An Introduction:
Geographical and Genealogical
Origins and Archetypes of Arthuriana
None of the line items that are included in the following outline are meant to be links.
The outline itself represents the material that is to be covered in the upcoming book known by the above title (available after June 2027).
Foreword by Jill M Roberts
- Introduction to Circle of Logres: Encyclopædia Arthuriana
- Heroes and Quests
- Introduction to Heroes and Quests
- The Hero Story of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere
- Introduction to the Hero Story of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere
- Arthur, Lord King of Logres
- Introduction to Arthur, Lord King of Logres by Christopher Gidlow and Linda A Malcor
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Arthur’s Name, Multiple Arthurs, Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities, and Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
- Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Arthur’s Name, Multiple Arthurs, Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities, and Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
- Meaning and Origin of the Name Arthur
- Existence of Multiple Arthurs
- Comparison of Other Kings/Emperors/Heroes/Deities to Arthur
- Event Dates for “Arthur” in Various Arthurian Source Texts and their corresponding “Arthur Candidates”
- Beginnings
- Family and Retainers (traditional)
- The Constantines
- Arthurs Basic Character
- Merlin and the Birth of Arthur — The scion of a royal line, miraculously conceived
- A Birthplace and A Home — Miraculously born amid supernatural phenomena
- The Death of Uther — Of whom an aged holy man prophesies a world-saving message
- Excalibur — Whose childhood deeds proclaim his divine character
- Merlin and the Instruction of Arthur — Is awakened to his proper task
- Duty and Battles
- Duty — Departs to engage in arduous forest disciplines
- Battles — Which confront him, finally, with a supernatural adversary, over whom victory is achieved and established
- Camelot
- Marriage to Guinevere in a Rebuilt and Restored Britain — Marries and begats an heir
- Assembled Court — Preaching a doctrine of salvation to a company of disciples
- Knights of the Round Table, A Time of Peace and Security, and the Conquest of Europe — A smaller, elite circle of initiates
- Adulteries, Adventures, and Quests — Becomes a wandering teacher
- Completion of the Grail Quest — Performing miracles
- Endings
- Betrayal: Guinevere, Lancelot, Rome, Mordred, and the Battle of Camlann — Another, dark and treacherous, is bent on his death
- Arthur’s Last Request and the Isle of Avalon
- Arthur’s Association with Related Physical Objects/Locations
- Saint Carannogs Mystical Floating Altar
- Arthur’s Oven/Oen/Oon
- (King) Arthur’s Bed(-chamber)
- Arthurs Bridge
- Arthurs Castle (Dumbarton)
- Arthurs Cave
- Arthurs Chair
- Arthurs Cups and Saucers (Tintagel)
- Arthurs Downs (Arthurs Hall, Arthurs Troughs)
- Arthurs Fold (Arthurbank)
- Arthurs Fountain
- Arthurs Grave/Tomb (Slaughter Bridge, Bedd Arthur, Carn Arthur)
- Arthurs Hill
- Arthurs Hunting Causeway (Cadbury Castle)
- Arthurs Hunting Lodge/Seat
- Arthurs Lane (Cadbury Castle)
- Arthurs Palace (Cadbury Castle)
- Arthurs Pot (Gwal y Filiast)
- Arthurs Quoit (Coetan Arthur, Carreg Arthur)
- Arthurs Spear (Ffon y Cawr)
- Arthurs Stone (Arthurstone, Maen Arthur, Stone of Arthur)
- Arthurs Table (Bwrth Arthur)
- Arthurs Well
- Arthurs Wood (Coed Arthur)
- Arthurs Yard (Buarth Arthur)
- Occurrences of “Arthur” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Jordanes/Jordanis/Jornandes. Historia Gothorum (History of Goths, or Gothic History, or The Origin and Deeds of the Goths). Sixth Century AD (c AD 551).
- Gildas/Gyldus [III]. De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniæ (On Ruin and Conquest of Britain). Sixth Century AD (after AD 559 (572/573), possibly as late as AD 598).
- of Tours, Gregory. Decem Libri Historiarum (Ten Books of Histories), better known as Historia Francorum (History of the Franks). AD 575 to AD 594.
- (A)neirin/Aneurin of the Votadini. Y Guotoðin (The Gododdin: The Votadini), in Llyfr Aneirin/Aneurin (Book of Aneirin/Aneurin).
Sixth/Seventh/Ninth/Tenth Centuries AD (c AD 600).
- (Chwedyl) Gereint/Geraint mab/vab/fab/fil(ius) Erbin ((Legendary) Gereint/Geraint, son of Erbin),
from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen). Ninth/Tenth/Eleventh Century AD, originally c AD 480.
- Bede. Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of English People, or A History of the English Church and People). early Eighth Century AD (AD 731).
- (pseudo-)Nennius/Nemnuuis/Ninnius/Nemnius. Historia Brittonum (History of Britons). late Eighth/early Ninth Century AD (AD 828/829/830).
- Anonymous Monk of R(h)uys. Vita Sancti Gildæ (Life of Saint Gildas). Ninth Century AD.
- Annales Cambriæ (Annals of Wales). Ninth/Tenth Century AD (AD 950/960/970/980).
- Ymddiddan Gwyddno Garanhir ac/a Gwyn fab/ap Nudd (The Dialogue of Gwyddneu/Gwyddno Garanhir and Gwyn ap Nudd),
from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen). Tenth/Eleventh Century AD.
- (Yr) Aval(l)enau/Afallennau (The (Apple Tree(s))/(Apples), or The Apple Tree Stanzas),
from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cæmarthen). c AD 620/623 (Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD).
- Pa Gur/Gwr yv Y Porthaur?, or Arthur a Y Porthaur, or Ymddiddan Arthur a Glewlwyd Gafælfawr (What Man is The Gatekeeper/Porter?,
or Arthur and The Gatekeeper/Porter, or Dialogue of Arthur and Glewlwyd Gafælfawr),
or A dialogue between Arthur and Glewlwyd/Glewleyd Gavælvawr/Mighty(-)Grasp,
otherwise known as Dialogue with Glewlwyd, from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen).
Tenth/Eleventh/Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1100).
- of Llancarfan, Lifris. Vita Sancti Cadoci (Life of Saint Ca(ra)doc/Caradog). late Eleventh Century AD (shortly before AD 1086).
- Englyn(n)ion y Beddau/Bedeu (Stanzas/Verses of The Graves), or Beddau Milwyr Ynys Prydain (Graves of Warriors of Isle of Britain);
primarily from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) Tenth/Eleventh/Thirteenth Century AD,
Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400, and Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325.
- Vita Sancti Carantoci (Life of Saint Carannog/Carantoc(k)). late Eleventh Century AD (c AD 1100).
- Preiddeu Annw(fy)n (Spoils of Annwn), from Llyfr Taliessin (Book of Taliesin). early 14th Century AD, originally Ninth Century AD (c AD 900).
- Vita Sancti Euflami (Life of Saint Efflam(m)). c AD 1100.
- Vita Sancti Paterni (Life of Saint Padarn/Paternus). late Eleventh Century AD (c AD 1120s).
- Legenda Sancti Goeznovii (Legend of Saint Goeznovius). AD 1019 (AD 1186/1226).
- The Archivolt/Archivault of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. AD 1090/1120/1135/1140.
- Vita Sancti Iltuti (Life of Saint Illtud). late Eleventh Century AD (AD 1140/1190s).
- of Malmesbury, William. Gesta Regum Anglorum, or De Gestis Regum Anglorum ((On) Deeds of Kings of England/(the English),
or (The) Chronicle(s)/History of Kings of England). AD 1125.
- Chronicon Montis Sancti Michælis in Periculo Maris (Chronicle of Saint Michæl’s Mount in Danger of Sea). early Twelfth Century AD.
- Vita Sancta/Sancti Gurthierni (Life of Saint Gurthi(gi)ern (of Quimperlé)). early Twelfth Century AD.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
- of Llancarfan, Caradoc. Vita Sancti Gildæ (Life of Saint Gildas). c AD 1130 (mid Twelfth Century AD).
- Ymddiddan Myrddin a Thaliesin (Dialogue/Colloquy/Conversation of Merlin and Taliesin),
from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) early/mid Thirteenth Century AD, originally written Eleventh Century AD.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Vita Merlini (Life of Merlin). AD 1148 to 1150/1151.
- Wace of Jersey, Robert. Roman de Brut (Romance of Brutus, or A History of the British);
or Geste des Bretons (Deeds of the British/Britons/Bretons);
or Brut d’Engleterre (Brutus of England); or Roman des Rois d’Angleterre (Romance of Kings of England). AD 1155.
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Érec et Énide (Geraint and Enid). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1170).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Cligès (Cliges). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1176).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Yvain, or Le Chevalier au Lion (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1177/1181).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story/Tale of the Grail). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1176/1180/1190/1191).
- Jocelyn(e)/Jocelin, a monk of Furness. Vita Sancti Kentigerni (Life of Saint Kentigern/Mungo). AD 1175/1185/1187/1188/1199/1214.
- de Boron, Robert. Merlin. AD 1191/1195/1202/1210.
- de Boron, Robert. Joseph d’Arimathie (Joseph of Arimathea),
or Le Roman de l’Estoire dou Graal (Li Romanz de l’Estoire dou Graal) (The Romance of the History of the Grail),
or Le Petit Saint Graal (The Lesser Holy Grail). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1190/1191/1202/1210).
- (Historia Peredur, neu) Peredur (fab Efrawg/Efrawc) ((History of Perceval, or) Perceval (son of Ebrauc/Eburac/Ivory)),
mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1150).
- Trioedd y Meirch ((The) Triads of the Horses), from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen). Eleventh/Fourteenth Centuries AD.
- Cambrensis, Giraldus (Gerald of Wales). (Liber) de Principis Instructione: Libri III,
or De Instructione Principum (On Instruction of Princes, or Book of Early Instruction: Book Three). c AD 1193/1216.
- Yr Oianau (The Greetings, or The Little Pig Stanzas),
from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) early/mid Thirteenth Century AD, originally written after AD 1171.
- Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
- de Boron, Robert. Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1208/1209.
- Layamon. Brut (Brutus, or The Chronicle of Britain). late Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1209/1215).
- Vera Historia de Morte Arthuri (True History of Death of Arthur). mid Twelveth/late Thirteenth Century AD.
- de Boron, Robert. Didot(-)Perceval, or Romance of Perceval in Prose, or the Prose Perceval. AD 1200/1220/1230.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Morte Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Trioedd Ynys Prydein/Prydain (Triads of British Isle, or Welsh Triads), from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest).
Eleventh/(late Thirteenth)/Fourteenth Centuries AD.
- Le Livre d’Artus (The Book of Arthur). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
- Kyuoessi Myrdin aGỽendyd yChỽær, or Cyfoesi Myrddin a Gwenddydd ei Chwær ((The Dialogue Between)/(Conversations of) Myrddin and His Sister Gwenddydd),
from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest). late Fourteenth Century AD (AD 1375/1383 to AD 1400/1425), originally composed before AD 1100.
- “Murder of Prince Arthur” in Chronicle of Margam Abbey. AD 1200/1299.
- (Geraint/)Gereint ac Enid) ((Geraint/)Gereint and Enid). Thirteenth Century AD.
- Owain, neu (Chwedyl) Iarlles y Ffynnon/Ffynnawn (Owain, or the (Legendary) Lady of the Fountain). Thirteenth Century AD.
- de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
- da/de Pisa/Pise, Rustichello/Rusticien/Rusticiano. Roman de/du Roi Artus (Romance of King Arthur, or The Compilation),
later divided into Gyron/Guiron le Courtoys/Court(e)ois (Guiron the Courteous),
and Meliadus (de Leonnoys) (Meliodas (of Lyonesse)). c AD 1298 (Thirteenth Century AD).
- Arthour and Merlin (Arthur and Merlin). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- Melekh/Melech Artus (King Arthur). AD 1279.
- The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Baldwin of Britain. Thirteenth/Fourteenth Century AD.
- de Langtoft, Pierre/Piers (Peter (of) Langtoft). The Chronicle. c AD 1300/1305.
- Short Metrical Chronicle. AD 1307.
- Arturs Doet (Arthur’s Death). AD 1322/1323.
- Arthur and Gorlagon. early Fourteenth Century AD.
- La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
- Mannyng (of Brunne), Robert. The Story of England. AD 1338.
- d’Ou(t)remeuse/(des Preis), Jean. Ly Myreur des Histors (The Mirror of Histories). c AD 1350.
- The Birth of Arthur. Fourteenth Century AD, or earlier.
- Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- Arthur and Kaletvwlch (Arthur and Excalibur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni. De Casibus Virorum Illustrium (On Fate of Illustrious Men). AD 1355/1362.
- of Fordun, John. Chronica Gentis Scotorum (Chronicle of Scottish People). c AD 1385.
- Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
(The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
(It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur). c AD 1400 (Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD).
- Le Chevalier du Papegau (The Knight of the Parrot). Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD.
- The Awntyrs off Arthur(e) at the Terne/Turne Wathelan/Wathelyn(e) (The Adventures of Arthur at the Lake/Tarn Wadling).
late Fourteenth/early Fifteenth Century AD.
- Arthur. c AD 1428.
- Ain Hupsches Vasnachtspill und Sagt von Künig Artus, Wie er Siben Fursten mit iren Weyben zuo seinem hoff Geladen het und wie si durch ain Horn geschendet worden gar hupsch zuo hören
(A Pleasing Shrovetide Play about King Arthur, How he invited Seven Kings with their Wives to his Court and how they were embarassed by a Horn,
quite pleasant to hear). Fifteenth Century AD.
- Pedwar Marchog ar Hugain Llys Arthur (The Twenty-Four Knights of Arthur’s Court). mid Fifteenth Century AD.
- Hardyng, John. John Hardyng’s Chronicle. AD 1457/1464.
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- Roundel with King Arthur Riding on a Camel (from a Series of the Nine Heroes). AD 1500/1510.
- The Legend of King Arthur. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Ymddiddan rhwng Arthur a Gwenhwyfar (Dialogue between Arthur and Gwenhwyfar, or The Dialogue of Arthur and Gwenh(w)yfar);
also known as Ymddiddan Melwas a Gwenhwyfar (Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenh(w)yfer), versions one and two.
Sixteenth Century AD.
- Boece (Boethius), Hector. Scotorum Historiæ (History of Scots). AD 1527 (1575).
- King Arthur and King Cornwall. Sixteenth Century AD.
- King Arthur’s Death. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Spenser, Edmund. The Færie Queene. AD 1570/1599.
- Camden, William. Britannia. AD 1586.
- Hughes, Thomas. The Misfortunes of Arthur. AD 1587.
- An Dialog Etre Arzur Roe d’an Bretounet ha Guynglaff
(A/The Dialogue between Arthur, King of the Britons, and Gwenc’hlan/Guynglaff/Guinglaff/Guinclaff).
late Sixteenth/early Seventeenth Century AD (AD 1617/1619).
- Astrological Signs Associated with Arthur
- Aries — Mars+ — Fire
- Scorpio — Mars- — Water
- Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
- Leo — Sun+/- — Fire
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Arthur
- Geography of Arthur
- Genealogy of Arthur
- Timeline of Arthur
- Guinevere, Lady Queen of Logres
- Introduction to Guinevere, Lady Queen of Logres by Rachael Bulla and Edileide Bodenhausen
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Guinevere’s Name, Multiple Guineveres, and Other Similar Queens/Empresses/Goddesses
- Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
Guinevere’s Name, Multiple Guineveres, and Other Similar Queens/Empresses/Goddesses
- Meaning and Origin of the Name Guinevere
- Existence of Multiple Guineveres
- Comparison of Other Similar Queens/Empresses/Goddesses to Guinevere
- Beginnings
- Introduction to Beginnings
- Family
- The Heritage of Guinevere
- The Character of Guinevere
- Merlin has predicted Guinevere’s marriage to Arthur
- Arthur first saw Guinevere
- When Arthur’s barons insisted he take a wife, Arthur told Merlin
- Merlin
- Arthur’s heart was set
- Finally Merlin went to King Leod(e)g(r)an(ce)/Leodogranz/Leodegranz/Lodegreon
- King Leod(e)g(r)an(ce)/Leodogranz/Leodegranz/Lodegreon
- Arthur was already delighted with the gift of the Round Table
- When Merlin returned from his mission
- As the knights assembled in Camelot for the wedding of Guinevere and Arthur
- In Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- The Archetypal reasons for rivalry between Guinevere and Morgan le Fay
- Major Themes of Infidelity and Abduction
- Introduction to Major Themes of Infidelity and Abduction
- Infidelity
- Abductions
- In many texts, these themes are intertwined with Guinevere’s rescuer becoming her lover (but not always)
- Adulthood
- Leod(e)g(r)an(ce)’s enemies conspired to replace the true Guinevere
- Guinevere as Wife of King Arthur
- Guinevere forms her own body of knights called the Queen’s Knights
- After Lancelot ends Arthur’s war with Galehaut/Galeholt
- Some Saxons invade Britain and Arthur opposes them at Saxon Rock
- Guinevere and Lancelot
- Guinevere and the Poisoned Apple
- Shortly after the Poisoned Apple incident
- Years later, Guinevere the False formed an alliance
- When Arthur prepared to go and meet the five invading kings
- Endings
- Guinevere’s adultery
- Malory records
- While Arthur was fighting the Roman war (or besieging Lancelot in France)
- News of Mordred’s/Medrawt’s treachery reached Arthur
- Giving chase
- The forces gathered at Camlann for the fatal last encounter
- Nunnery
- Lancelot landed within the month at Dover
- Taking his leave of Guinevere
- Many years later
- In AD 1191
- Guinevere’s Association with Related Physical Objects/Locations
- Guineveres Grave
- Guineveres Monument
- Occurrences of “Guinevere” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- The Archivolt/Archivault of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. AD 1090/1120/1135/1140.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
- of Llancarfan, Caradoc. Vita Sancti Gildæ (Life of Saint Gildas). c AD 1130 (mid Twelfth Century AD).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Érec et Énide (Geraint and Enid). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1170).
- La Folie Tristan de Berne (The Madness of Tristan). late Twelfth Century AD.
- von Eschenbach, Wolfram. Parzival (Perceval). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1200/1210).
- Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
- Perlesvaus, or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High Book(s)/History of the Grail).
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1192/1205/1220/1225).
- Layamon. Brut (Brutus, or The Chronicle of Britain). late Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1209/1215).
- von Zatzikhoven, Ulrich. Lanzelet (Lanzalet in French and Spanish; Lancelot in English). early Thirteenth Century AD (c AD 1200).
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Morte Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Le Livre d’Artus (The Book of Arthur). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
- de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
- De Ortu Walu(u)an(n)ii(i) Nepotis Arturi (Of Rise of Gawain, Nephew of Arthur). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
- d’Ou(t)remeuse/(des Preis), Jean. Ly Myreur des Histors (The Mirror of Histories). c AD 1350.
- Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- Chestre, Thomas. Sir Launfal. late Fourteenth Century AD.
- The Awntyrs off Arthur(e) at the Terne/Turne Wathelan/Wathelyn(e) (The Adventures of Arthur at the Lake/Tarn Wadling).
late Fourteenth/early Fifteenth Century AD.
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- King Arthur and King Cornwall. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Boece (Boethius), Hector. Scotorum Historiæ (History of Scots). AD 1527 (1575).
- Ymddiddan rhwng Arthur a Gwenhwyfar (Dialogue between Arthur and Gwenhwyfar, or The Dialogue of Arthur and Gwenh(w)yfar);
also known as Ymddiddan Melwas a Gwenhwyfar (Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenh(w)yfer), versions one and two. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Hughes, Thomas. The Misfortunes of Arthur. AD 1587.
- Astrological Signs Associated with Guinevere
- Scorpio — Mars- — Water
- Virgo — Mercury- — Earth
- Cancer — Moon-/+ — Water
- Taurus — Venus- — Earth
- Libra — Venus+ — Air
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Guinevere
- Geography of Guinevere
- Genealogy of Guinevere
- Timeline of Guinevere
- The Quest Stories of Sir Perceval, Sir Galahad, and the Holy Grail
- Introduction to The Quest Stories of Sir Perceval, Sir Galahad, and the Holy Grail
- Sir Perceval and Sir Galahad, Quest Knights of Logres
- Introduction to Sir Perceval and Sir Galahad, Quest Knights of Logres by Anastasija Ropa and ?
- Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
- Introduction to Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Perceval’s Name, Other Percevals, and Other (Wise Fools)/Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Samaritans
- Beginnings
- Adulthood — Knight of the Round Table
- Endings
- Occurrences of “Perceval” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with Perceval
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Perceval
- Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
- Introduction to Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Galahad’s Name, Other Galahads, and Another Pure Knight/Warrior/Rescuer/Hero
- Beginnings
- Adulthood — Quest for the Holy Grail
- Ending — Ascension to Heaven
- Occurrences of “Galahad” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with Galahad
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Galahad
- The Holy Grail, Quest of Logres
- Introduction to The Holy Grail, Quest of Logres by John Matthews and Katie Anderson
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
the Name “Grail”, Multiple “Grails”, and Other Sacred/Mystical Objects
- Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
the Name “Grail”, Multiple “Grails”, and Other Sacred/Mystical Objects
- Meaning and Origin of the Name “Grail”
- Existence of Multiple “Grails”
- Comparison of Other Sacred/Mystical Objects to “Grail”
- “Grail” in Literature
- Introduction to The “Grail” in Literature
- Earliest Reference(s) in Literature
- Grail’s history in the time of Joseph of Arimathea
- King Arthur’s Knights visiting the Grail Castle — Questing after the Grail
- The Grail Kingdom, Castle, Family, and Heroes/Knights/Princes
- Introduction to The Grail Kingdom, Castle, Family, and Heroes/Knights/Princes
- The Grail Kingdom
- The Grail Castle
- The Grail Family
- The Grail Heroes/Knights/Princes
- The Grail Chapel/Church, Processions, Maidens/Virgins/Ladies/Matrons/Princesses/(bearers), and Questions
- Introduction to The Grail Chapel/Church, Processions, Maidens/Virgins/Ladies/Matrons/Princesses/(bearers), and Questions
- The Grail Chapel/Church
- The Grail Processions
- The Grail Maidens/Virgins/Ladies/Matrons/Princesses/(bearers)
- The Grail Questions
- Folklore Forms and Motifs related to “Grails”
- Introduction to Folklore Forms and Motifs related to “Grails”
- Forms related to “Grails”
- Motif Categories related to “Grails”
- The Grail as Deity — A Cup of God
- Introduction to The Grail as Deity — A Cup of God
- Service
- Judgement
- Occurrences of “Grail” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Preiddeu Annw(fy)n (Spoils of Annwn), from Llyfr Taliessin (Book of Taliesin). early 14th Century AD, originally Ninth Century AD (c AD 900).
- de Berbezilh/Berbezill(o)/Barbesiu/Barbezieux, Rigaut/Rigaud(us)/Richart(z). Atressi con Persavaus (Atressi with Perceval). AD 1140/1163.
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story/Tale of the Grail). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1176/1180/1190/1191).
- of Denain, Wauchier (Gauchier of Donaing). First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. AD 1195/1200.
- de Boron, Robert. Merlin. AD 1191/1195/1202/1210.
- de Boron, Robert. Joseph d’Arimathie (Joseph of Arimathea),
or Le Roman de l’Estoire dou Graal (Li Romanz de l’Estoire dou Graal) (The Romance of the History of the Grail),
or Le Petit Saint Graal (The Lesser Holy Grail). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1190/1191/1202/1210).
- of Donaing, Gauchier (Wauchier of Denain). Second Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. c AD 1200.
- Y Seint Greal (The Holy Grail). c AD 1200.
- (Historia Peredur, neu) Peredur (fab Efrawg/Efrawc) ((History of Perceval, or) Perceval (son of Ebrauc/Eburac/Ivory)).
mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1150).
- von Eschenbach, Wolfram. Parzival (Perceval). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1200/1210).
- Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
- Perlesvaus, or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High Book(s)/History of the Grail).
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1192/1205/1220/1225).
- de Boron, Robert. Didot(-)Perceval, or Romance of Perceval in Prose, or the Prose Perceval. AD 1200/1220/1230.
- de/of Froidmont (Frigidimontis), Helinando (Héli(-n)and(us)). Chronicon (Chronicle). AD 1211/1223.
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- von dem Türlin, Heinrich. Diu Crône (The (Bejewelled) Crown). AD 1224/1230.
- Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
- Manessier. Third Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. c AD 1230.
- de Montreuil, Gerbert/Gilbert. Fourth Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. c AD 1230.
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
- van Mærlant, Jacob. Historie van den Grale (History of the Grail). c AD 1261.
- von Scharfenberg, Albrecht. Der Jüngere(r)/Jungerer Titurel (The Younger Titurel). c AD 1270s (c AD 1260/1272/1275).
- (De) Sone de Nancy/Nansey/Nansay/Nansai/Nausay (Sueno of/from Nanbsheim). Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1267/1270/1280).
- A Demanda do Santo/Santa Graal (The Demand/Quest of the Holy Grail). late Thirteenth(/early Fourteenth) Century AD.
- Queeste vanden Grale (Quest of/for the Grail). AD 1322/1323.
- Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
(The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
(It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
- De Sancto Joseph ab Arimathia (Of Saint Joseph of Arimathea).
written AD 1350/1375, as Joseph of Arimathie (Joseph of Arimathea).
printed AD 1516, as De Sancto Joseph ab Arimathia.
- Lovelich, Henry. History of the Holy Grail. c AD 1450.
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- Here Begynneth the Lyfe of Ioseph of Armathia with a Praysing to Ioseph (Here Begins the Life of Joseph of Arimathea with a Praising to Joseph). AD 1502/AD 1520.
- La Demanda del San(c)to Grial (The Demand/Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1515/1535.
- The Lyfe of Joseph of Armathy (The Life of Joseph of Arimathea). Sixteenth Century AD (c AD 1520).
- Astrological Sign Associated with The Grail - Pisces — Jupiter- — Water
- Pisces
- Jupiter-
- Water
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of the Grail
- Geography of the Grail
- Genealogy of the Grail
- Timeline of the Grail
- Prophets and Adventures
- Introduction to Prophets and Adventures
- The Prophet Story of Merlin, Morgan le Fay, Mordred, and Dwellers in Avalon
- Introduction to The Prophet Story of Merlin, Morgan le Fay, Mordred, and Dwellers in Avalon
- Merlin, Prophet and Wizard of Logres
- Introduction to Merlin, Prophet and Wizard of Logres by Huathe Fearn and Sonya R Jensen
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Merlin’s Name, Multiple Merlins, and Other Similar Alchemists/Visionaries/Guides/Gods
- Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
Merlin’s Name, Multiple Merlins, and Other Similar Alchemists/Visionaries/Guides/Gods
- Meaning and Origin of Merlin’s Name
- Existence of Multiple Merlins
- Comparison of Merlin to Other Similar Alchemists/Visionaries/Guides/Gods
- Beginnings
- Family
- Historical Context
- Conception and Birth
- Childhood — Innocent Prophetic Youth
- Adolescence of Merlin
- Adulthood — Wizard: Hermit/(Wise Elder) and the Great Necromancer
- Introduction to Adulthood — Wizard: Hermit/(Wise Elder) and the Great Necromancer
- Hermit/(Wise Elder)
- The Great Necromancer
- Merlin and Tristan
- Endings — Madman/(Wild Man)/Lailoken/Lailocen/Laloecen/Llallogan; and Merlin’s Retirement/Death/Imprisonment, “Burial”, and Haunting(s)
- Introduction to Endings
- Madman/(Wild Man)/Lailoken/Lailocen/Laloecen/Llallogan/Llallawg/(llallog)
- Merlin’s Retirement/Death/Imprisonment, “Burial”, and Haunting(s)
- Merlin’s Association with Related Physical Objects/Locations
- Merlins Bridge and Brook
- Merlins Cave
- Merlins Grave(/Tomb)
- Merlin’s Grove (Carmarthen)
- Merlins Hill (Carmarthen)
- Merlin’s Mount (Marlborough)
- Merlin’s Rock (Mousehole)
- Merlins Stone
- Merlins Tree (Carmarthen)
- Myrddins/Merlins Quoit (Carmarthen)
- Occurrences of “Merlin” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- (A)neirin/Aneurin of the Votadini. Y Guotoðin (The Gododdin: The Votadini),
in Llyfr Aneirin/Aneurin (Book of Aneirin/Aneurin). Sixth/Seventh/Ninth/Tenth Centuries AD (c AD 600).
- (pseudo-)Nennius/Nemnuuis/Ninnius/Nemnius. Historia Brittonum (History of Britons). late Eighth/early Ninth Century AD (AD 828/829/830).
- Immram Curaig (Maíl(e )Duin)/Maíldúin, or Immram(m) Curaig Mælduin Inso,
or Immram Mæle Dúin (The Voyage of Mæl Duin’s Boat), or (Voyage of Máel Dúin),
mainly from Lebor na hUidre and the Yellow Book of Lecan. Eleventh Century AD (as early as Eighth Century AD).
- Annales Cambriæ (Annals of Wales). Ninth/Tenth Century AD (AD 950/960/970/980).
- of Malmesbury, William. Gesta Regum Anglorum, or De Gestis Regum Anglorum
((On) Deeds of Kings of England/(the English), or (The) Chronicle(s)/History of Kings of England). AD 1125.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Prophetiæ/Libellus Merlini (Prophecies/Prophecy/Petition of Merlin). AD 1133.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
- of Llancarfan, Caradoc. Vita Sancti Gildæ (Life of Saint Gildas). c AD 1130 (mid Twelfth Century AD).
- Ymddiddan Myrddin a Thaliesin (Dialogue/Colloquy/Conversation of Merlin and Taliesin),
from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) early/mid Thirteenth Century AD, originally written Eleventh Century AD.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Vita Merlini (Life of Merlin). AD 1148 to 1150/1151.
- Vita Merlini Silvestris (Life of Merlin of Forest). Twelfth Century AD.
- Wace of Jersey, Robert. Roman de Brut (Romance of Brutus, or A History of the British);
or Geste des Bretons (Deeds of the British/Britons/Bretons);
or Brut d’Engleterre (Brutus of England); or Roman des Rois d’Angleterre (Romance of Kings of England). AD 1155.
- de Boron, Robert. Merlin. AD 1191/1195/1202/1210.
- de Boron, Robert. Joseph d’Arimathie (Joseph of Arimathea),
or Le Roman de l’Estoire dou Graal (Li Romanz de l’Estoire dou Graal) (The Romance of the History of the Grail),
or Le Petit Saint Graal (The Lesser Holy Grail). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1190/1191/1202/1210).
- of Lisle, Alain (Bishop Bernardine of Auxerre). Commentary on the Prophecies of Merlin. Twelfth/Thirteenth Century AD.
- Renart/Renaut, Jehan/Jean. (Roman de) l’Escoufle ((Romance of) the Kite). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Cambrensis, Giraldus (Gerald of Wales). (Liber) de Principis Instructione: Libri III,
or De Instructione Principum (On Instruction of Princes, or Book of Early Instruction: Book Three). c AD 1193/1216.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Le Livre d’Artus (The Book of Arthur). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Kyuoessi Myrdin aGỽendyd yChỽær, or Cyfoesi Myrddin a Gwenddydd ei Chwær ((The Dialogue Between)/(Conversations of) Myrddin and His Sister Gwenddydd),
from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest). late Fourteenth Century AD (AD 1375/1383 to AD 1400/1425), originally composed before AD 1100.
- Bristol Merlin fragments. Thirteenth Century AD.
- de Cornuälle (of Cornwall), Maistres (Master) Heldris. Le Roman de Silence (The Romance of Silence),
or L’Estoire de A(ve)nable (The Story of Grisandole(s), otherwise known as Silence). Thirteenth Century AD.
- van Mærlant, Jacob. Boec van Merline (Book of Merlin). c AD 1261.
- von Scharfenberg, Albrecht. Merlin. c AD 1270s.
- d’Irlande, Richart. Les Prophecies de Merlin. (The Prophecies of Merlin). AD 1272/1279.
- Arthour and Merlin (Arthur and Merlin). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- Pieri, Paolino. La Storia di Merlino (The Story of Merlin). c AD 1300/1305.
- Gỽasgargerd/Gwasgargerdd Vyrdin/Fyrddin yn y bed(d) (A Fugitive Poem of Merlin in His Grave, or The Song Uttered by Merlin in the Grave),
in Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest). before AD 1382.
- Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
(The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
(It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
- Bath manuscript of “Merlyn”. AD 1420s.
- Lovelich, Henry. Merlin. c AD 1450.
- Prose Merlin. mid Fifteenth Century AD (AD 1450/1460).
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Quando Tristano e Lancielotto al Petrone di Merlino (When Tristan and Lancelot fought at a Stone of Merlin). late Fifteenth Century AD.
- Vita di Merlino con le Sue Profetie (The Life of Merlin, with His Prophecies). c AD 1480.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- Historie van Merlijn (History of Merlin). c AD 1540.
- Gruffudd, Ellis. Ystoria Myrddin Wyllt (The Story of Merlin the Mad), from The Chronicle of Elis Gruffudd. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Spenser, Edmund. The Færie Queene. AD 1570/1599.
- Strozzi, Giulio. Venetia Edificata (Venice Edified). AD 1624.
- Astrological Signs Associated with Merlin
- Gemini — Mercury+ — Air
- Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Merlin
- Geography of Merlin
- Genealogy of Merlin
- Timeline of Merlin
- Morgan le Fay, Mordred, and Dwellers in Avalon: Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Introduction to Morgan le Fay, Mordred, and Dwellers in Avalon: Dark Mysteries of Logres by Damir Kahrić and Helen Benigni
- Morgan le Fay, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Introduction to Morgan le Fay, one of the Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Morgan le Fays Name, Multiple Morgans, and Other Similar Queens/Empresses/Goddesses
- Beginnings
- Birth, Childhood, and Adolescence
- Adulthood
- Endings
- Occurrences of “Morgan” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with Morgan le Fay
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Morgan le Fay
- Mordred, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Introduction to Mordred, one of the Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
Mordred’s Name, Multiple Mordreds, and Other Tricksters/(Anti)Heroes/Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Gods
- Beginnings
- Knighthood
- Camelot and Conflict
- Endings
- Occurrences of “Mordred” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with Mordred
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Mordred
- Dwellers in Avalon, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Introduction to Dwellers in Avalon, one of the Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name of Avalon, Multiple Avalons, and Other Legendary Islands and Idyllic Locations
- Beginnings
- Events in Avalon
- Occurrences of “Avalon” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Sign Associated with Avalon - Virgo — Mercury- — Earth
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Avalon
- The Adventure Story of Gawain, The Round Table, and True Knights of Logres
- Introduction to The Adventure Story of Gawain, The Round Table, and True Knights of Logres
- Sir Gawain, Bravest Knight of The Five-Pointed Star of Logres
- Introduction to Sir Gawain, Bravest Knight of The Five-Pointed Star of Logres by Virginia Chandler and Paul McLerran
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Gawain’s Name, Other Gawains, and Other Similar Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Heroes/Gods
- Introduction to Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
Gawain’s Name, Other Gawains, and Other Similar Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Heroes/Gods
- Meaning and Origin of Gawain’s Name
- Existence of Other Gawains
- Comparison of Other Similar Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Heroes/Gods to Gawain
- Beginnings
- Introduction to Beginnings
- Dual Characteristics
- Family, and other Associations
- Conception
- Birth
- Childhood and Adolescence
- Adulthood
- Introduction to Adulthood
- Three Gawain stories describing his first meeting with Arthur
- Gawain had become one of Arthur’s warriors
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Red (gules) background on which is placed a Gold (or) Pentangle
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Red (gules) background on which is placed a Gold (or) Single-Headed Eagle
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Purple (purpure) background on which is placed a Gold (or) Single-Headed Eagle — The Colour Inverse of Lamoraks Shield
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Purple (purpure) background on which is placed a Gold (or) Double-Headed Eagle with Blue (azure) Beak, Talons, and Feet
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Silver (argent) background on which is placed a Red (gules) Canton (upper left quarter)
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Blue (azure) background on which is placed a Red (gules) Griffon (Gryphon, Griffin) with Gold (or) feet
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Blue (azure) background on which is placed an Upright Sword above which is placed a Gold (or) Banner on which is placed Three Red (gules) Circles [fictionalised shield]
- The Shield of Sir Gawain and its Gold (or) background on which is placed a Centred Silver (argent) Scalloped Banner on which is placed Two Upright Green (vert) Hearts [Tintagel Parish Council version from 1936]
- The Eight Shields of Sir Gawain — Common Colours:
- Gawain in early romance
- Gawain was well formed
- Gawain has superior medical and herbal knowledge
- There is a flashback glimpse of him acting as judge or magistrate
- The poor love him for his generosity
- Gawain goes to Escavalon
- In Perceval, Gawain endures the vicious tongue of the Lady Org(u)el(le)us(e) of Logres
- As early as Chrétien’s pages, Gawain’s great charger Gringolet is present
- In later stories, Gawain is less likable
- After Arthur has pacified Britain
- In Chrétien’s Lancelot
- Chrétien’s last and unfinished romance, Perceval
- On the cathedral archivolt/archivault in Modena, Italy (c AD 1135)
- In Chrétien de Troyes’ romance, Cligès
- In a tournament
- Gawain rescues a maiden from Menealf
- He avenges the murder of a knight
- Gawain rescues a maiden kidnapped by Escanor le Beau
- In Les Merveilles de Rigomer (The Marvels of Rigomer)
- Once Gawain fought Gareth unknowingly
- In Roman van Walewein (Romance of Gawain), Gawain embarks on multiple interlocking quests
- Malory seems to insinuate that Gawain was accessory to Gaheris’ murder of their mother
- Gawain was with his brothers Agravain(e), Gaheris, and Mordred
- Gawain ruled Galloway, which was apparently named after him
- He defeats Lord Galleron of Galloway in a battle before Arthur
- The Beheading Game in Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight
- In the Vulgate
- At the time of Galahad’s arrival in Camelot
- Shortly afterward, Gawain is the first to
- In the Post-Vulgate
- Gawain rather quickly tires of the Quest (due somewhat to very bad fortune)
- Afterwards, Arthur chastises Gawain for having killed so many knights during a holy quest
- As presented in Diu Crône (The Crown) by Heinrich von dem Türlin
- Sir Gawain had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper
- Gawain gets into his usual scrapes over women
- When Arthur banished Gawain’s favourite cousin, Ywain(e)
- After about a year
- Endings
- Introduction to Endings
- Gawain remains neutral during the discovery of Lancelot’s affair with Guinevere
- Gawain’s fury forces Arthur into a war with Lancelot
- Gawain refused any compromise, surrender, or apology from Lancelot
- Gawain would continually challenge Lancelot to single combat
- Finally, in Benoic/Benwick
- In Arthur’s continental campaign to prepare for war against Rome
- The Romans attack Arthur while he is in France
- Gawain’s head wound
- Arthur’s army returns to Britain to deal with Mordred’s treachery
- Gawain, on his deathbed, relents and says,
- In Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur
- Gawain perishes of his wound a few days later
- Gawain’s grave was discovered in Pembroke in Wales
- Gawain’s grave was also discovered at Ros
- At Dover Castle
- In any case, Gawain is buried in a tomb with his brother Gaheris
- Gawain’s ghost appeared to Arthur
- In the dream, Gawain warned Arthur
- Occurrences of “Gawain” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Fled Bricrenn/Bricrend (Bric(c)riu’s Feast), in Lebor na hUidre (Book of the Dun Cow).
Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1106), originally Eighth Century AD.
- Englyn(n)ion y Beddau/Bedeu (Stanzas/Verses of The Graves), or Beddau Milwyr Ynys Prydain (Graves of Warriors of Isle of Britain);
primarily from Llyfr Du Cærfyrddin (Black Book of Cærmarthen) Tenth/Eleventh/Thirteenth Century AD,
Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400, and Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325.
- The Archivolt/Archivault of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. AD 1090/1120/1135/1140.
- of Malmesbury, William. Gesta Regum Anglorum, or De Gestis Regum Anglorum ((On) Deeds of Kings of England/(the English),
or (The) Chronicle(s)/History of Kings of England). AD 1125.
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
- Wace of Jersey, Robert. Roman de Brut (Romance of Brutus, or A History of the British);
or Geste des Bretons (Deeds of the British/Britons/Bretons);
or Brut d’Engleterre (Brutus of England); or Roman des Rois d’Angleterre (Romance of Kings of England). AD 1155.
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Érec et Énide (Geraint and Enid). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1170).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Cligès (Cliges). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1176).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Yvain, or Le Chevalier au Lion (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1177/1181).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story/Tale of the Grail). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1176/1180/1190/1191).
- of Denain, Wauchier (Gauchier of Donaing). First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. AD 1195/1200.
- de Maisières, Païen/Pagan. La Demoiselle/Damoisele à la Mule (The Lady has the Mule),
or La Mule sans/sanz Frein/Frain (The Mule without a Bridle). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD.
- de Houdenc/Houdan, Raoul. La Vengeance Raguidel (The Avenging of Raguidel). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD.
- von Eschenbach, Wolfram. Parzival (Perceval). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1200/1210).
- Le Chevalier à L’Épée (The Knight with/of the Sword). (late Twelfth Century AD)/(early Thirteenth Century AD) (AD 1210).
- Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
- Perlesvaus, or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High Book(s)/History of the Grail).
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1192/1205/1220/1225).
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Morte Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- von Grafenberg/Gravenberg/Gravenberch, Wirnt. Wigalois/Wizalois (Guinglain). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Le Livre d’Artus (The Book of Arthur). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Trioedd Ynys Prydein/Prydain (Triads of British Isle, or Welsh Triads), from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest).
Eleventh/(late Thirteenth)/Fourteenth Centuries AD.
- Bonedd/Bonhed y Saint/Seint (Descent of the Saints), or Achau Saint Ynys Prydain
(Genealogy of the Saints, or Pedigrees of the Saints (of the Isle of Britain)),
or Bonedd yr Arwyr (Nobility of Heroes). early 13th Century AD.
- Les Enfances Gauvain (The Youth of Gawain). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- von dem Türlin, Heinrich. Diu Crône (The (Bejewelled) Crown). AD 1224/1230.
- Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- (L’Âtre Périlleux)/(L’âtre périlleux)/(L’atre perillous) (The Perilous Cemetery). mid Thirteenth Century AD (c AD 1250).
- de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
- Der Pleier (The Caregiver). Garel von dem blühenden Tal (Garel of the Blossoming/Flowering Valley). AD 1240/1270.
- de Blois, Robert. Beaudous, or (Roman de) Biaus( )dous ((Romance of) Fair Unknown; or literally, Handsome Sweet, or Soft Bias).
mid/late Thirteenth Century AD.
- Jehan. Les Merveilles de Rigomer (The Marvels of Rigomer). mid/late Thirteenth Century AD.
- Wal(e)wein ende Keye/Keie (Gawain and Kay). mid/late Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1263/1264).
- Historia Meriadoci, Regis Cambrie (Story of Meriadoc, King of Cambria/Wales). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- De Ortu Walu(u)an(n)ii(i), Nepotis Arturi (Of Rise of Gawain, Nephew of Arthur). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- Vostært, Pieter, and Penninc. Roman van Wal(e)wein (Romance of Gawain). mid/late Thirteenth Century AD/early Fourteenth Century AD.
- The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Baldwin of Britain. Thirteenth/Fourteenth Century AD.
- Ywain and Gawain (Owain and Gawain). AD 1310/1340.
- The Birth of Arthur. Fourteenth Century AD, or earlier.
- Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). Fourteenth Century AD (c AD 1400).
- Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
(The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
(It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
- Syre Gawene and the Carle of Carlyle (Sir Gawain and the Carl/Churl of Carlisle). c AD 1400.
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur). c AD 1400 (Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD).
- The Awntyrs off Arthur(e) at the Terne/Turne Wathelan/Wathelyn(e) (The Adventures of Arthur at the Lake/Tarn Wadling).
late Fourteenth/early Fifteenth Century AD.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. The Weddyng(e) of Syr Gawen and Dame Ragnell (The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell). Fifteenth Century AD (c AD 1450).
- The Marriage of Sir Gawain(e). Fifteenth Century AD.
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Golagros and Gawain. late Fifteenth Century AD.
- The Jeaste of Syr Gawayne (The Geste of Sir Gawain). late Fifteenth Century AD.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- The Turke and Gowin (The Churl and Gawain). c AD 1500.
- The Grene Knight (The Green Knight). c AD 1500.
- King Arthur and King Cornwall. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Hughes, Thomas. The Misfortunes of Arthur. AD 1587.
- Astrological Signs Associated with Gawain
- Aquarius — Saturn+ — Air
- Gemini — Mercury+ — Air
- Taurus — Venus- — Earth
- Aries — Mars+ — Fire
- Leo — Sun+/- — Fire
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Gawain
- Geography of Gawain
- Genealogy of Gawain
- Timeline of Gawain
- The Round Table, True Knights of Logres
- Introduction to The Round Table, True Knights of Logres by ? and Ivan Grabar
- The Round Table
- Introduction to The Round Table
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
The Name Round Table, Other Round Tables, and Other Fellowships and Rings
- Beginnings
- Mediaeval Developments
- Endings
- The Round Table Associations with Physical Locations
- Occurrences of “Round Table” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with The Round Table
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of the Round Table
- True Knights of Logres
- Introduction to True Knights of Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name Knight, The Individual Knights of Logres, and Non-Arthurian Knights
- Astrological Signs Associated with the Knights of Logres
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of the Knights
- Adventures and Love
- Introduction to Adventures and Love
- The Adventure Story of Lancelot and The Lady of the Lake
- Introduction to The Adventure Story of Lancelot and The Lady of the Lake
- Sir Lancelot of The Lake, Best Knight of Logres
- Introduction to Sir Lancelot of The Lake, Best Knight of Logres by Meredith L Mackworth-Praed and Anthony Adams
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Lancelot’s Name, Another Lancelot, and Other Similar Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Heroes/Gods
- Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
Lancelot’s Name, Another Lancelot, and Other Similar Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Heroes/Gods
- Meaning and Origin of Lancelot’s Name
- Existence of Another Lancelot
- Comparison of Other Similar Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Heroes/Gods to Lancelot
- Beginnings
- Family
- Birth and Childhood
- Becoming a Knight
- As a Knight of The Round Table
- In other tales, after joining the Round Table, Lancelot serves Duke Galahaut/Galeholt/Galehaut of Sorelois
- Lancelot rescues Gawain
- In Ulrich von Zatzikhoven’s Lanzelet, Lancelot travels to the castle of Pluris
- Lancelot rescues Guinevere
- Traveling on other adventures (recounted in different tales)
- Urre/Urry of Hungary/(the Mount)
- Lancelot, Amable, and Elaine/Amite/Helizabel/(Gwallwen)
- Lancelot and Mordred
- Lancelot goes Mad
- Lancelot’s Grail Adventures
- Endings
- Lancelot’s Betrayal
- Deaths of Arthur and Mordred
- Deaths of Guinevere and Lancelot
- Occurrences of “Lancelot” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- The Archivolt/Archivault of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. AD 1090/1120/1135/1140.
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Érec et Énide (Geraint and Enid). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1170).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Cligès. late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1176).
- Perlesvaus, or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High Book(s)/History of the Grail).
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1192/1205/1220/1225).
- von Zatzikhoven, Ulrich. Lanzelet (Lanzalet in French and Spanish; Lancelot in English). early Thirteenth Century AD (c AD 1200).
- Lancelot do Lac (Lancelot of the Lake). AD 1215/1220.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Morte Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
- de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
- Lantsloot vander Haghedochte (Lancelot of the Cave). c AD 1260.
- Jehan. Les Merveilles de Rigomer (The Marvels of Rigomer). mid/late Thirteenth Century AD.
- (Roman van) Lanceloet ((Romance of) Lancelot). AD 1322/1323.
- Lanceloet en het Hert met de Witte Voet (Lancelot and the Hart/Stag with the White Foot). AD 1322/1323.
- La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
- Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- (La) Vendetta (Che fe Messer Lanzelloto de la Morte) di (Miser) Tristano
((The) Revenge/Vengeance (taken by Sir Lancelot for the Death) of (Sir) Tristan). Fourteenth Century AD.
- Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
(The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
(It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur). c AD 1400 (Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD).
- (Li) C(h)antari di Lancel(l)otto (The Songs of Lancelot). late Fourteenth/early Fifteenth Century AD.
- Le Livre de Lancelot du Lac (The Book of Lancelot of the Lake). c AD 1401/1425.
- Füetrer, Ulrich. Prose Lantzilet (Prose Lancelot). c AD 1467, or AD 1471/1472 to AD 1475/1476.
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Lancelot of the Laik (Lancelot of the Lake). late Fifteenth Century AD.
- Quando Tristano e Lancielotto al Petrone di Merlino (When Tristan and Lancelot fought at a Stone of Merlin). late Fifteenth Century AD.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- Füetrer, Ulrich. Stanzaic Lannzilet (Stanzaic Lancelot). AD 1483/1487.
- Sir Lancelot du Lake (Sir Lancelot of the Lake). Sixteenth Century AD.
- P(r)ovest′ o Tryshchane, or Povest o Trištanu i Ižoti, or Trysčan (Romance of Tristan, or Romance of Tristan and Isolde, or Tristan). c AD 1580.
- Astrological Signs Associated with Lancelot
- Leo — Sun+/- — Fire
- Virgo — Mercury- — Earth
- Scorpio — Mars- — Water
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Lancelot
- Geography of Lancelot
- Genealogy of Lancelot
- Timeline of Lancelot
- The Lady of The Lake, Sacred Feminine of Logres
- Introduction to The Lady of The Lake, Sacred Feminine of Logres by Martini Fisher and ?
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “The Lady of The Lake”, Multiple “Ladies of the Lake”, and Other Similar Females
- Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
The Name “The Lady of The Lake”, Multiple “Ladies of The Lake”, and Other Similar Females
- Meaning and Origin of The Name “The Lady of The Lake”
- Existence of Multiple “Ladies of The Lake” (mostly by associations)
- Comparison of Other Similar Females to “The Lady of The Lake”
- Descriptions and Attributes of The Lady of The Lake
- Appears as a beautiful, mysterious, dignified woman
- Pragmatic, calm, and knowledgeable
- Plays a pivotal role in many stories
- Positive Traits
- Negative Traits
- Her Watery Court/Castle/Realm
- Form and Features of Location — “Celtic” Otherworld
- Possible locales for “The Lake”
- Occurrences of “Lady of the Lake” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
- Layamon. Brut (Brutus, or The Chronicle of Britain). late Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1209/1215).
- von Zatzikhoven, Ulrich. Lanzelet (Lanzalet in French and Spanish; Lancelot in English). early Thirteenth Century AD (c AD 1200).
- Lancelot do Lac (Lancelot of the Lake). AD 1215/1220.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Owain, neu (Chwedyl) Iarlles y Ffynnon/Ffynnawn (Owain, or the (Legendary) Lady of the Fountain). Thirteenth Century AD.
- de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
- d’Irlande, Richart. Les Prophecies de Merlin. (The Prophecies of Merlin). AD 1272/1279.
- Arthour and Merlin (Arthur and Merlin). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- Pieri, Paolino. La Storia di Merlino (The Story of Merlin). c AD 1300/1305.
- La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
- Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
(The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
(It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
- Prose Merlin. mid Fifteenth Century AD (AD 1450/1460).
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Vita di Merlino con le Sue Profetie (The Life of Merlin, with His Prophecies). c AD 1480.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- Astrological Signs Associated with The Lady of the Lake
- Cancer — Moon-/+ — Water
- Pisces — Jupiter- — Water
- Libra — Venus+ — Air
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of The Lady of the Lake
- Geography of The Lady of The Lake
- Genealogy of The Lady of The Lake
- Timeline of The Lady of The Lake
- The Love Story of Tristan, Isolde, and Camelot
- Introduction to The Love Story of Tristan, Isolde, and Camelot
- Tristan and Isolde, Tragic Lovers in Logres
- Introduction to Tristan and Isolde, Tragic Lovers in Logres by Candice Trismegistus and Magdalena Bramschreiber
- Sir Tristan, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Introduction to Sir Tristan, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Tristan’s Name, Other Tristans, and Other Tragic Lovers
- Beginnings
- Adulthood
- Endings
- Tristan’s Association with Related Physical Objects/Locations
- Occurrences of “Tristan” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with Tristan
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Tristan
- Lady Isolde, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Introduction to Lady Isolde, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Isolde’s Name, Other Isoldes, and Other Tragic Lovers
- Beginnings
- Early Ending
- Continuation
- Endings
- Occurrences of “Isolde” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- Astrological Signs Associated with Isolde
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Isolde
- Camelot, Kingdom of Logres
- Introduction to Camelot, Kingdom of Logres by Djalma Bina and Justin Anderson
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name Camelot, Another Camelot, and Other Castles and Courts
- Introduction to The Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name Camelot, Another Camelot, and Other Castles and Courts
- Meaning and Origin of the Name Camelot
- Existence of Another Camelot/Kamelot/Kamaalot
- Comparison of Other Castles and Courts to Camelot
- Beginnings
- Locations for Arthur’s Courts
- “Kings” of “Camelot” [{*} = conjecture]
- During Arthur’s time
- Main Residence and Capital
- Where Arthur held his Court
- Chivalrous and Courteous Inhabitants
- Rose scented Gardens where Knights speak of Love
- Location for many Tournaments (Jousts being held in a Meadow outside the City)
- One of Gawain’s Battles against the Saxons
- Impressive Architecture
- Many Churches
- Mighty Castle
- Endings
- In the Post-Vulgate Mort Artu
- In La Tavola Ritonda, it falls to ruin after Arthur’s death
- Occurrences of “Camelot” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1135).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Érec et Énide (Geraint and Enid). late Twelfth Century AD (c AD 1170).
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Yvain, or Le Chevalier au Lion (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1177/1181).
- von Eschenbach, Wolfram. Parzival (Perceval). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1200/1210).
- Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
- Perlesvaus, or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High Book(s)/History of the Grail).
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1192/1205/1220/1225).
- de Boron, Robert. Didot(-)Perceval, or Romance of Perceval in Prose, or the Prose Perceval. AD 1200/1220/1230.
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Trioedd Ynys Prydein/Prydain (Triads of British Isle, or Welsh Triads), from Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest).
Eleventh/(late Thirteenth)/Fourteenth Centuries AD.
- Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
- Palamedes. c AD 1240.
- La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
- Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). Fourteenth Century AD (c AD 1400).
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- Camden, William. Britannia. AD 1586.
- Drayton, Michæl. Poly-Olbion. AD 1612, AD 1622.
- Astrological Sign Associated with Camelot - Taurus — Venus- — Earth
- Taurus
- Venus-
- Earth
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Camelot
- Geography of Camelot
- Genealogy of Camelot
- Timeline of Camelot
- Linkages and Synthesis (Excalibur, the History, and a Compendium)
- Introduction to Linkages and Synthesis (Excalibur, the History, and a Compendium)
- Excalibur, Sword of Logres
- Introduction to Excalibur, Sword of Logres by Nicholas Anthony Tockert II and Thomas Branchetti
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name Excalibur, Multiple Excalibur-class Swords, and Other Swords and Weapons
- Introduction to The Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name Excalibur, Multiple Excalibur-class Swords, and Other Swords and Weapons
- Meaning and Origin of The Name Excalibur
- Introduction to Meaning and Origin of The Name Excalibur
- वज्र/Vajrā/Vajra/(thunderbolt)
- Κεραυνός/Kerav̱nós/Keraunos/(thunderbolt, lightning strike)
- Καλα-ϝροψ/Καλαῦροψ/Kalaurops/Kalabrop(s)/Calabrops/(club, septa, staff, crook)
- Mjölnir/Mjǫllnir
- Gram(r)/(wrath)/Balmung/Nothung/(child of need)
- Kaleto-bolgos/(hard lightning)/Kaletios-bolcc/(hard lightning)/Caletbolocos/(hard lightning(/clod/lump/sharp))/Caladbuilc(c)/(literally, hard lightning; also, in the plural, a generic term for great swords)/Caladbuilg
- Existence of Multiple Excalibur-class Swords
- Introduction to Existence of Multiple Excalibur-class Swords
- Before Arthur:
- During Arthur:
- After Arthur:
- Other Swords and Weapons, Comparison with and in Addition to Excalibur
- Introduction to Other Swords and Weapons, Comparison with and in Addition to Excalibur
- Swords
- Other Weapons and Arms/Armour
- Beginnings
- “Excalibur” was forged
- Isle of Avalon
- Otherworld
- La Fontaine de Barenton (The Fountain of Barenton) in Forêt de Brocéliande (Forest of Brocéliande)
- (Mt Ætna/Etna)/(Gibel Uttamat)/Mon(t)gibel(lo)/Monte(-)gibel
- Anatolia, Caucasus, and the Balkans
- Sword with a Wootz blade, made in the Indus Valley (Southeastern India, Northwestern Sri Lanka)
- Khopesh/Khepesh-Style Sword
- Sumerian
- Legendary Egyptian Sword that Glowed Blue when wielded
- The Sword In Crom Catha (The Swoop of Battle)
- Saturn, son of Pallor (or son of Caelus and Terra; or Kronos, son of Ouranos and Gaia)
- Jupiter, son of the high prince Saturn and Ops (or Zeos/Zeus, son of Kronos and Rhea)
- Dardan(us), son of the high prince Jupiter (or son of Zeos/Zeus and Elektra the Pleiad) [1519 BC to 1414 BC]
- Mana Faluis, son of Dardan(us) and Be Chrotha [?Chryse?]
- Tros, son of Erichthonius (or son of Ilus I) and Astyoche [1375 BC to 1328 BC]
- Ilus II, son of Tros [1346 BC to 1297 BC]
- Laomedon, son of Ilus II [1338 BC to 1253 BC]
- Hercules, son of Jupiter and Alcmena (Heracles son of Zeos/Zeus and Alcmene)
- Jason, son of Æson [1300/1280 BC]
- Hercules, son of Jupiter and Alcmena (Heracles son of Zeos/Zeus and Alcmene)
- Priam(os), son of Laomedon and Leucippe [1320 BC to 1240 BC]
- Hector, son of Priam(os) and Hecuba [1228 BC to 1185 BC]
- Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis
- Sword of Archangel Michael میکائیل/مایکل/(mikâ'il)/(mâykel)/(who is like strength/power)
- Flaming Sword
- of Cobalt Blue
- ?Flame of Death?
- The Sword Úar-gháoth/Uarghaoth (Cold Wind)
- Æneas, son of Anchises and Aphrodite [1220 BC to 1175 BC]
- Silvius, son of Æneas and Lavinia; or son of Ascanius [1151 BC to 1106 BC]
- Niul of Inis Tuir, son of Silvius and Be Mhilis [Eleventh Century BC; or AD 368 to AD 452]
- Sword(s) of Gaius Iulius Caesar [100 BC to 44 BC]
- Crocea Mors — Yellow Death
- Angau Coch — Red Death
- Angau Glas — Grey Death
- Sword of Tiberius Claudius Nero (as a Gladius) [c 82 BC to 33 BC]
- Sword of Prince Nennius/Nennios of Briton
- Possibly Gaius Iulius Caesars Crocea Mors — Yellow Death
- Which was buried with Nennius/Nennios
- Sword of Rex Nemorensis
- The Sword An Caladh-c(h)olg (The Hard Blade/Sword)
- Caladh, daughter of Nuil and Be Bheasair [Eleventh Century BC; or AD 388/418 to AD 472/502 ]
- Lomnochtach
- Muinreamhar, son of Eirrgheann
- (Cú Chulainn)/(Cú Chulaind)/Cúchulain(n)/Cuhullin [Died AD 2/12]
- Fe(a)rg(h)us mac Roech/Roich/Roy/Róig/Rossa [Flourished 2nd Century/1st Century BC — 159 BC to 143 BC, or 110 BC to 94 BC, or 51 BC to 30 BC, or 49 BC; Died 1st Century BC/1st Century AD — 27 BC to AD 14]
- Fergus mac Léti/Léte/Léide/Leda, possibly the same Fergus as mac Roech
- Ailill mac Mata
- Fe(a)rg(h)us mac Roech/Roich/Roy/Róig/Rossa
- Me(a)d(h)b(h)/Méabh/Méibh/Maeve, wife of Ailill mac Mata
- Irial, son of Conall Cearnach [b 30 BC to 1 BC]
- Oscar, son of Oisín (son of Fionn mac Cumhail and Niamh) [c AD 230 to c AD 291]
- Beirbhe, daughter of Lughaine/Lóeguire/Lóegaire [AD 463 to AD 493]
- Lughaine/Lóeguire/Lóegaire, mac Néill [r AD 428–458]
- ...
- E(i)m(h)e(a)r/Éimhear/Eimhir Alpa
- Bé Thuinne, daughter of E(i)m(h)e(a)r/Éimhear/Eimhir Alpa and (Cú Chulainn)/(Cú Chulaind)/Cúchulain(n)/Cuhullin
- Aonghus Gaoi Fuileach, son of Breasal and Bé Thuinne
- ...
- Sword of Magnus Maximus/Maxen Wledig (as an Early Byzantine blade) [AD 335 to AD 388]
- Hew na Comhlachtaí (Hew the Bodies)
- an anonymous blacksmith
- an anonymous blacksmith's boy
- Patrick of the Pens [mid 5th/early 6th Century AD]
- An Excalibur-class Sword is passed to the Lady of the Lake/(a sorcerous damosel)
- Sword in the Stone (Sword of Mars)/(Sword of the War God)/(Sword of the Gods)/(Sword of Attila)
- Introduction to Sword in the Stone (Sword of Mars)/(Sword of the War God)/(Sword of the Gods)/(Sword of Attila)
- Sword of Mars
- Sword of the War God
- Sword of the Gods
- Sword of Attila
- Sword in the Stone
- Excalibur is bestowed upon Arthur
- By a “sorcerous damosel”
- or by The Lady of the Lake (who also bestows Excaliburs valueable scabbard)
- Descriptions and Attributes of Excalibur
- The descriptions of Excalibur fit variations of the Spatha, a sword used by the Romans
- When the sword was unsheathed (drawn), its blade glowed white-blue (as ice that was hot)
- No armor could withstand it (monatomic or monomolecular blade edge) clean-edged
- Excalibur instantly kills anyone it touches
- Possesses a kind of oracular magic — Gazing into the sword enabled Arthur to give every questioner an answer
- In Arthur’s care
- He draws against the Wild Beasts of the Forest
- With this weapon, Arthur vanquished many foes
- Against the Saxons, the sword Caliburnus (Excalibur) is used in the Battle of Badon
- He occasionally entrusted “Excalibur” to Others
- ((Llaw/Llwch) L(l)eminawc)/(Lloch (Llawwynnyawc/Llawwynnyawg))(/Sir Lucan(e)/Lucus)
- Llenlleawc/Llenlleawg Wyddel (the Irishman)
- Gawain
- Lancelot
- Meliadus
- Morgan le Fay
- Endings
- After the final battle with Mordred
- Arthur commands one of his knights to throw “Excalibur” into a nearby lake
- A mysterious hand rises from the water and seizes the sword, drawing it under
- Excalibur is probably recovered by a water fairy (perhaps The Lady of the Lake herself)
- Cadwr (Cador(ius)), Earl of Cornwall, rose with Arthur’s (his half-brother’s) sword
- Constantine III (Custennin/Custenhin, son of Cadwr), who was the nephew of Arthur, had the sword Caliburc
- Sometime between AD 1170 and AD 1180
- Galgano Guidotti
- In what is now called Rotonda di Montesiepi (Round Terrace of Hedge Mount)
- Galgano planted his sword in the ground
- The sword is said to have immediately become one piece with the ground, so that nobody could remove it
- A story says that in a vision, Galgano was told to renounce material things
- Galgano, stating that it would be as easy as splitting a rock, decided to make his point by plunging his sword into one
- As the legend has it, the sword went through the stone like a knife through butter
- Was this sword one of the Excalibur-class Swords?
- Sometime afterward, was someone worthy able to remove it?
- In AD 1191, King Richard the Lionheart
- Presented “Caliburn(us)” to his ally, Tancred of Lecce (King of Sicily)
- Sword was ‘discovered’ during the exhumation of Arthur’s body at Glastonbury in AD 1190
- Supposedly in AD 1215, “Excalibur” was in the Royal Regalia lost by King John
- When his treasure wagon overturned at The Wash
- Whilst King John was attempting to avoid the barons
- During the early Thirteenth Century AD,
- (Ex)calibur(n) had been passed down to Tancred’s successors
- Through William III of Sicily
- To Constance, Queen of Sicily and Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor
- Until it reached Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor
- In AD 1229,
- Frederick II presented (Ex)calibur(n)
- To Πέτρος Κορώνηωυ (Pétros Korónioy: Peter of Corone)
- By AD 1260 (most likely between AD 1248 and AD 1254),
- Peter had broken the sword (into at least two, if not three, pieces)
- In battle with Muhammad Yawar
- Who had killed Peter at the very same time (with a piece of the swords broken blade)
- Near what is now the Jordanian-Syrian border (on the Syrian side)
- Possibly between AD 1254 and AD 1260
- Presumedly, the body of Peter was taken to the Venetian castle that sits on a hill above the town of Corone (Koroni: Κορώνη) to be interred, along with a piece of (Ex)calibur(n)
- Supposedly, the remaining piece of (Ex)calibur(n) was taken to the Roman Catholic church of Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary the Greater) on Largo Santa Maria Maggiore in the town of Nicosia, in Enna province, Sicily
- Afterward (between AD 1260 and AD 1277),
- Yawar kept the piece of the swords blade (that he used to kill Peter) as a trophy
- He returned home to Kafashta (possibly Nawa), Syria
- Muhammad Yawar then gave the partial blade to the imam of the town (possibly Imam Nawawi)
- It is assumed that the imam placed the piece of that sword within the towns mosque
- By Fifteenth Century AD
- In Joanot Martorells and Martí Joan de Galbas Tirant Lo Blanc(h) (Tirant the White, or The White Knight)
- Arthur is brought back to life by Morgan
- and then he wanders the world for a long time while mad
- and able to talk only when having Excalibur in his hands
- Finally, Morgan finds her brother imprisoned in Constantinople,
- where she restores him to his mind by making him gaze upon his reflection in Excaliburs blade
- Occurrences of “Excalibur” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
- of Monmouth, Geoffrey. Historia Regum Britanniæ (History of Kings of Britain), or De Gestis Britonum (Of Deeds of Britons). AD 1136/1138/1139.
- Wace of Jersey, Robert. Roman de Brut (Romance of Brutus, or A History of the British);
or Geste des Bretons (Deeds of the British/Britons/Bretons);
or Brut d’Engleterre (Brutus of England); or Roman des Rois d’Angleterre (Romance of Kings of England). AD 1155.
- de Troyes, Chrétien. Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story/Tale of the Grail). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1176/1180/1190/1191).
- of Denain, Wauchier (Gauchier of Donaing). First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. AD 1195/1200.
- Culhwch ac Olwen (Culhwch/Kilhwch and Olwen/Olwyn),
from Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch (White Book of Rhydderch) c AD 1325 and Llyfr Coch Hergest (Red Book of Hergest) c AD 1400.
- Layamon. Brut (Brutus, or The Chronicle of Britain). late Twelfth/mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1209/1215).
- de Boron, Robert. Didot(-)Perceval, or Romance of Perceval in Prose, or the Prose Perceval. AD 1200/1220/1230.
- Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
- Le Livre d’Artus (The Book of Arthur). early Thirteenth Century AD.
- Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin (Story of Merlin). AD 1220/1230s/1235.
- Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
- Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
- Palamedes. c AD 1240.
- de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en Prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
- da/de Pisa/Pise, Rustichello/Rusticien/Rusticiano. Roman de/du Roi Artus (Romance of King Arthur, or The Compilation),
later divided into Gyron/Guiron le Courtoys/Court(e)ois (Guiron the Courteous), and Meliadus (de Leonnoys) (Meliodas (of Lyonesse)).
c AD 1298 (Thirteenth Century AD).
- (Of) Arthour and (of) Merlin (Arthur and Merlin). late Thirteenth Century AD.
- La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
- Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- Arthur and Kaletvwlch (Arthur and Excalibur). Fourteenth Century AD.
- The Parlement of the Thre Ages (The Parliament of the Three Ages). mid/late Fourteenth Century AD.
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Alliterative Death of Arthur). c AD 1400 (Fourteenth/Fifteenth Century AD).
- Arthur. c AD 1428.
- Lovelich, Henry. Merlin. c AD 1450.
- Prose Merlin. mid Fifteenth Century AD (AD 1450/1460).
- Hardyng, John. John Hardyng’s Chronicle. AD 1457/1464.
- Martorell, Joanot and Martí Joan de Galba. Tirant Lo Blanc(h) (Tirant the White, or The White Knight). València: Nicolaus Spindeler, 20 November AD 1490 (Fifteenth Century AD).
- Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
- Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
- King Arthur’s Death. Sixteenth Century AD.
- King Arthur and (the) King (of) Cornwall. Sixteenth Century AD.
- Astrological Signs Associated with Excalibur
- Ophiuchus (⛎) — Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn — Fire, Water, Earth, Air
- Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Excalibur
- Geography of Excalibur
- Genealogy of Excalibur
- Timeline of Excalibur
- The History: Cornwall, Wales, and France (Saxons, Romans, Picts, Scots, and The Irish)
- Introduction to The History: Cornwall, Wales, and France (Saxons, Romans, Picts, Scots, and The Irish) by Jason Hamilton and Caleb Howells
- Chronologies, Timelines, Calendars, and Timekeeping
- Introduction to Chronologies, Timelines, Calendars, and Timekeeping
- The “idea of a so-called ice age, with enormous glaciers covering vast areas of the northern hemisphere,
has conclusively and repeatedly been shown to be erroneous by numerous scientific studies
in the fields of geology, paleontology, biology, zoology, climatology, anthropology, and mythology.”
- Grand Chronology [*speculative]
- Introduction to Grand Chronology
- Earliest date on the Proto-Hindu (*Bharatan/Ariánic/Vedic(/Manasarovar/mind-lake) Ancient Indus Valley) calendar
- c 155,519,999,998,000 BC ≈ 155,520,000,000,000 BC ≈ 156 Trillion BC
- Normalised to c 11,963,076,922,923 BC ≈ 11,963,000,000,000 BC ≈ 12 Trillion BC
- Earliest date on the Proto-Slavic (Proto-Orianian/Borusian/Skolotian/Cimmerian) calendar
- c 1,499,998,000 BC ≈ 1,500,000,000 BC = 1.5 Billion BC
- Normalised to c 115,384,462 BC ≈ 115,000,000 BC = 115 Million BC
- *Earliest emergence date for Aratta (Cucuteni/Tryphillia)
- c 1,021,800 BC ≈ 1,022,000 BC = 1.022 Million BC
- Normalised to c 26,200 BC
- Earliest date on the Sumerian calendar
- <337,718 BC> ≈ 338,000 BC (beginning of Atlantis)
- Normalised to <25,978 BC> ≈ 26,000 BC
- Corresponds to the beginning of the reign of Alulim (Al-lulim, Alorus) of Eridu (Babylon) — Duration of <40,200 years>; Normalised to <3,092 years>
- Date for the first of multiple floods (end of Lemuria, first cataclysm of Atlantis)
- <35,843 BC> ≈ 36,000 BC
- Normalised to <2,757 BC> ≈ 2,800 BC
- Compared with the Biblical Flood date as calculated to be c 2,349 BC
- Earliest date on the Egyptian calendar (end of Hyperborea)
- <30,921 BC> ≈ 31,000 BC
- Normalised to <10,686 BC> ≈ 11,000 BC
- Corresponds to the beginning of the reign of Ptah
- Beginning of Younger Dryas (second cataclysm of Atlantis)
- <11,156 BC> ≈ 11,200 BC
- Normalised to <3,719 BC> ≈ 3,700 BC
- Date for Fall of First Dynasty of Kish (final cataclysm of Atlantis)
- <9,576 BC> ≈ 9,600 BC
- Normalised to <3,192 BC> ≈ 3,200 BC
- The Keltoí, Keltai(s), Celtae, Celtiberi(ans), Celtici, Celtus, and “Modern Celts”
- Introduction to The Keltoí, Keltai(s), Celtae, Celtiberi(ans), Celtici, Celtus, and “Modern Celts”
- Gauls
- Κελτοί/Keltoí/Γαλάται/Galatai/(Galatians)
- Κελταί/Κέλται/Keltai(s)/(Ferries)
- Celtae/Galli/(Galle)
- Celtiberi(ans)
- Lusones
- Titi
- Arevaci
- Pelendones
- Κελτικοί/Celtici
- South of modern-day Portugal, in the Alentejo region, between the Tagus and the Guadiana rivers
- Regions from Évora to Setúbal, being the coastal and southern areas occupied by the Turdetani
- Region of Baeturia (northwestern Andalusia)
- In the North, in Galicia, another group of Celtici dwelt the coastal areas; and comprised several populi, including the Celtici proper
- Κελτός/Κέλτος/Keltos/Kǽltos/Celtus
- 1st-century literary genealogy by Παρθένιος/Parthenios/Parthǽnios/Parthenius of Νίκαια/Níkaia/Nicaea
- Son of Ήρακλής/Herakles/Hercules/Iraklís and Κελτίνη/Keltine/Kæltíni
- Κελτίνη/Keltine/Kæltíni is the daughter of Βρεττανός/Brettanos/Brettanus/Vrættanós
- Modern “Celts”
- Introduction to Modern “Celts”
- Origin
- Languages (in literary date order)
- The History of Cornwall, Wales, and France
- Introduction to The History of Cornwall, Wales, and France
- The History of Cornwall
- Introduction to The History of Cornwall
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “Cornwall”, Five “Cornwalls”, and Additional Places Similar to Cornwall
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of “Cornwall”
- The History of Wales
- Introduction to The History of Wales
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “Wales”, Multiple “Wales”, and Additional Places Similar to Wales
- Prehistoric/Mythic era Wales
- Roman era Wales/Cymru — AD 48 to AD 383
- Post-Roman era Wales/Cymru — AD 383 to AD 550
- Early Mediæval era Wales/Cymru — AD 550 to AD 871
- True Mediæval era Wales — AD 871 to AD 1485
- Early Modern era Wales — AD 1485 to AD 1623
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Wales
- The History of France
- Introduction to The History of France
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “France”, Another Kind of “France”, and Additional Places Similar to France
- Roman era Gaul
- Post-Roman era Gaul/France
- Early Mediæval era France
- True Mediæval era France
- Early Modern era France
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of France
- The History of The Saxons, Romans, Picts, Scots, and The Irish
- Introduction to the History of The Saxons, Romans, Picts, Scots, and The Irish
- The History of The “Saxons”
- Introduction to The History of The “Saxons”
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
The Name “Saxon”, Migrations of The “Saxons”, and Additional Peoples Compared to The “Saxons”
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of The “Saxons”
- The History of The Romans
- Introduction to The History of The Romans
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “Roman”, Roman Settlements, and Roman-related Peoples
- Roman era Britain — AD 43 to AD 410
- Post-Roman era Britain — AD 410 to AD 550
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of The Romans
- The History of The Picts
- Introduction to The History of The Picts
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “Pict”, Pict Settlements, and Pict-related Peoples
- Prehistoric/Mythic era Picts — c 898,000 BC to AD 43
- Roman era Kings of The Picts — AD 43 to AD 410
- Post-Roman era Kings of The Picts — AD 410 to AD 550
- Early Mediæval era Picts — AD 550 to AD 850
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of The Picts
- The History of The Scots
- Introduction to The History of The Scots
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “Scot”, Scot Settlements, and Scot-related Peoples
- Post-Roman era Scots — AD 474 to AD 550
- Early Mediæval era Scots — AD 550 to AD 871
- True Mediæval era Scots — Kings of Scotland
- Early Modern era Scots — House of Stewart
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of The Scots
- The History of The Irish
- Introduction to The History of The Irish
- Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: The Name “Irish”, Irish Settlements, and Irish-related Peoples
- Prehistoric/Mythic era Irish — 9500 BC to AD 43
- Roman era Irish — AD 43 to AD 410
- Post-Roman era Irish — AD 410 to AD 550
- Early Mediæval era Irish — AD 550 to AD 871
- True Mediæval era Irish — AD 871 to AD 1485
- Early Modern era Irish — Lordship and Kingdom of Ireland
- Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of The Irish
- A Compendium of Summaries: Geographical and Genealogical Origins and Archetypes of Arthuriana
- Introduction to a Compendium of Summaries: Geographical and Genealogical Origins and Archetypes of Arthuriana
by Şafak Horzum, Fiona Ingram, Cheryl Carpinello, and Wendy Leighton-Porter
- Summary of Geographies of Origins and Archetypes of Arthuriana
- Geography of Arthur, Lord King of Logres
- Geography of Guinevere, Lady Queen of Logres
- Geography of Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
- Geography of Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
- Geography of The Holy Grail, Quest of Logres
- Geography of Merlin, Prophet and Wizard of Logres
- Geography of Morgan le Fay, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Geography of Mordred, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Geography of Avalon, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Geography of Sir Gawain, Bravest Knight of The Five-Pointed Star of Logres
- Geography of The Round Table
- Geography of True Knights of Logres
- Geography of Sir Lancelot of The Lake, Best Knight of Logres
- Geography of The Lady of The Lake, Sacred Feminine of Logres
- Geography of Sir Tristan, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Geography of Lady Isolde, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Geography of Camelot, Kingdom of Logres
- Geography of Excalibur, Sword of Logres
- Geography of The History of Cornwall
- Geography of The History of Wales
- Geography of The History of France
- Geography of The History of The “Saxons”
- Introduction to the Geography of The History of The “Saxons”
- Geography of The History of The Angles
- Geography of The History of The Saxons
- Geography of The History of The Jutes
- Geography of The History of The Frisians
- Geography of The History of The Romans
- Geography of The History of The Picts
- Geography of The History of The Scots
- Geography of The History of The Irish
- Summary of Genealogies of Origins and Archetypes of Arthuriana
- Genealogy of Arthur, Lord King of Logres
- Genealogy of Guinevere, Lady Queen of Logres
- Genealogy of Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
- Genealogy of Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
- Genealogy of The Holy Grail, Quest of Logres
- Genealogy of Merlin, Prophet and Wizard of Logres
- Genealogy of Morgan le Fay, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Genealogy of Mordred, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Genealogy of Avalon, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Genealogy of Sir Gawain, Bravest Knight of The Five-Pointed Star of Logres
- Genealogy of The Round Table
- Genealogy of True Knights of Logres
- Genealogy of Sir Lancelot of The Lake, Best Knight of Logres
- Genealogy of The Lady of The Lake, Sacred Feminine of Logres
- Genealogy of Sir Tristan, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Genealogy of Lady Isolde, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Genealogy of Camelot, Kingdom of Logres
- Genealogy of Excalibur, Sword of Logres
- Genealogy of The History of Cornwall
- Genealogy of The History of Wales
- Genealogy of The History of France
- Genealogy of The History of The “Saxons”
- Introduction to the Genealogy of The History of The “Saxons”
- Genealogy of The History of The Angles
- Genealogy of The History of The Saxons
- Genealogy of The History of The Jutes
- Genealogy of The History of The Frisians
- Genealogy of The History of The Romans
- Genealogy of The History of The Picts
- Genealogy of The History of The Scots
- Genealogy of The History of The Irish
- Summary of Timelines of Origins and Archetypes of Arthuriana
- Timeline of Arthur, Lord King of Logres
- Timeline of Guinevere, Lady Queen of Logres
- Timeline of Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
- Timeline of Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
- Timeline of The Holy Grail, Quest of Logres
- Timeline of Merlin, Prophet and Wizard of Logres
- Timeline of Morgan le Fay, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Timeline of Mordred, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Timeline of Avalon, one of The Dark Mysteries of Logres
- Timeline of Sir Gawain, Bravest Knight of The Five-Pointed Star of Logres
- Timeline of The Round Table
- Timeline of True Knights of Logres
- Timeline of Sir Lancelot of The Lake, Best Knight of Logres
- Timeline of The Lady of The Lake, Sacred Feminine of Logres
- Timeline of Sir Tristan, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Timeline of Lady Isolde, Tragic Lover in Logres
- Timeline of Camelot, Kingdom of Logres
- Timeline of Excalibur, Sword of Logres
- Timeline of The History of Cornwall
- Timeline of The History of Wales
- Timeline of The History of France
- Timeline of The History of The “Saxons”
- Introduction to the Timeline of The History of The “Saxons”
- Timeline of The History of The Angles
- Timeline of The History of The Saxons
- Timeline of The History of The Jutes
- Timeline of The History of The Frisians
- Timeline of The History of The Romans
- Timeline of The History of The Picts
- Timeline of The History of The Scots
- Timeline of The History of The Irish
- Integrated Summary of the Geographies, Genealogies, and Timelines of Logres
- Geography of Logres
- Genealogy of Logres
- Timeline of Logres
- A Comprehensive Bestiary of Arthuriana
- Asses (Male Donkeys)
- Introduction to Asses (Male Donkeys)
- Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae (History of Kings of Britain)
- Bears
- Introduction to Bears
- Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Brittaniae
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin
- Ywain and Gawain
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur)
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Berbiolettes
- Introduction to Berbiolettes
- Chrétien de Troyes’ Érec et Énide (Erec and Enide)
- Birds
- Introduction to Birds
- Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- Lancelot of the Laik (Lancelot of the Lake)
- Babians
- Cuckoos
- Eagles
- Falcons
- Gerfalcons/Gyrfalcons
- Hawks
- Parrots
- Pelicans
- Pheasants
- Phoenix
- Serpilions
- Sparrowhawks
- Wood-Owls
- Boars/Pigs/Sows
- Introduction to Boars
- Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae (History of Kings of Britain)
- Mabinogion
- Béroul’s Tristan
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan
- Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin, or Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin)
- The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Baldwin of Britain
- Ywain and Gawain
- Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Syr Thomas Malory’s (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Named Boars
- Pigs/Sows
- Bulls
- Introduction to Bulls
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Ywain and Gawain
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Cats
- Introduction to Cats
- Pa Gur/Gwr Yv y Porthaur? (What Man is the Gatekeeper?, or Arthur and the Porter)
- Andrew/André de Coutances’ Li Roman(z) des Franceis (The Romance of the French)
- Graindor de Brie’s La Bataille (de) Loquifer (The Battle of Loquifer)
- Trioedd Ynys Prydein/Prydain (Triads of British Isle, or the Welsh Triads)
- Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail, or L’Estoire de Merlin, or Vulgate/Prose Merlin)
- Galeran de Bretagne (Galeran of Britain)
- Manuel und Amande (Manuel and Amande)
- Bertrand du Guesclin’s Roman d’Ogier le Danois, or Ogier de Danemarche (Romance of Ogier the Dane, or Ogier the Dane)
- Prose Merlin
- Deer
- Introduction to Deer
- Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- Syre Gawene and the Carle of Carlyle (Sir Gawain and the Carl/Churl of Carlisle)
- Le Chevalier du Papegau (The Knight of the Parrot)
- White Deer
- Does
- Harts
- White Harts
- Hinds
- Stags/Bucks
- White Stags
- Dogs
- Introduction to Dogs
- Perlesvaus or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High History of the Holy Grail)
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin, or Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin)
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Black Dogs
- Bratchets
- White Bratchets
- Hounds
- Greyhounds
- Hunting Dogs
- Named Dogs
- Dragons
- Introduction to Dragons
- Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae (History of Kings of Britain)
- Bérouls Tristan
- Chrétien de Troyes Yvain, or Le Chevalier au Lion (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion)
- Chrétien de Troyes Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story of the Grail)
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Gottfried von Strassburgs Tristan
- Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin, or Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin)
- Owain, generally included in the Mabinogion
- Ívens/Yvens Saga (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion)
- Penninc and Pieter Vostaerts Roman van Wal(e)wein (Romance of Gawain)
- Sir Tristrem (Sir Tristan)
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur)
- Prose Merlin
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Syr Thomas Malory’s (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Elephants
- Introduction to Elephants
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur)
- Foxes
- Introduction to Foxes
- Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Frogs/Toads
- Introduction to Frogs/Toads
- The Awntyrs off Arthur(e) at the Terne/Turne Wathelan/Wathelyn(e) (The Adventures of Arthur at the Lake/Tarn Wadling)
- Griffins/Gryffins
- Introduction to Griffins/Gryffins
- Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin, or Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin)
- The Awntyrs off Arthur(e) at the Terne/Turne Wathelan/Wathelyn(e) (The Adventures of Arthur at the Lake/Tarn Wadling)
- Hares/Rabbits
- Introduction to Hares/Rabbits
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur)
- Horses
- Introduction to Horses
- Chrétien de Troyes Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart)
- Chrétien de Troyes Érec et Énide (Erec and Enide)
- Chrétien de Troyes Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story of the Grail)
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Le Romanz du Reis Yder, or Roman de Yder, or Roman dYder (Romance of King Yder)
- Geoffrey Chaucer General Prologue in Tales of Caunterbury (The Canterbury Tales)
- Syre Gawene and the Carle of Carlyle (Sir Gawain and the Carl/Churl of Carlisle)
- Syr Thomas Malory’s (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur)
- The Carle off Carlisle (The Carl of Carlisle, or The Churl of Carlisle)
- Black Horses
- Foals
- Colts
- Mares
- Nags
- Palfreys
- Steeds
- Named Horses
- Hybrids (excluding Griffins and the Questing Beast)
- Introduction to Hybrids
- An Animal that is Variegated in Every Way
- The Keeper of the Forests Beasts
- The Giant of Mont Saint-Michel
- Lambs
- Introduction to Lambs
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Leopards
- Introduction to Leopards
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Prose Merlin
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Lions
- Introduction to Lions
- Physiologus
- Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae (History of Kings of Britain)
- Chrétien de Troyes Lancelot, or Le Chevalier de la Charrete (Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart)
- Chrétien de Troyes Yvain, or Le Chevalier au Lion (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion)
- Chrétien de Troyes Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story of the Grail)
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin, or Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin)
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Owain, generally included in the Mabinogion
- Ívens/Yvens Saga (Owain, or The Knight with the Lion)
- Sir Bevis of Hampton
- Ywain and Gawain
- Alliterative Morte Arthure (Death of Arthur)
- Prose Merlin
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Mules
- Introduction to Mules
- Chrétien de Troyes Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story of the Grail)
- Oxen
- Introduction to Oxen
- Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Questing Beast (Bizarre Beast, Glatysaunt Beast, Glatysaunte Beste, or Beste Glatisant)
- Introduction to the Questing Beast (Bizarre Beast, Glatysaunt Beast, Glatysaunte Beste, or Beste Glatisant)
- William of Malmesburys Gesta Regum Anglorum (Deeds of Kings of England)
- Book of Revelation (from time-appropriate and contemporarily available sources)
- Perlesvaus or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High History of the Holy Grail)
- Vulgate Cycle, or Lancelot-Grail (Cycle), or Prose Lancelot, or the Pseudo-Map Cycle
- Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan)
- Post-Vulgate Cycle
- Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur)
- Serpents/Snakes
- Introduction to Serpents/Snakes
- Adders (classed both as Serpents and Snakes)
- Serpents
- Snakes
- Unicorns/Monocerous
- Introduction to Unicorns/Monocerous
- Wolfram von Eschenbachs Parzival (Perceval)
- Le Chevalier du Papegau (The Knight of the Parrot)
- Wolves
- Introduction to Wolves
- Vulgate Suite du Merlin
- Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail)
- Prose Merlin
- Worms
- Introduction to Worms
- Geoffrey of Monmouths Historia Regum Britanniae (History of Kings of Britain)
- The Grand Arthuriad:
Integration of Summaries of the Geographies, Genealogies, Timelines, Histories, Romances, Legends, Mythologies, Folklores, and Beasts of the Whole of Arthuriana
Afterword by Flint F Johnson
“There is more of Rome*, than of Romance, about Arthuriana” — Glyn Hnutu-healh