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Sir Perceval and Sir Galahad,
Quest Knights of Logres

None of the line items that are included in the following outline are meant to be links.
The outline itself represents the material that is to be covered in the upcoming book known by the above title (available after December 2028).

Foreword by Anastasija Ropa

  1. Introduction to Sir Perceval and Sir Galahad, Quest Knights of Logres
  2. Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
    1. Introduction to Sir Perceval, Quest Knight of Logres
    2. Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Perceval’s Name, Other Percevals, and Other (Wise Fools)/Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Samaritans
      1. Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison:
                       Perceval’s Name, Other Percevals, and Other (Wise Fools)/Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Samaritans
      2. Meaning and Origin of Perceval’s Name
        1. Introduction to the Meaning and Origin of Perceval’s Name
        2. (Peredur ab Efrawg)/(Peredyr/(hard spear) (Arueu Dur)/(steel-arms))/Pryderi/(worry, anxiety)/Praetor
        3. Peronnik/Peronnique
        4. Per[les]chevaux/Perl(l)e(s)va(u)x/Perlesvaus/Pellesvaus/Pellesvax/(Par-lui -fet/-fais/-fez)/Par-qui-li-fez/Parfez
          1. Per[les]chevaux is translated as “Perle’s Horsemen”
          2. perd-les-vaux (to lose one’s values) of Kamaalot, his heritage
          3. Perles-vaux — Perle’s Valley
          4. Perlesvaus as ‘Perceval Disinherited’
          5. Parfez, meaning perfect
        5. Persevaus
        6. Persavaus
        7. Parzival/Parsifal/Perceval/(Percival(e) de Galles)
          1. “Perce à Val”
          2. “piercing the valley” between two opposite peaks
          3. “to pierce through the middle”
          4. Parsi + Fal = pure + fool
          5. Parseh + Fal = poor + fool
      3. Existence of Other Percevals
        1. Introduction to the Existence of Other Percevals
        2. Peredur — Son of King Morvid of Britain
        3. Peredyr (Arueu Dur)/(Steel-Arms)
          1. King of Ebrauc
          2. Son of Eliffer Gosgorddfawr
        4. Peronnik/Peronnique
          1. A foolish young man from Saint-Jean-de-Braie
          2. Who became a fated knight
        5. Perl(l)e(s)vax/Perlesvaus/Pellesvaus/Pellesvax/(Par-lui -fet/-fais/-fez)/Par-qui-li-fez/Parfez
          1. Variation of Perceval (in Perlesvaus)
          2. Both Perceval and Perl(l)e(s)vax/Pellesvaus appear in Escanor
        6. Persevaus
          1. Variation of Perceval
          2. Appears in Hartmann’s Erec as a separate character
        7. Persavaus
          1. Variation of Perceval
          2. Appears in Rigaut de Berbezilh’s Atressi con Persavaus (Atressi with Perceval)
        8. Parzival/Parsifal
          1. Son of Gahmuret
          2. And of Herzeloyde/(herze + leide = heart’s sorrow)
        9. Perceval — Father of Perceval
        10. Perceval — A knight who served King Pellinore
        11. Payne Peveril — Descendant of Owain D(d)an(t)(g)wyn
      4. Comparison of Other (Wise Fools)/Knights/Warriors/Rescuers/Samaritans to Perceval
        1. Ninlil
        2. Fionn mac Cumhaill
        3. Amadá(i)n M(h)ó(i)r
        4. (Brendan of Clonfert)/(Brénainn moccu Alti)/(Brénainn maccu Alti)/(Naomh Bréanainn)/(Naomh Breandán)/Brendanus/((heilagur) Brandanus)
        5. Carduino
        6. Count Rotrou II of Perche
          1. Son of Viscount Geoffrey II of Châteaudun, and Helvise de Corbon (who died 1 March AD 1080) daughter of Lord Rainard of Pithiviers
          2. Died AD 1080
        7. ‘Solar Hero’
    3. Beginnings
      1. Family
        1. Introduction to Family
        2. Mother
          1. Acheflour — Arthur’s sister
          2. Yglais
          3. Herzeloyde/(herze + leide = heart’s sorrow)
            • Compare with Rhiannon
            • Epona
          4. Philosophine/Philosofine/Filleduch
          5. Ragnell
          6. unnamed
        3. Father
          1. Perceval
          2. Alein/Aleyn/Ala(i)n/(noble) (le/li Gros)/(the thickset/fat)
          3. Efrawg/Evrawg/Ef(ra)wc/Eburaco
          4. King Pellinor(e)/Pel(l)ino(i)r(o)/Pellanor/Pelleore/Pelletor/Pollinor(/Belenos/(Beli Mawr)/Apollo)
          5. Parlan/Pellehan(s)/Phellehen/Pellehem/Pelham/Pell(e)am(/Gron/Bron)
          6. Elidur
          7. Ragnal
          8. Bliocadran
          9. Gahmuret
          10. Greloguevaus
          11. Gales/Giles/Wales Lithauz, the/li Bald/Bold/C(h)au(f)s/Chans/Gaiz
          12. Gawain
        4. Sister — Dindra(i)ne/Dandrane/Agres(t)izia
        5. Brothers
          1. Gwrgi
          2. Agloval(e)
          3. Lamorak/Lamorat/Melodiam
          4. Drian(t)
          5. Dornar
        6. Half-Brothers
          1. Tor
          2. Feirefiz
        7. Cousin — Sigune
        8. Wives
          1. Lady Blanchefleur/Blancheflor/Blankiflur/Blanziflor/Flanziflor/Blathnat/Blodyngwyn/(white flower/lily) of Beaurepaire/Belrepaire/Pelrapeire
            • Compare with Olwen/Olwyn in Culhwch ac Olwen
            • and Sebile in Livre d’Artus
          2. Queen Condwiramurs/(conduire + amour = channel of love)
        9. Sons
          1. Kardiess/Kardeiss
          2. Lohengrin
      2. Childhood
        1. Perceval’s father and elder brothers die
        2. Mother raises him ignorant of chivalry and its perils
        3. At age fifteen, Perceval meets knights near his home
    4. Adulthood — Knight of the Round Table
      1. Proves his worthiness as a warrior
      2. Invited to join the Knights of the Round Table
        1. Early stories
          1. Perceval meets the crippled Fisher King
          2. Sees a grail
          3. Fails to ask a question that would have healed the injured king
          4. Upon learning of his mistake, Perceval vows to find the Grail castle again and fulfill his quest
          5. Story continued in a number of different ways by various later authors
        2. Late stories with Galahad
          1. Perceval’s role in the later romances became diminished
          2. He remained a major character
          3. One of two knights (including Bors) who accompanied Galahad to the Grail castle
          4. Completed the quest with him
    5. Endings
      1. Early stories
        1. Perceval’s sweetheart was Lady Blanchefleur/Blancheflor/Blankiflur/Blanziflor/Flanziflor/Blathnat/Blodyngwyn/(white flower/lily) of Beaurepaire/Belrepaire/Pelrapeire
        2. Perceval
          1. Became the King of Corben(ic)/Corbenit/Corbin/Carbone(c)k/Corlenot/(Holy Vessel)/((Chastiaus del) Cor Beneit)/((Castle of the) Blessed Horn — cors benoiz/benôit)/((Castle of the) Blessed Body — cors benoit)/(the Land Beyond)
          2. After healing the Fisher King
      2. Late stories without Galahad
        1. Perceval was a virgin who died after achieving the Grail
        2. His son is Lohengrin, the Knight of the Swan
    6. Occurrences of “Perceval” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
      1. de Berbezilh/Berbezill(o)/Barbesiu/Barbezieux, Rigaut/Rigaud(us)/Richart(z). Atressi con Persavaus (Atressi with Perceval). AD 1140/1163.
      2. de Troyes, Chrétien. Perceval, or Le Conte del Graal (Perceval, or The Story/Tale of the Grail). late Twelfth Century AD (AD 1176/1180/1190/1191).
      3. of Denain, Wauchier (Gauchier of Donaing). First Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. AD 1195/1200.
      4. of Donaing, Gauchier (Wauchier of Denain). Second Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. c AD 1200.
      5. (Historia Peredur, neu) Peredur (fab Efrawg/Efrawc) ((History of Perceval, or) Perceval (son of Ebrauc/Eburac/Ivory)),
                 mid Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1150).
      6. von Eschenbach, Wolfram. Parzival (Perceval). late Twelfth/early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1200/1210).
      7. Perlesvaus, or Le/Li Hauz Livre(s) du Graal (The High Book(s)/History of the Grail).
                 early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1192/1205/1220/1225).
      8. de Boron, Robert. Didot(-)Perceval, or Romance of Perceval in Prose, or the Prose Perceval. AD 1200/1220/1230.
      9. Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
      10. Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
      11. Manessier. Third Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. c AD 1230.
      12. de Montreuil, Gerbert/Gilbert. Fourth Continuation of Chrétien’s Perceval. c AD 1230.
      13. Parcevals saga and Valvens þáttr (Perceval’s Saga and Valven’s Episode). AD 1204/AD 1263.
      14. Post-Vulgate Huth-Merlin (Continuation of Merlin, or The Merlin Continuation). AD 1230/1240.
      15. Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
      16. de Gat, Luce and Helie de Boron. Tristan en prose (Prose Tristan). AD 1225-1235, second half of Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1276).
      17. (de Troyes, Chrétien). Bliocadran Prologue. AD 1251/1529 (early Thirteenth Century AD).
      18. (Roman van) Perchevael ((Romance of) Perceval). AD 1322/1323.
      19. Sir Perceval of Galles (Sir Perceval of Wales). early Fourteenth Century AD.
      20. Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
                 (The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
                 (It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
      21. Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
                 This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
      22. Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
    7. Astrological Signs Associated with Perceval
      1. Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
      2. Libra — Venus+ — Air
      3. Aquarius — Saturn+ — Air
    8. Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Perceval
      1. Geography of Perceval
      2. Genealogy of Perceval
      3. Timeline of Perceval
  3. Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
    1. Introduction to Sir Galahad, Quest Knight of Logres
    2. Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Galahad’s Name, Other Galahads, and Another Pure Knight/Warrior/Rescuer/Hero
      1. Introduction to the Meaning, Origin, Existence, and Comparison: Galahad’s Name, Other Galahads, and Another Pure Knight/Warrior/Rescuer/Hero
      2. Meaning and Origin of Galahad’s Name
        1. Introduction to the Meaning and Origin of Galahad’s Name
        2. Gwalhaved/Gwalhafad/Gwalchafed/Gwalcheved/(Hawk of Summer) ap Gwyar
        3. Galehod/Galahod/Galahad
      3. Existence of Other Galahads
        1. Introduction to the Existence of Other Galahads
        2. Son of Joseph of Arimathea
        3. Lancelot’s baptismal name
        4. Saxon king
        5. Son of King Hipomenes
        6. Alternative name for Duke Galeholt/Galahaut/Galehaut of Sorelois/Surluse
      4. Comparison of Another Pure Knight/Warrior/Rescuer/Hero to Galahad
        1. Hildutus/Eltut/Illtyd/Illtud Farchog
        2. Rhun, son of Maelgw(y)n/Malgo and Gwallwen (daughter of Afallach/Avalloc/Avallach/Aballac/Abalech/Amalech/Amalach/Auallach/Evalac(h))
        3. Godfroi de Bouillon
    3. Beginnings
      1. Conception
        1. Fisher King
          1. Pellam/Pelle(a)s/Pellé/(Afallach) of Carbonek/Corben(ic)/Corbin/(Holy Vessel)/(the Castle of the Blessed Horn/Body)/(the Land Beyond)
          2. Receives magical foreknowledge of Galahad
        2. Pelle(a)s seeks out Dame Brusen/Brisen for a magic ring
        3. Elaine/Helaine/Amite/Helizabel/(Gwallwen), the Grail Maiden, takes on the form of Guinevere
        4. Lancelot/(Maelgw(y)n/Malgo) and Elaine sleep together
        5. Galahad is conceived
        6. Lancelot does not marry Elaine
        7. Lancelot returns to King Arthur’s court without Elaine
      2. Birth
        1. Galahad is born as a descendant of Bron
        2. Placed in the care of a great/grand aunt
        3. Galahad raised at a nunnery
        4. Given Lancelot’s birth name — Galahad
        5. Prophesied about by Merlin
    4. Adulthood — Quest for the Holy Grail
      1. Galahad reunited with Lancelot and is knighted
      2. Goes to King Arthur’s court and sits in the Siege Perilous
      3. Galahad pulls a sword from a stone and becomes a Knight of the Round Table
      4. Holy Grail appears at court
      5. Knights of the Round Table set out to find the Grail
      6. Galahad sets out alone
      7. Rescues Perceval
      8. Galahad is reunited with Bors
      9. Encounters Perceval’s sister
      10. Bors departs their company
      11. Galahad and Perceval reach the Fisher King Pelles of Corbenic
      12. Galahad sees the Grail
      13. Asked to take it to Sarras
    5. Ending — Ascension to Heaven
      1. Galahad makes request to die at his choosing
      2. He is visited by Joseph of Arimathea
      3. Galahad requests to die
      4. Says goodbye for Perceval and Bors
      5. Galahad ascends to heaven with angels
      6. Since then there has been no knight capable of obtaining the Holy Grail
    6. Occurrences of “Galahad” (by various names and descriptions) in Related “Literature”
      1. Vulgate Lancelot Propre (Lancelot Proper). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
      2. Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1210s/1215/1230.
      3. Vulgate/Post-Vulgate Estoire del Saint Grail (History of the Holy Grail), or L’Estoire de Merlin (The History of Merlin), or Prose Merlin.
                 early Thirteenth Century AD (AD 1220/1230s/1235).
      4. Post-Vulgate Mort Artu (Death of Arthur). AD 1230/1240.
      5. Post-Vulgate Queste del Saint Graal (Quest of the Holy Grail). AD 1230/1240.
      6. La Tavola Ritonda (The Round Table). AD 1325/1350.
      7. Perceforest (Pierce the Forest). AD 1330/1344.
                 (The most complete of the four manuscripts known is “Manuscript C”.)
                 (It was written by David Aubert, c AD 1459/1460; for Duc Philippe de Bourgogne le Bon.)
      8. Malory, Syr Thomas. (Le) Morte Darthur (The Death of Arthur, or, as originally titled, The Whole Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights of the Round Table).
                 This ‘Winchester Manuscript’ was published AD 1469/1470/1481/1483.
      9. Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur (The Death of Arthur). Printed by William Caxton in AD 1485.
    7. Astrological Signs Associated with Galahad
      1. Sagittarius — Jupiter+ — Fire
      2. Ophiuchus — Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn — Fire, Water, Earth, Air
      3. Pisces — Jupiter- — Water
      4. Virgo — Mercury- — Earth
    8. Geography, Genealogy, and Timeline of Galahad
      1. Geography of Galahad
      2. Genealogy of Galahad
      3. Timeline of Galahad
Afterword by ?

“There is more of Rome*, than of Romance, about Arthuriana”Glyn Hnutu-healh
*and Achaea, Akkad, Alans, Anglia, Arameans, Armorica, Assyria, Babylon, Briton, Cambria, Canaan, Cornwall, Crete, Cumbria, Dalriada, Domnonia, Egypt,
Etruscans, ExtraTerrestrials, France, Frisia, Gaul, Greece, Hindavi, Hittites, Huns, Hurrians, Idubor, Ireland, Judaea, Jutland, Lydia, Macedonia,
Mesopotamia, Mycenaea, Narts, Norse, Persia, Phoenicia, Phrygia, Picts, Saxony, Scotland, Semites, Sumer, Ugarit, and Wales — to name a few

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