
        2. Given his throne by the approval of God
        3. Robert de Boron and the author of the Vulgate Merlin show signs of leaning toward this portrayal with the Sword in the Stone test
        4. This characterisation is nowhere more obvious than in Tennyson’s Idylls of the King
          1. Arthur is not the son of Uther
          2. He emerges from the waves and washes ashore at Merlin’s feet, who makes him Uther’s heir
          3. None of Arthur’s knights can match him in virtue
          4. Guinevere’s infidelity is partially inspired by the fact that Arthur is “high, self-contained, passionless”
          5. She could not endure “that pure severity of perfect light”
      3. British National Hero (native - earth - diamonds) — “Artúr/Artuir/Arturius the Brittonic/Gaelic Hero”
        1. In the the earliest historic traditions
          1. Arthur is presented as a British hero
          2. Who fought off the Saxon invasions
          3. Postponing their conquest of Britain by several decades
        2. In AD 1125
          1. William of Malmesbury disparaged the “trifles” told of Arthur by the Bretons
          2. Arthur “is a man who is surely worthy of being described in true histories rather than dreamed about in fallacious myths”
          3. He “truly sustained his sinking homeland for a long time and aroused the drooping spirits of his fellow citizens to battle”
        3. John Morris had no doubt as to Arthur’s reality
          1. “His triumph was the last victory of western Rome”
          2. Arthur’s “short lived empire created the future nations of the English and the Welsh”
          3. “It was during his reign and under his authority that the Scots first came to Scotland”
          4. Arthur’s “victory and his defeat turned Roman Britain into Great Britain”
          5. “His name overshadows his age”
      4. Daring Young Warrior (native/physical - earth/air - diamonds/clubs) — “the Brittonic/Gaelic/Brito-Roman/Gaelo-Roman Brave Prince”
        1. In a small number of texts
          1. Arthur dons sword and armour, seeking adventure just as Lancelot or Gawain might do
          2. His knights are amazed and pleased that their mighty king can also be a knight-errant
        2. In the Post-Vulgate Merlin continuation
          1. Arthur personally jousts with King Pellinore to avenge a wound Pellinore gave to Girflet
          2. He has further adventures with Merlin
        3. In Le Chevalier du Papegau
          1. The young king has adventures
          2. Goes under the alias the Knight of the Parrot
          3. Encounters fearsome beasts and beautiful ladies
        4. In Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene
          1. There are the adventures of the dashing young Prince Arthur
          2. A Christ figure
          3. In the realm of Faerie
      5. Human High King (physical - air - clubs) — “Ard Ri(gh) the Brito-/Gaelo-Roman (High King)/(Major Warlord)/Emperor”
        1. In the French prose cycles and some of their adaptations, including Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur
        2. Arthur becomes a far more human character than in previous texts
        3. He is a fearsome warrior and a respected potentate, but his human failings are all too apparent
          1. Arthur tries to drown his infant son
          2. He is unfaithful to his wife at least twice, with the Saxon sorcereress Gamille and the mother of Arthur the Less
          3. He rapes the mother of Arthur the Less
          4. Arthur fails to keep his promise to Kings Ban and Bors and, consequently, they are conquered by Claudas
          5. When he discovers the affair between Lancelot and Guinevere
            • Arthur handles it poorly
            • Eventually allowing himself to be egged into war by his nephew Gawain
          6. These failings are carefully balanced by deeds of nobility and kindness
        4. In the end, we are forced to conclude that Arthur is a human character placed in a super-human situation
        5. The tragedy of his life, beginning with his incest, is beyond his ability to control
        6. Arthur is almost helpless as his kingdom crumbles around him
        7. Our sympathy for him is increased if our awe is somewhat diminished
      6. Petty Lecherous Tyrant (physical/foreign - air/water - clubs/hearts) — “the Brito-Roman/Gaelo-Roman/Roman Usurper”
        1. The Welsh Saints’ Lives generally characterise Arthur in an unflattering light
          1. Always the ruler of some small territory, Arthur invariably does something to offend a visiting saint
          2. Such as stealing the saint’s robe or altar
          3. The saint then, through his superior spirituality, teaches Arthur a much-needed lesson
          4. Arthur represents the secular forces at work against God’s spiritual mandates
          5. Why the biographers chose Arthur instead of less famous, less-admired figures is unknown
          6. There may be at work some resentment toward a secular figure eclipsing in fame the legendary Saint Patrick or Saint Germanus
        2. The Scottish chronicles, which have their own agenda, portray Arthur as a tyrant
          1. In Hector Boece’s Scotorum Historiae (AD 1527)
            • Arthur is a cruel king who never extends his borders beyond the boundaries of Britain
            • He throws drunken orgies at Christmastime
            • Arthur names Mordred as his successor but later breaks his promise, causing Mordred’s righteous revolt
            • Mordred, of course, is from Lothian: a Scot
          2. In John of Fordun’s Chronica Gentis Scotorum (c AD 1385)
            • He is nicer to Arthur
            • But agrees that Mordred, as a Scot, had a better claim to Britain than Arthur
      7. World Conqueror (foreign - water - hearts) — “Artorius the Roman Count/Duke/Commander/(War Chief)/Soldier/Warlord”
        1. An extension of the national hero character
        2. Geoffrey of Monmouth and other chroniclers portrayed Arthur as a great conqueror
        3. He brought Britain, the surrounding Islands, Scandinavia, Gaul, and Rome under his control
        4. Sometimes Arthur’s empire extends farther, to Africa and the far east
        5. He joins the ranks of such legendary warlords as Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great
        6. In creating this portrayal, Geoffrey gave the British a past “golden age” upon which they might look with pride and for inspiration
      8. Passive Patriarch (foreign/spiritual - water/fire - hearts/spades) — “the Mortal/Ill/Injured Roman/Romano-Brittonic/Gaelic Lord/Defender”
        1. In the continental romances
        2. Arthur himself yields importance to his famous knights, whose individual adventures occupy the narratives
        3. He seems impotent, confused, self-absorbed, and sitting in the background
        4. Nevertheless, Arthur commands complete respect from his knights
        5. His court is considered the very centre of civilisation
    4. Merlin and the Birth of Arthur — “The scion of a royal line, miraculously conceived
      1. Merlin is made to foretell Arthur
        1. Calling him ‘the Boar of Cornwall’
        2. The first hint of his coming
      2. Uther Pendragon was destined to become the father of Arthur
      3. The conception of Arthur is described in the following way:
        1. At the Easter gathering (says Geoffrey of Monmouth)
        2. King Uther is seized with an obsessive lust
          1. For Ygraine/Ygerna/Igerne/Igerna
          2. The beautiful wife of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall
        3. Uther’s advances were obvious
        4. King Uther Pendragon falls in love with the married Lady Ygraine/Ygerna/Igerne/Igerna
        5. Gorlois withdrew from the court, taking his wife with him
        6. The King treated this as an insult
        7. Uther sent Gorlois an ultimatum ordering him to return
          1. When this was rejected
          2. Uther marched to Cornwall to ravage it
        8. Gorlois put Ygraine/Ygerna/Igerne/Igerna in Tintagel Castle
          1. On a coastal headland
          2. Which could only be approached by a narrow, easily guarded ridge
        9. Having stowed her beyond Uther’s presumed reach
          1. Gorlois led a force to oppose the royal army
          2. Making his base at a fort some distance away
        10. Uther surrounded Gorlois’ weaker troops and prevented their escape
        11. On a friend’s advice
          1. Uther sent for Merlin
          2. The magician gave him a potion
            • Which turned Uther into an exact likeness or replica
            • Of Ygraine’s/Ygerna’s/Igerne’s/Igerna’s husband
              • Gorlois
              • In Welsh, Gorlas
        12. So disguised
          1. Uther passed the guards at Tintagel
          2. Found his way to Ygraine/Ygerna/Igerne/Igerna
        13. Assuming Uther to be her husband
          1. She put up no resistance
          2. As a result, she conceived Arthur
        14. Meanwhile
          1. Ygraine’s/Ygerna’s/Igerne’s/Igerna’s husband
          2. The real Duke Gorlois of Cornwall
          3. Had already been killed in battle
        15. Uther then reverted back to his original form
        16. Soon afterward, married Ygraine/Ygerna/Igerne/Igerna
        17. Merlin exacts a price: Uther and Ygraine must give him the child Arthur, once born
      4. Mythically
        1. Uther can be seen
          1. As the King of shades
          2. The mysterious and veiled Being
          3. The appointer of battles
          4. With the rainbow as his buckler
        2. He appears
          1. As a kind of Mars
          2. the genius of war
      5. Additionally, when visiting Arthur’s future mother
        1. Uther assumes the form of a cloud (in Welsh, Gorlas)
        2. One can easily see how the Welsh word for cloud, “Gorlas”
        3. Becomes the French name “Gorlois”
    5. A Birthplace and A Home — “Miraculously born amid supernatural phenomena
      1. The newborn Arthur is delivered by Merlin to (H)ector/Antor
      2. This Arthur is raised alongside Cei/Kay as his brother and eventually his squire
      3. Giving this Arthur a birthplace and a home puts him in the West Country
        1. Between Land’s End
        2. And Bath
      4. Tintagel may be Geoffrey’s idea
        1. But no legend of any weight
        2. Offers another birthplace to rival it
      5. The early Welsh gave this Arthur a home in Cornwall at “Kelliwic”
        1. Perhaps an ancient fort called Castle Killibury
        2. A few miles south of Tintagel itself
      6. These and other beliefs linking an Arthur with Cornwall and Somerset seem to be too deep-rooted to challenge
      7. This Arthur is likely to have arisen in the Romanised country near the Channel
      8. This would support the idea of an Arthur
        1. Being a “prince of the tribe of Britons called Silures”
        2. Whose country was South Wales
      9. Yet the idea of Cornwall could have resulted from confusion with other “Cornwalls”
        1. There are the Cornavii and Creones/Cerones/Carnonacae/Caereni
          1. In what is now Northern Scotland
          2. Independent from 1153 BC/AD 83 to AD 552/700
          3. Not too far from the Damnonii
          4. Not too far from the Votadini
            • Portion of which became Lothian/Guotodin/Gododdin
            • As Loenois/Lyonesse
        2. The Cornovii/Cornubia/Corniu/Cernieu/Cerniw/Kerniw/Kernow/(West Wales)
          1. Modern Cornwall
          2. Independent from 351 BC to AD 1066
          3. Next to (and at times part of) Dumnonia
          4. Not too far from Powys
          5. Next to the Isles of Scilly (as Lyonesse)
        3. Thirdly, there are the Cornovii
          1. In what is now the Midlands
          2. Independent from AD 47 to AD 460
          3. Not too far from Dumnonia
          4. Next to the Ordovices (a porton of which became Powys)
        4. Then there is Cernyw/Glywyssing/(Mid-South Wales)/(Gwynllg & Edeligion, Penychen & Gorfynedd)/Morgannwg/Glamorgan
          1. Independent from AD 383 to AD 1093
          2. Near to Dumnonia
          3. Near to Powys
        5. Finally, the Cornouaille/Kerne(v)
          1. In what is now Brittany
          2. Independent from AD 387 to AD 1093
          3. Near to Domnonia
          4. Next to Poher
          5. Next to Léon/Leonais/Lyonesse
      10. Therefore, this Arthur from “Cornwall” could have derived from any or all of the above “Cornwalls”
    6. The Death of Uther — “Of whom an aged holy man prophesies a world-saving message
      1. When Arthur was fifteen
        1. Uther’s health gradually failed
        2. It became evident that the Saxons were still not cowed
      2. The Saxons brought reinforcements
        1. Kept up troublesome warfare
        2. At last disposed Uther by poison
      3. Uther drinks water from a poisoned spring
      4. When Uther dies, the land is without a leader
      5. Merlin announces to assembled British nobles (barons) of God’s test for Uther’s successor
        1. The Saxons could not prevent Arthur from being crowned King
        2. At a general assembly of nobles at Silchester
        3. At the hands of the holy Dubricius Archbishop of Caerleon, the City of Legions
    7. Excalibur — “Whose childhood deeds proclaim his divine character
      1. Ensuing events differ, but all include the “Sword in the Stone/Anvil”
      2. Before the Cathedral, appears a great stone topped with an anvil imbedded with a sword
      3. Merlin informs that only the intended king will be able to draw the sword
      4. All present try, all fail
      5. Arthur is sent to find Kay’s sword
      6. Arthur sees the sword in stone and easily draws it
      7. Barons (nobles) make Arthur repeat the drawing
      8. Arthur overcomes British nobles’ objections (they eventually recognise his claim to the throne)
      9. Arthur comes into possession of the celebrated miraculous sword called
        1. Caliburn
        2. Excalibur
        3. Or the Great Glaive of the Mighty Enchanter
        4. When he receives it from his father
      10. It is also said that Arthur receives the miraculous sword
        1. Caliburn
        2. Later Excalibur
        3. From a hand that emerges from a lake
      11. This sword is stated as being made in the Isle of Avalon
      12. In still other versions, Excalibur is the Sword in the Stone
      13. It is stated that Arthur
        1. Draws only against the Wild Beasts of the forest and not against the Saxons
        2. Uses the sword Caliburnus in the battle of Badon
          1. Along with the shield Pridwen
          2. And the lance Ron
      14. The shield, sword, and lance were all derived more or less directly from Welsh sources
        1. For in Culhwch ac Olwen Arthur mentions
          1. His sword Caledfwlch
          2. His spear Rhangomyniad
        2. Both in Culhwch ac Olwen and in Preiddeu Annwfyn
          1. Arthur voyages in a ship called Prydwen
          2. It is unclear how the ship Prydwen is related to the shield Pridwen
    8. Merlin and the Instruction of Arthur — “Is awakened to his proper task
      1. With Merlin as advisor
      2. Arthur is crowned and begins his reign
  4. Duty and Battles
    1. Duty — “Departs to engage in arduous forest disciplines
      1. Introduction to Duty
      2. Dux Bellorum
        1. This Arthur was a general
          1. Appointed by the chiefs of the still post-Roman province
          2. To a rank representing that of the earlier “Comes Britanniae”
            • The supreme Roman commander
            • Whose duty it had been to defend the province anywhere his troops were necessary
            • Whose troops were predominately cavalry
        2. This theory was prompted by pseudo-Nennius’ phrase
          1. “cum regibus Britonum, sed ipse dux bellorum erat”
          2. Which was interpreted as a title analogous to “Comes Britanniae”
          3. “Dux Britanniarum” was his lieutenant in northern Britain
          4. The Latin is held to mean that Arthur was an inferior elected as general
            • then Arthur fought against them Saxon men
            •  in those days alongside with the Kings of the Britains,
            •  but he himself was only ‘Dux Bellorum’”
        3. But it is surely doubtful whether the phrase implies a high official rank
        4. pseudo-Nennius’ words might well mean “along with the other kings of the Britons, but he was their leader in the battles”
        5. The words ‘Dux Bellorum’ may not be an actual title at all but simply a description
          1. “Commander in the battle”
          2. “Duke of battles”
          3. “Chief of battles”
          4. “War Chief”
          5. “Soldier”
          6. “Warlord”
        6. This Arthur was not a king
          1. He was a general who revived the cavalry of the later Empire
          2. Developed for in-depth mobile defense
        7. In the last phase of Roman Britain
          1. One of its supreme officers was the Comes Britanniarum
          2. “Count of the Britains”
          3. He commanded cavalry units
          4. Had a roving commission to go anywhere
        8. This Arthur was a Comes Britanniarum
          1. Either appointed
          2. Or self-appointed
        9. This gives us reason to think that Arthur
          1. Was either a freelance who offered the services
            • Of himself
            • And his band of followers
            • To whichever king would pay best
          2. Or an overall commander
            • Of the combined forces of several small, independent sovereignties
            • Into which the south of post-Roman Britain had evolved
        10. The size of this combined force would have been about 1000
        11. This Arthur would have been appointed
          1. Collectively by
          2. And acting on behalf of a number of the kings of the Britons
        12. This “elective sovereign”
          1. “Paramount over the many kings of Briton”
          2. Was sometimes called Pendragon
        13. As an agent of a superbus tyrannus leading the armies of the subordinate tyranny
          1. The most likely title for Arthur would be “magister militum per Britannias”
          2. ‘General Officer Commanding British Land Forces’
          3. Could be “Penteulu” (‘Chief of the Royal Host’)
          4. Or “(G)wledig/Gulecic/Guletic(us)” (‘The Imperator’)
      3. Mobile Cavalry Force
        1. Warriors on horseback
          1. Were not as common during Arthur’s life
          2. As they were in the Middle Ages
          3. This was because the stirrup had not yet reached western Europe
        2. On the other hand
          1. The Saxons were not horsemen at all
          2. Mounted Britons would have had clear advantage through
            • Speed
            • Surprise
            • And psychological impact
          3. They could have fought as “mounted commandos”
        3. Some of the oldest Welsh poetry speaks of nobles riding into battle
          1. Their forebears may have done the same with this Arthur as their leader
          2. This Arthur won his battles by use of mobile horsemen
            • Against the pedestrian Saxons
            • And could move such men rapidly about the country
        4. If we assume that most if not all of this Arthur’s troops were mounted
          1. And that this Arthur, the soldier, retained some knowledge
            • Of Roman
            • Or even Byzantine military practice and training
          2. This Arthur could have organised
          3. And been in charge
            • Of a small
            • Fully equipped
            • Mobile cavalry force
        5. This Arthur’s troops would have fought
          1. With sword
          2. Lance
          3. And javelin
          4. Approaching the enemy in a series of rushes
          5. Rather than in a coordinated cavalry charge
        6. Most warriors were armed
          1. With spears
          2. Carried shields
          3. And had their bodies protected by tough leather cuirasses
        7. Fewer fought with swords
          1. Probably long cavalry swords
          2. Of the type borrowed by Roman cavalry units
          3. From the earlier “Celts”
        8. High ranking officers wore chain-mail and helmets
        9. This Arthur, when on parade
          1. Though not necessarily on the battlefield
          2. Would have worn a uniform
            • Based on that of a Roman emperor
            • Or high-ranking general
              • A fine knee-length tunic and breeches
              • A leather jerkin with metal-studded fringe to protect the abdomen
              • And a cloak pinned at the shoulder with a penannular brooch
        10. Although ancient Rome had a social class of Knights
          1. Known as Equites (Horsemen)
          2. No men like the medieval knight
            • Of later Arthurian Romance
            • Would have existed in this Arthur’s time
          3. Mailed cavalry had played a major role in warfare for more than a century
        11. Could the accounts of King Arthur’s Knights
          1. In Geoffrey of Monmouth and later writers
          2. Echo some tradition of British cavalry based on the late-imperial model?
      4. A Northern Arthur
        1. This Arthur could have been an exclusively northern figure
          1. Making all of his typically Kentish battles false
          2. This idea has been discredited in the eyes of “Celticists”
            • By the philological (linguistic) excesses of some of its supporters
            • And their partiality in argument
        2. The view is that since one of the names of his battles is certainly northern
          1. Coed Celyddon
          2. And one or two others may be
          3. That all or most of them must be
          4. Some writers even say that Badon is
            • Or must be made to be
            • A northern battle as well
        3. The idea is that the suspicion arising from the wide dispersal of the battles
          1. Is misplaced since they are not in fact widely apart
          2. Even though Lennox and Chester are separated by over 200 miles
        4. The difficulty that this Arthur was fighting the Saxons
          1. And there were none near Chester
          2. Or in the North during this Arthur’s lifetime
          3. Is met by supposing that it was really the Picts or Scots
          4. And by stressing pseudo-Nennius’ story that Octha and Ebissa
            • Settled temporarily somewhere south of the Forth
            • Before coming to Kent
        5. But no amount of ingenuity can make Badon anything
          1. But a battle against the Saxons or Jutes
          2. In what is now southern England
        6. This Arthur could have fought Picts in Strathclyde
          1. And conceivably the Angles and Saxons in Northumbria
          2. If we regard it as plausible that an early immigrant body
            • Was planted by their British host in Lothian
            • As a defense against the Picts
            • And later abandoned this ungrateful task
            • Turned against the Britons
            • And joined their kinsmen in Kent
        7. If so, the fact of a British campaign against them in the North
          1. Might have been almost totally forgotten by pseudo-Nennius’ time
          2. Apart from one or two meaningless names
          3. When it was eclipsed by their presence in the South
          4. And by the glorious victory of Badon
        8. There seems to be very little evidence to support this Arthur
          1. Being exclusively
          2. Or even predominantly a Northern character
      5. Relations with the Monks
      6. Military Significance, and Role as Restitutor and Cosmocrator
    2. Battles — “Which confront him, finally, with a supernatural adversary, over whom victory is achieved and established
      1. Introduction to Arthur’s Battles
      2. First Battle — River Glein/(pure/clear)
        1. Northumberland Glen
        2. Lincolnshire Glen
        3. Associated with Gemini — Mercury+ — Air
      3. Next Four Battles — River Dubglas/(blue-black/black-stream) in Linnuis/Lininuis district
        1. River
          1. Douglas
          2. Dulais
          3. Dawlish
          4. Divelish
          5. Devil’s Brook
          6. Blackwater
        2. District
          1. Lindenses/(the people of Lindum)
          2. Lindensia/(Land of Lindum)
            • Lindsey of Lincolnshire
            • North of the Clyde estuary, Scotland
          3. Lindinienses/(the people around Lindinis)
            • Ilchester, Somerset
            • The Lennox, Scotland
        3. Associated with
          1. Taurus — Venus- — Earth
          2. Pisces — Jupiter- — Water
          3. Aries — Mars+ — Fire
          4. Libra — Venus+ — Air
      4. Sixth Battle — River Bassas/(shallow)
        1. Cambuslang
        2. Lothian coast near Bass Rock
        3. Baschurch, Shropshire
        4. Old Bassing, Hampshire
        5. Cerdicesford/Charford, Hampshire
        6. Basingstoke
        7. Bassenthwaite Lake, Cumbria
        8. Bassen Beck, Cumbria
        9. Multiple Bass prefix names in Yorkshire
        10. Shalbourne, Wiltshire
        11. Parret/Brue, west of Glastonbury, Somerset
        12. Associated with Aquarius — Saturn+ — Air
      5. Seventh Battle — (Celidon(ian Wood))/(Cat Coit Celidon)/(Silva Celidonis)
        1. Caledonia/(the Caledonii) lay north of the Forth-Clyde line, in the Highlands
        2. Silva Caledoniae
        3. North of Carlisle and the Antonine Wall, in the Southern Uplands in Strathclyde
        4. Associated with Leo — Sun+/- — Fire
      6. Eighth Battle
        1. Castle/Din/Fort Guinnion
        2. Associated with Virgo — Mercury- — Earth
      7. Ninth Battle — (City of the Legion)/(urbes Legionis)/(Cair L(eg)ion)/Caerleon
        1. Chester-upon-Dee
        2. Caerleon-on-Usk
        3. Associated with Capricorn — Saturn- — Earth
      8. Tenth Battle
        1. ((Traith) Tribruit)/(Traeth Tryfrwyd)
        2. Associated with Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
      9. Eleventh Battle — Mons Agned/Breguoin
        1. Agned
          1. Agued/Angau/(death)
          2. Edinburgh
        2. Breguoin
          1. Bregomion/Brewyn/Bremenium
          2. Breguein/Bravonium/Leintwardine
        3. Associated with Cancer — Moon-/+ — Water
      10. Twelfth Battle — (Mount Badon)/(Badon Hill)/(Mons Badonicus)/(of Bath-Hill)
        1. The Date of the Battle
          1. Introduction to The Date of the Battle
          2. The Three “Gildases”
            • Introduction to The Three “Gildases”
            • Gilta(s)/Gueltas/Gildas/Gildae Albanius of Rhuys [Gildas I]
              • Born AD 421/425/425.5/426/427/441
              • Wrote AD 495/499/504
              • Died AD 512
            • Gildo/Giltas/Gilda(s)/Gildus Badonicus Auctor [Gildas II]
              • Born AD 470/471/472/474/477/480/482/484.5/485/488/489/490/491/492/493/494/496/497/499/500/503/513/514/515/516/517/520
              • Wrote AD 514/515/516/517/520/523/524/525/526/527/530/532/535/540/542/546/560
              • Died AD 560/563/570
            • Gildas/Gyldus [Gildas III]
              • Born AD 540s/545/551
              • Wrote after AD 559 (572/573), possibly as late as AD 592/598
              • Died after AD 565/570s (599/600)
          3. Reconciling “Gildas”
            • Introduction to Reconciling “Gildas”
            • Birth of “Gildas”
              • AD 429/430
              • AD 500/501
              • AD 545/546
            • Writing of De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae
              • AD 495/496
              • AD 531/532
              • After AD 559 (572/573), possibly as late as AD 592/598
            • Death of “Gildas”
              • AD 512
              • AD 562/563
              • After AD 585 (599/600)
          4. Gildas’ Constantine and Kentigern’s Death Year
            • Introduction to Gildas’ Constantine and Kentigern’s Death Year
            • Gildas’ Constantine
              • (Constantine III)/(Custennin III)/(Constantine Corneu)/Constantinus
              • Son of Cador(ius)/Cadwr, son of Gwryon/Goryon/Gourles/Gorloïs/Gorla(i)s/Gorlens/Gorlodubnus/Gorloys/Gothlois(/Hoel) and Eigr/Ygraine
              • Born c AD (490/)500/510/520/525
              • Reigned c AD 530 to AD 560, or AD 530 to AD 540, or AD 537 to AD 538
              • King of Dumnonia, or of the Damnonii of the (Hen Ogledd)/(Old North)
              • Died 9 Mar AD 546/576/589
            • Kentigern’s Death Year
              • AD 612 as reckoned arbitrarily by Annales Cambriæ
              • AD 603, as corrected for 13 January being a Sunday in both 603 and 614
          5. Determination of the Date of the Battle of Badon — AD 504/505
        2. Identification of the Leader of the Battle
        3. Location of the Battle
          1. Bath, Somerset
          2. Dorset
            • Badbury/(Badda’s Fort)/(Baddan-Burg)/Baddanbyrig/Baderi
            • (Badbury Rings, Dorsetshire)/Vindocladia/Vindogladia/Vindocladia/Bindogladia/Vindobala/Uindocladia
            • Banbury, Dorsetshire
          3. (Liddington Castle)/(Badbury Camp), Wiltshire
          4. Badbury Hill, Berkshire
        4. Associated with Scorpio — Mars- — Water
  5. Camelot
    1. Marriage to Guinevere in a Rebuilt and Restored Britain — “Marries and begats an heir
      1. Rebuilt and Restored Britaiin
      2. King Arthur Meets, Courts, and Marries the Beautiful Young Guinevere
    2. Assembled Court — “Preaching a doctrine of salvation to a company of disciples
      1. Arthur rules his land
      2. From Camelot (his favourite castle)
    3. Knights of the Round Table, A Time of Peace and Security, and the Conquest of Europe — “A smaller, elite circle of initiates
      1. Knights of the Round Table
        1. After initial wars, King Arthur sets up the Society of the Round Table
        2. The circular table (as the fellowship’s meeting place) ensures that all knights enjoy equal status
          1. Men from every land seek knighthood by King Arthur
          2. They seek fame as members of the Round Table
        3. One of the finest knights is young French Lancelot
        4. Lancelot becomes one of King Arthur’s favourites
      2. A Time of Peace and Security
        1. Nine Years
        2. Forty Years
      3. Conquest of Europe
    4. Adulteries, Adventures, and Quests — “Becomes a wandering teacher
      1. Adulteries
        1. Lancelot and Guinevere
          1. Lancelot falls in love with Queen Guinevere (and she with him)
          2. Their illicit love affair is one cause for the destruction of Arthur’s kingdom
        2. Arthur and Morgause/Margawse
          1. Arthur’s own flaws contribute to the downfall as well
          2. Despite valour and wisdom
            • King Arthur fathers Prince Mordred
            • With his half-sister Queen Morgause/Margawse
          3. Other versions make Mordred his nephew instead of illegitimate son
      2. Adventures and Quests
        1. Adventures and quests
          1. As essential elements of chivalry
          2. Draw King Arthur’s knights away
        2. They embark on the greatest quest of all
          1. That of the Holy Grail
          2. Jesus’ Last Supper Chalice
        3. No matter the length of search, the finest knights swear to seek the Grail
        4. Knowing it means Camelot’s end, King Arthur is displeased by these events
        5. Many of his best knights die in the quest, some killing each other
    5. Completion of the Grail Quest — “Performing miracles
      1. Lancelot fathers illegitimate son
        1. Galahad
        2. Conceived while Lancelot was under a spell
        3. That makes Lancelot think Elaine is Guinevere
      2. Galahad alone
        1. Free of sin and weakness
        2. Qualified to complete the Holy Grail quest
        3. Does so and then dies
      3. Sir Perceval
        1. The original Grail knight in earlier texts
        2. And Sir Bors
        3. Accompany Galahad on Grail quest
      4. Galahad alone experiences a final holy vision as he reaches the Grail
  6. Endings
    1. Betrayal: Guinevere, Lancelot, Rome, Mordred, and the Battle of Camlann — “Another, dark and treacherous, is bent on his death
      1. Abductions of Queen Guinevere
      2. Sir Lancelot’s and Queen Guinevere’s Discovery
        1. King Arthur discovers Lancelot’s and Guinevere’s love affair
          1. Arrests Guinevere
          2. Condems Guinevere to death
        2. Lancelot flees, but returns to rescue Guinevere
        3. During the ensuing battle
          1. Brothers of Gawain are killed by Lancelot
          2. Gawain and Lancelot then become enemies (formerly the closest of friends)
          3. Arthur and Lancelot also become enemies
      3. Letter from Rome
        1. Romans demand tribute from King Arthur
        2. Romans plan to attack Arthur
          1. King Arthur fights the Romans
          2. He defeats them
      4. Prince Mordred
        1. Illegitimate son/nephew of King Arthur who attempts to usurp the throne
        2. Mordred buys the allegiance of Arthur’s barons
        3. Mordred either marries or attempts to marry Queen Guinevere by lying of Arthur’s death
        4. King Arthur learns of Mordred’s treason and returns to reclaim his rights
      5. Battle of Camlann
        1. During the great Salisbury Plain battle, many knights die
        2. Arthur kills Prince Mordred (who grievously mortally wounds King Arthur)
        3. Associated with Ophiuchus — Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn — Fire, Water, Earth, Air
    2. Arthur’s Last Request and the Isle of Avalon
      1. King Arthur’s Last Request — “One of who, less quick to learn than the rest, is given charge and becomes the model of the lay community
        1. King Arthur orders one of his knights (Sir Girflet/Griflet/Gifflet or Sir Bedwyr/Bedivere or Sir Gawain(e) or Sir Lucan or a nameless squire)
          1. Excalibur is to be thrown
          2. Into a lake
        2. Twice his order is disobeyed
        3. On the third time
          1. Excalibur is thrown
          2. A hand
            • Rises from the water
            • Grasps the sword
            • Then disappears
      2. The Isle of Avalon
        1. King Arthur
          1. He either dies and is buried (as in the Vulgate Cycle)
            • After his sister (Morgan the Fay) and at least two other women take him by boat
            • To the Black Chapel
            • Where on a “very splendid and rich tomb was written:
              • Here lies King Arthur
              • Who through His Valour
              • Conquered Twelve Kingdoms
          2. Or a boat (of women, usually including Arthur’s half-sister Morgan le Fay)
            • Takes Arthur away
            • To the Island of Avalon
        2. In most stories
          1. King Arthur is gravely wounded
          2. But does not die (he becomes immortal)
          3. His wounds will be healed
            • So he can return when Britain needs him
            • To subdue enemies
            • And once again bring peace and security to the land
        3. In Joanot Martorell’s and Martí Joan de Galba’s Tirant Lo Blanc(h) (Tirant the White, or The White Knight)
          1. Arthur is brought back to life by Morgan
          2. and then he wandered the world for a long time while mad
          3. and able to talk only when having Excalibur in his hands
          4. Finally, Morgan finds her brother imprisoned in the contemporary (15th-century AD) Constantinople,
          5. where she restores him to his mind by making him gaze upon his reflection in Excalibur’s blade
  7. Arthur’s Association with Related Physical Objects/Locations
    1. Saint Carannog’s Mystical Floating Altar
    2. Arthur’s Oven/O’en/O’on
    3. (King) Arthur’s Bed(-chamber)
    4. Arthur’s Bridge
    5. Arthur’s Castle (Dumbarton)
    6. Arthur’s Cave
    7. Arthur’s Chair
    8. Arthur’s Cups and Saucers (Tintagel)
    9. Arthur’s Downs (Arthur’s Hall, Arthur’s Troughs)
    10. Arthur’s Fold (Arthurbank)
    11. Arthur’s Fountain
    12. Arthur’s Grave/Tomb (Slaughter Bridge, Bedd Arthur, Carn Arthur)
    13. Arthur’s Hill
      1. Arthur(’s) Seat
      2. Brecon Beacons (Arthur’s Hill-top)
      3. Moel Arthur (Glyn Arthur)
    14. Arthur’s Hunting Causeway (Cadbury Castle)
    15. Arthur’s Hunting Lodge/Seat
    16. Arthur’s Lane (Cadbury Castle)
    17. Arthur’s Palace (Cadbury Castle)
    18. Arthur’s Pot (Gwal y Filiast)
    19. Arthur’s Quoit (Coetan Arthur, Carreg Arthur)
    20. Arthur’s Spear (Ffon y Cawr)
    21. Arthur’s Stone (Arthurstone, Maen Arthur, Stone of Arthur)
    22. Arthur’s Table (Bwrth Arthur)
      1. Gwal y Filiast (Crochan Arthur)
      2. Round Table (Winchester)
    23. Arthur’s Well
    24. Arthur’s Wood (Coed Arthur)
    25. Arthur’s Yard (Buarth Arthur)
  8. Occurrences of “Arthur” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
    1. Jordanes/Jordanis/Jornandes. Historia Gothorum (History of Goths, or Gothic History, or The Origin and Deeds of the Goths). Sixth Century AD (c AD 551).
    2. Gildas/Gyldus [III]. De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniæ (On Ruin and Conquest of Britain). Sixth Century AD (after AD 559 (572/573), possibly as late as AD 598).
    3. of Tours, Gregory. Decem Libri Historiarum (Ten Books of Histories), better known as Historia Francorum (History of the Franks). AD 575 to AD 594.
    4. (A)neirin/Aneurin of the Votadini. Y Guotoðin (The Gododdin: The Votadini), in Llyfr Aneirin/Aneurin (Book of Aneirin/Aneurin).
               Sixth/Seventh/Ninth/Tenth Centuries AD (c AD 600).
    5. (Chwedyl) Gereint/Geraint mab/vab/fab/fil(ius) Erbin ((Legendary) Gereint/Geraint, son of Erbin),
               from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen). Ninth/Tenth/Eleventh Century AD, originally c AD 480.
    6. Bede. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of English People, or A History of the English Church and People). early Eighth Century AD (AD 731).
    7. (pseudo-)Nennius/Nemnuuis/Ninnius/Nemnius. Historia Brittonum (History of Britons). late Eighth/early Ninth Century AD (AD 828/829/830).
    8. Anonymous Monk of R(h)uys. Vita Sancti Gildæ (Life of Saint Gildas). Ninth Century AD.
    9. Annales Cambriæ (Annals of Wales). Ninth/Tenth Century AD (AD 950/960/970/980).
    10. Ymddiddan Gwyddno Garanhir ac/a Gwyn fab/ap Nudd (The Dialogue of Gwyddneu/Gwyddno Garanhir and Gwyn ap Nudd),
               from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen). Tenth/Eleventh Century AD.
    11. (Yr) Aval(l)enau/Afallennau (The (Apple Tree(s))/(Apples), or The Apple Tree Stanzas),
               from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cæmarthen). c AD 620/623 (Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD).
    12. Pa Gur/Gwr yv Y Porthaur?, or Arthur a Y Porthaur, or Ymddiddan Arthur a Glewlwyd Gafælfawr (What Man is The Gatekeeper/Porter?,
               or Arthur and The Gatekeeper/Porter, or Dialogue of Arthur and Glewlwyd Gafælfawr),
               or A dialogue between Arthur and Glewlwyd/Glewleyd Gavælvawr/Mighty(-)Grasp,
               otherwise known as Dialogue with Glewlwyd, from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen).
               Tenth/Eleventh/Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1100).
    13. of Llancarfan, Lifris. Vita Sancti Cadoci (Life of Saint Ca(ra)doc/Caradog). late Eleventh Century AD (shortly before AD 1086).
    14. Englyn(n)ion y Beddau/Bedeu (Stanzas/Verses of The Graves), or Beddau Milwyr Ynys Prydain (Graves of Warriors of Isle of Britain);
               primarily from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) Tenth/Eleventh/Thirteenth Century AD,
               Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400, and Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325.
    15. Vita Sancti Carantoci (Life of Saint Carannog/Carantoc(k)). late Eleventh Century AD (c AD 1100).
    16. Preiddeu Annw(fy)n (Spoils of Annwn), from Llyfr Taliessin (Book of Taliesin). early 14th Century AD, originally Ninth Century AD (c AD 900).
    17. Vita Sancti Euflami (Life of Saint Efflam(m)). c AD 1100.
    18. Vita Sancti Paterni (Life of Saint Padarn/Paternus). late Eleventh Century AD (c AD 1120s).
    19. Legenda Sancti Goeznovii (Legend of Saint Goeznovius). AD 1019 (AD 1186/1226).
    20. The Archivolt/Archivault of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. AD 1090/1120/1135/1140.
    21. Vita Sancti Iltuti (Life of Saint Illtud). late Eleventh Century AD (AD 1140/1190s).
    22. of Malmesbury, William. Gesta Regum Anglorum, or De Gestis Regum Anglorum ((On) Deeds of Kings of England/(the English),
               or (The) Chronicle(s)/History of Kings of England). AD 1125.
    23. Chronicon Montis Sancti Michælis in Periculo Maris (Chronicle of Saint Michæls Mount in Danger of Sea). early Twelfth Century AD.
    24. Vita Sancta/Sancti Gurthierni (Life of Saint Gurthi(gi)ern (of Quimperlé)). early Twelfth Century AD.
    25. of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
    26. of Llancarfan, Caradoc. Vita Sancti Gildæ (Life of Saint Gildas). c AD 1130 (mid Twelfth Century AD).
    27. Ymddiddan Myrddin a Thaliesin (Dialogue/Colloquy/Conversation of Merlin and Taliesin),
               from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) early/mid Thirteenth Century AD, originally written Eleventh Century AD.
    28. of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Vita Merlini (Life of Merlin). AD 1148 to 1150/1151.
    29. Wace of Jersey, Robert. Roman de Brut (Romance of Brutus, or A History of the British);
               or Geste des Bretons (Deeds of the British/Britons/Bretons);
               or Brut d’Engleterre (Brutus of England); or Roman des Rois d’Angleterre (Romance of Kings of England). AD 1155.
    30. de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
    31. de Troyes, Chrétien. Érec et Énide (Geraint and Enid). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1170).
    32. de Troyes, Chrétien. Cligès (Cliges). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1176).
    33. de Troyes, Chrétien. Yvain, or Le Chevalier au Lion (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1177/1181).
    34. de Troyes, Chrétien. Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story/Tale of the Grail). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1176/1180/1190/1191).
    35. Jocelyn(e)/Jocelin, a monk of Furness. Vita Sancti Kentigerni (Life of Saint Kentigern/Mungo). AD 1175/1185/1187/1188/1199/1214.
    36. de Boron, Robert. Merlin. AD 1191/1195/1202/1210.
    37. de Boron, Robert. Joseph d’Arimathie (Joseph of Arimathea),
               or Le Roman de l’Estoire dou Graal (Li Romanz de l’Estoire dou Graal) (The Romance of the History of the Grail),
               or Le Petit Saint Graal (The Lesser Holy Grail). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1190/1191/1202/1210).
    38. (Historia Peredur, neu) Peredur (fab Efrawg/Efrawc) ((History of Perceval, or) Perceval (son of Ebrauc/Eburac/Ivory)),
               mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1150).
    39. Trioedd y Meirch ((The) Triads of the Horses), from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen). Eleventh/Fourteenth Centuries AD.
    40. Cambrensis, Giraldus (Gerald of Wales). (Liber) de Principis Instructione: Libri III,
               or De Instructione Principum (On Instruction of Princes, or Book of Early Instruction: Book Three). c AD 1193/1216.
    41. Yr Oianau (The Greetings, or The Little Pig Stanzas),
               from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) early/mid Thirteenth Century AD, originally written after AD 1171.
    42. Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
               from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
    43. de Boron, Robert. Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1208/1209.
    44. Layamon. Brut (Brutus, or The Chronicle of Britain). late Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1209/1215).
    45. Vera Historia de Morte Arthuri (True History of Death of Arthur). mid Twelveth/late Thirteenth Century AD.
    46. de Boron, Robert. Didot(-)Perceval, or Romance of Perceval in Prose, or the Prose Perceval. AD 1200/1220/1230.
    47. Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
    48. Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
    49. Vulgate Morte Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
    50. Trioedd Ynys Prydein/Prydain (Triads of British Isle, or Welsh Triads), from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest).
               Eleventh/(late Thirteenth)/Fourteenth Centuries AD.
    51. Le Livre d’Artus (The Book of Arthur). early Thirteenth Century AD.
    52. Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
               early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
    53. Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
    54. Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
    55. Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
    56. Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
    57. Kyuoessi Myrdin aGỽendyd yChỽær, or Cyfoesi Myrddin a Gwenddydd ei Chwær ((The Dialogue Between)/(Conversations of) Myrddin and His Sister Gwenddydd),
               from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest). late Fourteenth Century AD (AD 1375/1383 to AD 1400/1425), originally composed before AD 1100.
    58. “Murder of Prince Arthur” in Chronicle of Margam Abbey. AD 1200/1299.
    59. (Geraint/)Gereint ac Enid) ((Geraint/)Gereint and Enid). Thirteenth Century AD.
    60. Owain, neu (Chwedyl) Iarlles y Ffynnon/Ffynnawn (Owain, or the (Legendary) Lady of the Fountain). Thirteenth Century AD.
    61. de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
    62. da/de Pisa/Pise, Rustichello/Rusticien/Rusticiano. Roman de/du Roi Artus (Romance of King Arthur, or The Compilation),
               later divided into Gyron/Guiron le Courtoys/Court(e)ois (Guiron the Courteous),
               and Meliadus (de Leonnoys) (Meliodas (of Lyonesse)). c AD 1298 (Thirteenth Century AD).
    63. Arthour and Merlin (Arthur and Merlin). late Thirteenth Century AD.
    64. Melekh/Melech Artus (King Arthur). AD 1279.
    65. The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Baldwin of Britain. Thirteenth/Fourteenth Century AD.
    66. de Langtoft, Pierre/Piers (Peter (of) Langtoft). The Chronicle. c AD 1300/1305.
    67. Short Metrical Chronicle. AD 1307.
    68. Arturs Doet (Arthurs Death). AD 1322/1323.
    69. Arthur and Gorlagon. early Fourteenth Century AD.
    70. La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
    71. Mannyng (of Brunne), Robert. The Story of England. AD 1338.
    72. d’Ou(t)remeuse/(des Preis), Jean. Ly Myreur des Histors (The Mirror of Histories). c AD 1350.
    73. The Birth of Arthur. Fourteenth Century AD, or earlier.
    74. Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Fourteenth Century AD.
    75. Arthur and Kaletvwlch (Arthur and Excalibur). Fourteenth Century AD.
    76. Boccaccio, Giovanni. De Casibus Virorum Illustrium (On Fate of Illustrious Men). AD 1355/1362.
    77. of Fordun, John. Chronica Gentis Scotorum (Chronicle of Scottish People). c AD 1385.
    78. Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
               (The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
               (It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
    79. Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur). c AD 1400 (Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD).
    80. Le Chevalier du Papegau (The Knight of the Parrot). Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD.
    81. The Awntyrs off Arthur(e) at the Terne/Turne Wathelan/Wathelyn(e) (The Adventures of Arthur at the Lake/Tarn Wadling).
               late Fourteenth/early Fifteenth Century AD.
    82. Arthur. c AD 1428.
    83. Ain Hupsches Vasnachtspill und Sagt von Künig Artus, Wie er Siben Fursten mit iren Weyben zuo seinem hoff Geladen het und wie si durch ain Horn geschendet worden gar hupsch zuo hören
               (A Pleasing Shrovetide Play about King Arthur, How he invited Seven Kings with their Wives to his Court and how they were embarassed by a Horn,
               quite pleasant to hear
      ). Fifteenth Century AD.
    84. Pedwar Marchog ar Hugain Llys Arthur (The Twenty-Four Knights of Arthurs Court). mid Fifteenth Century AD.
    85. Hardyng, John. John Hardyngs Chronicle. AD 1457/1464.
    86. Martorell, Joanot and Martí Joan de Galba. Tirant Lo Blanc(h) (Tirant the White, or The White Knight)
    87. Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
               This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
    88. Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
    89. Roundel with King Arthur Riding on a Camel (from a Series of the Nine Heroes). AD 1500/1510.
    90. The Legend of King Arthur. Sixteenth Century AD.
    91. Ymddiddan rhwng Arthur a Gwenhwyfar (Dialogue between Arthur and Gwenhwyfar, or The Dialogue of Arthur and Gwenh(w)yfar);
               also known as Ymddiddan Melwas a Gwenhwyfar (Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenh(w)yfer), versions one and two.
               Sixteenth Century AD.
    92. Boece (Boethius), Hector. Scotorum Historiæ (History of Scots). AD 1527 (1575).
    93. King Arthur and King Cornwall. Sixteenth Century AD.
    94. King Arthurs Death. Sixteenth Century AD.
    95. Spenser, Edmund. The Færie Queene. AD 1570/1599.
    96. Camden, William. Britannia. AD 1586.
    97. Hughes, Thomas. The Misfortunes of Arthur. AD 1587.
    98. An Dialog Etre Arzur Roe d’an Bretounet ha Guynglaff
               (A/The Dialogue between Arthur, King of the Britons, and Gwenc’hlan/Guynglaff/Guinglaff/Guinclaff).
               late Sixteenth/early Seventeenth Century AD (AD 1617/1619).
  9. Astrological Signs Associated with Arthur
    1. Aries — Mars+ — Fire
    2. Scorpio — Mars- — Water
    3. Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
    4. Leo — Sun+/- — Fire
  10. Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Arthur
    1. Geography of Arthur
    2. Genealogy of Arthur
    3. Timeline of Arthur
Afterword by Linda A Malcor

“There is more of Rome*, than of Romance, about Arthuriana”Glyn Hnutu-healh
*and Achaea, Akkad, Alans, Anglia, Arameans, Armorica, Assyria, Babylon, Briton, Cambria, Canaan, Cornwall, Crete, Cumbria, Dalriada, Domnonia, Egypt,
Etruscans, ExtraTerrestrials, France, Frisia, Gaul, Greece, Hindavi, Hittites, Huns, Hurrians, Idubor, Ireland, Judaea, Jutland, Lydia, Macedonia,
Mesopotamia, Mycenaea, Narts, Norse, Persia, Phoenicia, Phrygia, Picts, Saxony, Scotland, Semites, Sumer, Ugarit, and Wales — to name a few

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